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Mel From Melbourne -------------------- (The Book is available here)


Mel From Melbourne


Poems & Essays & Back & Forth

Or is it Essays & Poems & Back & Forth?


By Malachi Doyle



Most works taken from



Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2023.







Go well my friends.

This work is a bit of an ungainly thing

As life is, I guess.

A mirror or a hall of mirrors

In a mirror.

Or vice versa.


Some are too didactic for mine.

I’m bored reading them. (Still I’ve read em a lot).

You can always skip sections if ur bored.

There’ll be sweeter pickings further up the road.

(now I’m mixing metaphors! (eyeroll))


The rhetorical has come to me more in my middle years.

I used to be more carefree, when my life was more inconsequential.

The 8 years I’ve spent as a teacher of young minds.

Lotta pressure there.

The stakes are high.


Now it’s time to be free as the breeze and drink from the cup of Coleridge’s milk of Paradise.


Many herein are prayers.

Meditations too.


Some are funny.

Some are playful.


& some,

Like the interview,

Are really beautiful.


Note to self:

Be more attentive to others and life.


Oh yes, and some are crude and rude.

Can’t do much about that.


Sometimes nothing else keeps the devil at bay.

That’s right:

FUCK OFF mate!   Cunt!


Jesus got ur measure.



P.S There might be some typos in the mix. Tolerate them. I edited the piece during the blog stages & have only really glanced at them once in final form. I don’t believe in editors. Editing is little different to botox or boob jobs. Sorry ladies, some of you were meant to have smaller breasts. That’s ok. I’ve found many small breasted women very sexy. Breasts are wonderful in all their varieties. Big boobs are really only for wanking to. Don’t take it personally. Guys’ masturbation rarely lasts long and is invariably unsatisfactory. Not a blip. Lovemaking is where it’s at. Relax. Breathe.


The Naigani Serenaders – Volume 1

January 27, 2019

Recorded live in the lounge-room ‘studio’ of the Koroi family home, Vuci Road, Nausori, Fiji by Dr Robert Wolfgramm – former Lecturer at Monash University, Editor of the Fiji Daily Post newspaper and Editor of the New Fijian Translation of the Holy Bible.


In the early 1990s, this sheltered white boy from Beaumaris undertook studies through the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at Monash University, Frankston. In my second year I met and was taught by the amazing Fijian Sociologist Dr Robert Wolfgramm. From him I learned fundamentals in the Sociology of Indigenous and Ethnic Relations, the Sociology of Religions and the Sociology of Popular Music. Robert changed the course of my life. We became close friends, he invited me to stay for a couple of months with him in his ancestral village of Qamea in group of small, remote islands north of Taveuni.


As our friendship progressed I served as Best Man at his wedding to Lupe Koroi and when we returned to Australia, Robert suggested that me and steel guitarist Terry McCarthy (now with The Special) join with members of the local Frankston Fijian community Luke Cama (RIP), Male Lete and George Atu in forming a Fijian-language singing band called ‘The Bula Brothers’. Recording for SBS radio and playing festivals and community events, the Bula Brothers stayed together for 6 years, forming life-long friendships and shared memories.


Fast forward about 10 years, Robert announced that he was to take over the role of Editor of the only non-Rupert Murdoch owned daily newspaper in Fiji, the Fiji Daily Post. Robert stayed in the job for several years, providing the only non-coerced voice in the island’s political climate, before at gunpoint, the newspaper was shut down by the military coup government led by Frank Bainimarama.

Despite the stresses and fear for his life and that of his family that Robert experienced, he chose to remain in Fiji and do his bit to keep up the spirits of his people. Robert joined the team tasked with providing the first Fijian translation of the Bible for over 100 years, updating erroneous translations, and correcting out of date historical and European Colonial oversights inherent in the earlier translation. Christianity is of course a huge part of life in the Islands.


To lighten his spirits from the heavy burden of the biblical translation, Robert used his love of music and technical nouse towards ‘his soul music’, the music of Fijian grog (or kava) bands. The music unique to the Pacific Islands and he decided to record it en plein air as best captures the dynamic and soulful spirit of the singers and instrumentalists of Fiji. Too often a ‘safe’ and clinical studio-approach has been taken to Developing World musics, so when I received a CD in the post in 2012, it was so incredibly refreshing to hear the music as it should be played and heard, live and lively, recording outside on the porch, kava in reach, long into the night. Cheap instruments sure, but such raw beauty. The Musicologist in me delights here the absence of standardized Western tuning, so ingrained in most ‘Folk Musics’ since the invention of the piano-accordion, that one barely hears diverse cultures anymore, rather merely exhibits of a homogenous ‘World Music.’ Here is something different; proudly OF its culture, something you cannot replicate elsewhere.


Anyway, enough about politics; this music is BEAUTIFUL. Truly SO Beautiful. Play it on a summer’s day when you want to deeply relax. The voices soaring, the polyrhythms bewitching. True art is made here.  Add kava into the mix and the high is even further extended, but even with plain water the effect is captivating. Delightful and beguiling.


The Naigani Serenaders are: Siriaki Boleasi (guitar, vocals), Dan Johnson (uke, guitar, vocals), Tevita Matakarawa (uke, guitar, vocals – now deceased), Iowane Salaibula (guitar, vocals), Jone Soro (uke, guitar, vocals), and Iliesa Tadulala (uke, vocals).


The Naigani Serenaders Vol. 1 is available through i-Tunes and Spotify


As a footnote, I thought it might be interesting to add that Robert is a nephew of the legendary steel guitarist Bill Wolfgramm and father of the vocalists ‘The Wolfgramm Sisters’ who have worked with everybody from INXS to the Avalanches, to Ed Shearan. And in the 1970s, Robert released his own gospel records on the Galilee label.


Welcome to the Third World, or The Dark Ages, or Hell(?)

February 01, 2019


Knoxfield, Vic, Australia                                                                               

Saturday, 2nd Feb 2019


There are no non-Murdoch owned dailies in the newsagent.

The Age “wasn’t delivered for the second Saturday in two weeks” – evidence of the new owner’s – the Nine Network, downsizing, and solely financially-interested acquisition.

And so, rightly, I conclude, the descent of Oz into Third World status.


30 odd years ago, we had free universities for all and a vibrant print media. Now 20 years after the internet’s adoption, what...?

In the suburbs...?

The place where the voters live...?

Where a house will cost you a million dollars...?

In supposedly, the most progressive state of the nation…? –

God help us!


And so it is here I find myself with nothing to read and respond to – no dialogue;

And a writer in a Third World Country, or the New Dark Ages, if you prefer, can ONLY respond to what he or she sees, hears, feels, experiences – an ILLITERATE land,


Where the only currency in ideas…

Is the dollar.


“God”, the Modernists said, was “…in the SHOUT OF THE STREET!”

What is that shout now? –

The streets are empty.

People HOME-ANAESTHETIZE (they call it “entertain”),

And when they shout it is mainly incoherent swearing

With the $dollar signs blocking out the ‘rude’ letters;

The mind/soul in a Hell on Earth.


One must argue that the only defense that The People

In Third World Countries have on their side has been COMMUNITIES;

But what do you call this automated/automaton Third World Country,

Where community is mostly absent?


And why I call it HELL, rather than Purgatory,

In that Purgatory at least has a WAY OUT – as long as SOULS UNITE…

To lift one out of its dominion…


No, when there is no JOINT CAUSE,

Because we are so IDEAS-POOR,

THERE IS Hell! –

The land from which there is NO WAY out.


'Music in Fiji Time' with Siriaki Boleasi (interviewed by Malachi Doyle)

May 25, 2019


Siriaki Boleasi is lead guitarist of the band, Naigani Serenaders from Naigani Island Resort Fiji, the very first sigidrigi or ‘classical Fijian string-band music’ album to be released through iTunes and Spotify.


In February of 2019 I interviewed Siriaki Boleasi, interested in the question of how Siriaki learned to play guitar, and the recording of the album, Naigani Serenaders Volume 1 in 2012.

It was a thoroughly interesting and relaxing (thanks to the kava imbibed) afternoon when I interviewed Siri in Boronia, Victoria, Australia at the home of the album’s producer, Dr Robert Wolfgramm.

When reading this text, a Fijian ‘reserve’ might be inferred by a Western listener on the part of Siriaki, but I feel the afternoon might be better understood not in terms of Western-style interviews but in terms of Fijian conversation, a talanoa, where there are always multiple foci of attention and people are patient and considered and it’s as if the group who has the word, rather than one particular person. I have decided therefore to include an excerpt from the chat as a group-created interview rather than a One Vs One.


Bula Siriaki, I thought to start out our little chat, I would ask you about your earliest memories of music. At what age you started thinking about music, how you got into it, how did you learn to play and where you played?

Bula Mal, I learned to play from my elders, when they would sit around at home playing. I'd watch them play and that's how I got interested in playing.

Did you learn a particular part that you had to sing?

No, it’s just come in naturally

And you’d be singing at church and that?

Yeah, at Church and around the Kava bowl.

At what age did you start?

Maybe 10 years old I started, while watching my uncles, my dad singing, and I watched which chord they put their fingers on. And when they leave one I just grab a guitar, yeah self-taught, yeah.

So you knew how to play before you’d ever picked up a guitar, yeah?

That’s how I learned to play. I didn’t go to like a school where they teach music. I just taught myself by looking, listening.

Do you remember how you got your hands on your first guitar or did you play ukulele first?

No I played guitar. Back when I was 10 years old. That’s when my mum bought me my first guitar. & I still remember the brand.

Where did she buy the guitar?

In Levuka, yeah, that’s where I grew up.

Where did you grow up? Was it a village or a town?

A little town. It used to be the capital. On a hill, yeah, overlooking the harbour.

Lovely, so you have early memories of the sea? And the sea is important to you?


I’m interested in this question about not going to music lessons, just kind of picking it up. Would that be a similar experience for the rest of the guys in the band?


Have you spoken to them about their early memories of music?

We all came through the same thing.

You grew up in the same town?


So you knew each other as kids?


And there are/were some brothers in the band?

There were two brothers in the band. All of us came from the same town and two were brothers and there’s another guy who’s from the mainland - Sione Soro who plays ukulele, myself, and Te (who has since died) play the guitar, and then the brothers who sing and play as well). And then we all met up at the Naigani Island Resort

That’s where you take your band name from?


Can you describe the resort? Is it locally owned?

Yeah, it’s locally owned. It’s owned by Sir James Ah Koy.

Does it feel different to the foreign owned resorts?

Yes, much, much different.

In what way?

We get more privileges than people at overseas owned resorts.

How do you describe the kind of music you make? What do you call that kind of music because it’s different to the stuff that’s in the nightclubs isn’t it?

We play mostly ‘classical string-band music’. If there are Fijians staying in the resort we’ll play more Fijian songs. If there are guests from Australia, New Zealand or America, we’ll play mostly their songs.

What do you prefer to play?

Both (laughs).

You can’t lose (laughs).

In the Western kind of music, who do you play?

We play like Rock n Roll, Elvis Presley, John Denver, Country songs, Eagles, all the songs that we know that the guests will know.

Are there any songs that you feel don’t suit ukulele and guitars?

Yeah there are some Fijian songs we don’t use ukulele or guitar.

Why is that?

Coz it’s sung in a choir.

Is there a difference in what those songs are about?

Most of the songs we use ukulele and guitar on are just for guests. And the ones that the choir do are church songs.

Spiritual songs?


And they mean more to you?


(Effect of the kava we’re drinking hits)

I feel as a musician the older I get I wanna do a truer kind of music.

Is there a kind of recording you would like to make?

The more time I sing and play the more I learn new things and I want to put them in.

Do you have a favourite lead guitarist? Or do you have other lead guitarists you look up to? Both in Fiji and outside of Fiji?

Yeah. I come from a very musical family from my mum’s side and my dad’s side. All musicians.

And was there someone in particular you admired?

One of my uncles: Wu, He’s still living.

Did he play in the hotels and resorts?

Yeah he plays most of the resorts in Fiji. And he’s well known. He made a few tours overseas.

What kind of tours did he play?

In Fiji, he was one of the top guitarists in Fiji.

What kinds of places did he play overseas?

Doing concerts.


He toured New Zealand, Vanuatu, That’s the tours I can think about.

So, is there a rivalry between Fijian and Maori musicians about who plays that Island music best?


What’s the difference?

Fijians used to play mostly acoustic guitars and when new technologies came in like when Fijians started using electrical guitars things turned out differently. People started touring all over the Pacific Islands.

What do you feel is the most important instrument in Fijian music?

I think the guitar.

What about the voices?

And the voices too.

Is there a pecking order in the band with who wants to play ukulele, who wants to play guitar, who wants to play lead guitar etc. A kind of competitiveness?

Yeah, yeah. (Laughs) And really we know who plays each instrument better than us. So we give each first choice. As for me I don’t wanna play ukulele. I play lead guitar.

But Every band member is good at a specialized instrument. We all know. I can’t play the ukulele because I know there is someone better than me.

I’m totally in awe of Fijian ukulele playing, when you hear the garbage that Westerners play jing jingga jing jing jingga jing. The Fijians are going like jugajinggagagajing jugajinggaggajing… (Both laugh) Do you know how that happened, how Fijians play that rhythm? Do you know where that would have come from?

(Plays a juggajing#@$%!!!!!!!!!!! complex polyrhythm with his voice and laughs)

It just come up naturally, by playing together more often, we just do new things.

Is there a culture of wanting to show who can go the best? A competitiveness between the band members?

When did you learn your scales or do you think about it in terms of scales?

I just listen and follow.

What musical heroes did you have growing up? Both inside Fiji and outside of Fiji?

Inside Fiji, one is Jese Mocenibitu. He’s a very well-known singer in Fiji and he sings still today. He sings Fijian and English songs beautifully.

What is it about him?

He sings more solo, he plays guitar.

Is it his singing or his guitar playing?

It’s both.

Is there a particular feeling that he can give that no one else can do? What is it?

He’s got this special voice that is very different from other singers. He’s a baritone.

We in the West hear about Mexican singers, we hear about Brazilian singers we hear other stuff, why is it that Fijian music doesn’t get the attention?

Maybe because the music industry is not really that good. Like, in Fiji, once you record a new song, you sell your CD, that’s it. People will take your CD and download, burn it and then give it around, and no need for them to buy your CD.

So if you’re trying to making a living out of it?

Very, very hard.

So if you want to make a living out of music, what do you do?

You just, like me, go to the resorts and… haha (resigned laugh)

Is it frustrating?


That was going to be my final question: If you had an unlimited budget and full artistic control, you could do whatever you wanted, you could choose your engineers, you could choose your producer, you could choose your musicians – what kind of music would you make?, how would you record it?, what would it sound like?, what kind of music would it be?

I would prefer Fijian music.

Would it be something similar to what you’ve done with the Naigani Serenaders?

Yeah, yeah.

“Nai Vesu ni Bula Vakawati”, is that a...

That’s a sad song.

It’s a beautiful song.

Yeah. That song talks about when one of them was dying and he’s telling her, the wife what to do when he passes on yeah…

That’s the single. If I’m biased. That’s the one that gets me. A soaring chorus.

Yes. Just kinda. Yeah.

Do you know who wrote that?

Umm,… no.

Do you know the composers of many of the songs?

Some, yeah, some.

Are they usually local?

Yeah…, some from the North, near where you went, near Qamea.

What about the back story? What about the story that’s not in the song? What does it mean? What does music mean to Fijian people, when they hear Fijian Classical String-band Music?

In Fiji, after a day’s work from the plantation, people will just get together around the Kava bowl and sit down and then play and sing just to like feel relaxed and wind down.

And is the idea to just forget about the day?



We also discussed the diminishing numbers of young Fijians able to play guitar and ukuleles and the threat to the sigidrigi musical form. This form gives to Fiji and other Pacific Islands a music culture which connects generations. With globalization, commodified ‘Youth Culture’ and a ‘programming’ rather than performing approach, many of the traditional or older ways are lessening in vibrancy and complexity. Siriaki was asked if the women in Fiji were also abandoning the traditional rug-weaving and fabric dying, but quietly reassured me that they continued with these older traditions, despite many changes to Fijian culture. The internet, social media, music streaming were a direct threat to the ‘Fijian way’ but still the community has more heart and cohesion than Doomsdayers might fear. It was a real privilege to be with Siriaki that afternoon and to listen to his feelings behind his group’s beautiful soulful sounds. I thoroughly recommend checking out Volume 1 by Naigani Serenaders to ease the mind and spirit. Thank you.

The ‘Roots’ of Racism by Malachi Doyle

September 03, 2020

 ‘Race theory’ was a collection of writings, cartoons and forms of entertainment which gained popularity with the Political Right in Europe in the late 1700s and 1800s, which built its pseudo-science, adaptating amongst others, Charles Darwin’s theory of Human Evolution (1858). It painted a view of Humanity as divided up into more and less ‘advanced’ ‘races’, which was and is often used since to justify a particular group of people’s belief in ‘racial superiority’ and ‘racial inferiority’. Such a view still persists amongst certain Far Right Political Organisations today. Without such a view 6,000,000 Jews would not have been exterminated by Hitler’s Nazi Party during the Second World War (1939-1945).

‘Race theory’ was used to Justify the Atlantic Slave Trade (1500s – 1900s) in which European Countries and Companies stole people from Africa at gunpoint to work as unpaid and severely tortured labourers and domestic workers in the Americas and other parts of the world. Race Theory served to justify such inhumane and brutal exploitation of millions by suggesting that somehow non-European people were less intelligent and did not understand or feel pain and humiliation.

In Australia, such a ‘theory’ created a view of Indigenous Peoples in a similar ‘inferior’ light and was used to justify the systematic dispossession and delegitimization of Indigenous people’s laws, customs and ownership of the land in the British Government’s definition of First Contact Australia in 1788 as ‘Terra Nullius” (Latin: “the land of no one”).

‘Race Theory’ finally achieved its admission into the Canon of European literature with the Publishing of Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness (1899) where racist pseudo-science was received as High Literature by English Departments throughout the British colonies. It is still taught today in some schools in Victoria. In the novel, the protagonist-narrator Charles Marlow talks of his first meetings with Africans (Congolese) in the late 1800s as if these people were ‘incomprehensible’ and capable of not much more than ‘animal noises’. He wrote as if in the late 1800s it was the first time in History that a European had made contact with a sub-Saharan African. This despite the fact that Europe had received Ambassadors from sub-Saharan Africa from more than 500 years earlier, or the fact that Major Ancient Greek Philosophers such as Aristotle (no less) had cited references to Ghanaian scholars, and that Pythagoras is believed to have studied for more than 20 years in Africa, well before the time of Christ.

Conrad’s fanciful story is the kind of nonsense that normally circulated in populist tabloid newspapers of the day. The terrible fact for non-European and ‘Black’ people in general was and is that Conrad despite his disingenuousness was a master of literary style, which meant that his Ahistorical and completely implausible story became taken seriously by ‘serious readers of literature’ all over the globe.

Conrad was not the first nor the last person to hold baseless views of ‘racial superiority/inferiority’. Writers in the service of the Slave Trade wrote hundreds of essays trumpeting unScientific and unsubstantiated ‘drivel’ for centuries, holding back progress for ‘People of Colour’ and Indigenous Peoples through the world. The human cost was extreme and continues today wherever minorities are disadvantaged socially, politically, financially, legally and in acts of submission and violence committed against their bodies and characters. Even after Two World Wars in which up to 65,000,000 people were killed and the resultant signing of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) which all UN member countries signed, including Australia, European Nations and the USA – countries which had been made rich by racist policies.

‘Race Theory’ is nothing more than irrational hatred of someone who looks different from oneself. It has caused countless Genocides throughout the globe, and no continent has been spared. It’s hatred of what it deems to be ‘Other’ knows no bounds. The 2019 Christchurch Mosque Massacre of Moslem Worshippers in New Zealand, was carried out by a deranged Sociopath who believed in ‘Race Theory’. The man was Australian born. Surely, now is the time to put an end to this madness and bury ‘Race Theory’ once and for all. That we might all live as one, in Respect, Unity and Universal Humanity.



‘Africa’s Tarnished Name’ – by Chinua Achebe (this edition 2018, Penguin, UK).

‘Heart of Darkness’ – Joseph Conrad (1899, this edition 2008, Penguin, UK).

‘On the Origin of the Species’ – by Charles Darwin (1859, John Murray, UK).

‘Transatlantic slave trade’ (updated 2020) by Thomas Lewis in Encyclopedia Britannica retrieved from

‘Race’ by Audrey Smedley in Encyclopedia Britannica (2020) retrieved from

‘An African Origin of Philosophy: Myth or Reality?’ by Dr. Molefi Kete Asante (2004, City Press).

‘Holocaust - European history’ by Michael Berenbaum in Encyclopedia Britannica (updated 2020) retrieved from

‘United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)’ retrieved from

‘World War I Vs World War II’ retrieved from



St Kilda in the 1990s

October 02, 2020


St Kilda in the 1990s (by Malachi Doyle)

Dear Brother,


I’ve been thinking a lot about St Kilda in the 1990s, when we were in our 20s and discovering the world outside of our boys-school-raised-leafy-bayside-suburban-world of our adolescence.

Anyway, to a kid like me, it was totally EYE bloody marvellously OPENING!

We were lucky that our man Terry McCarthy was living in a share house in Park Street, St Kilda just off Fitzroy Street, right near the Prince of Wales backbar I loved so much, which was of course, now that I think of it, opposite that boarding house which the BLUNT! or whatever, fucked up & pimped out like the ladies it used but never recognized from their corporatised day jobs.

This corporate world would of course change St Kilda dramatically for the worse, but we’ll get to that. Or not, just saying that Kaiser Jeff bulldozed the soul of St Kilda to let the nazis in for the sake of their casino & grand prix. He as you reminded me, “CLEANED UP” the place. Much like, well you know well about terms like “RIFF RAFF” and “degeneracy.”

He removed the First Nations peoples’ community that used to gather around the green spaces just down the street, a bit closer to the beach. Their presence so ennobled the atmosphere of the town, which accepted people for their characters, regardless of the financial worth of their wardrobes. You would meet many First Nations people in the backbar of the Prince of Wales, along with outsiders from every walk of life: from bohemians, the racially diverse, queers and transgender people, sex workers on their nights off, investment bankers hellbent on self-destruction, as well the middle class types who enjoyed just the wonder of openness and permissivity. It was a very healing place, even if the road to health does admittedly sometimes involve the killing off of braincells in the hope of being free from painful memories.

When I listen now to the music made in the place back in the 90s I know how globally significant the place was. I had no idea back then. I never thought of ‘international standards’, I was just experiencing & being TURNED ON in every sense of the word.


Anyway, I’m best when brief, even if little headway is generally made. No great shame. I feel this world is too hellbent on making headway. Let’s slow down and smell the sea, as it wafts gently, summer breezes, no wait, the Winter nights were best, when after hours gatherings of the unaffectedly-interesting types stirred. It’s all become too CAREERIST today, that is what I bemoan.

The taking of photos is now so ubiquitous that our memories have become bereft of mental pictures. Fortunately, I recorded nothing back then. I was receiving things. I was absorbed. Sure I’d scribble words in my little notebooks on nights I stayed at home, and sang, when asked, at parties but that was about it. We were all reading a lot too. And talking about what we had read. Maybe every young person does this? And today being no exception? I only fear that they do not. That they are too busy finding their locations on their smartphone posts, to get truly lost in the mystery. That they are all defining themselves as “Artists” or networkers. It is so crucial to get


lost in the mystery,


else one learns nothing about how to behave.


Art, I think, should be in the service of better living most of the time. I feel it has become more a commodity: buying the book to take a photo of the cover, listening to a record once and claiming authority. All in the service of giving oneself a platform. Personally, everyone should, weather permitting, go barefoot sometimes. In the ceaseless quest for power/influence, one loses one’s goodness or Soul, as Kev Carmody reminds us.


I listen to the Beasts of Bourbon or a good Don Walker song, or indeed No Fixed Address, or see a soulful drag queen somewhere on the box and think I met beauty and truth in St Kilda – not knowing I was seeking her there. She didn’t look as I was told. People who Looked rough, turned out in fact, to be quite gentle. Those few who had a bark, inevitably, (though nothing is foolsafe) had No bite. As Bo Diddley reminds us “You can’t Judge a Book by Looking at the Cover.”


Anyway, life went on, and the ups & downs of finding oneself smoothed out a bit and I found a life partner after many tries, with a big enough character to hold me and shake me and tickle me and love me & life is good now, speaking personally,


but St Kilda has changed for the worse.

Not as the corrupt guy says,

dog whistling against diversity,

but quite the opposite:

that it has become significantly less diverse

& in the process,

                                        less loving.








Two Poems written on His 84th Birthday

February 20, 2021


‘Peter & Paul’


The scientist obsesses in his lab

The poet adores the great spaces

& if he does not

Then he’s a lab rat

A man of the cage

& it’s suppressions of rage

That from a blank room

He may patent universals

The poet is particular

That flowering twig, that passing bird

He must know its seasonal songs

& his cadence must never be wrong

& in his odes

He must sing along





‘Troubadours & their pearl inlaid guitars’


We’ve become more emotional about ourselves

& less so about others

Love poets & their muses no more

Fetishists & their porn & preparing for war


Bring back the love song, bring back

& those singers who warm & heal

And open chords plucked on strings

That vibrate in concert with our heart strings










July 12, 2021



Of late I’ve become a bit obsessed with the difficulty of communication. I’m not sure it’s what the postmodernists have been banging on about, I think it has ancient precedents. Part of the issue is individualization. We are cut away from the cloth of humanity each by the uniqueness of our own hands. We are each different, separate and opposing. It starts young, they teach you at home, they teach you in school. Under the spirit of competition. The ego is born in battle: I am not you. In love then, one attempts the impossible: to make a truce, to speak as if you and I are the same. Sometimes it holds. But of course truces strain and the warrior ego can easily spring back, sometimes completely unexpectedly. I love you except for this one thing. To some this is understandable, but nowhere is it acceptable. Any reservation in a declaration of love is perceived by the other’s ego as an act of war. You and I are not the same, which the ego takes to be a declaration of war. Things quickly accelerate. Franz Ferdinand goes down and the ruling egos are badly wounded. Eventually the dust settles and the losses are counted. The two go into hiding, separately, until they are able to face each other with their changed faces. Little happy from the earlier years is remembered. But at least the carnage is over. Sometimes a world war is skipped over and a cold war is declared. Sometimes the truce is easier, but it is always a truce and truces strain. We pray for a jazz age when two can join in an ecstatic dance. The lubricated life is the good life, when wars and truces can be forgotten and the two can live in a shared present and lick one another’s wounds back to health.


It doesn’t feel right…

July 18, 2021


It doesn’t feel right watching the film about Hunter S Thompson “Where the Buffalo Roam” via the web. The central scrutanisers have got to get their hands on every moment you’ve ever had, privacy is dead, and we are at the end of times. The Holy Roman Empire could only jack off at the daydream of such a nightmare and one will never again be allowed to do anything atypical, have a rich and varied imagination, no, everything is known and consistent. The vultures are circling, I shouldn’t have taken that pill, I shouldn’t have laid that man’s wife, to be young these days is no longer to embark on an undocumented experiment in many realities, everything is noted down by the worst stereotype of a killjoy and repressed straight and believer in what exactly?, what kind of Republic? Oh that’s right it is a computer. Once upon a time one could transgress and suffer remorse, now one suffers remorse whilst having the experience, the worst kind of bad trip and one can no longer get it up and consummate. No wonder comedy is dead. Everything is read literally. One must now intend every thought we have. No wonder anxiety’s on the rise. In fact the only people who don’t feel anxious are the psychopaths in charge. I won’t watch Hunter S. Thompson unless I can watch it on DVD. I want to have a secret chuckle and affirm some fucked up things. I want to drink a lot of whiskey because this day’s not working out. I want my backroad’s cabin where I can rebuild my vision.



July 19, 2021


The fact of the Morrison’s profound negligence regarding the COVID vaccine roll out is so obvious that even the Labor Party has finally noticed it. I really don’t want to write about this it is so ugly. And the obvious question is why when lockdowns allow, aren’t people protesting at that? Our feet, our brains, our wills seem to be in quicksand and everyone looks anaesthetized. Ok we’re worried but is it that simple? It is truly terrible and even the slow witted must have noticed that a lot of people are being left behind and yes it does appear sincerely to be a tragedy. The banks, despite the recent farcical Royal Commission have redoubled their prey drive and the government is actively destroying lives by encouraging vulnerable and desperate people to give up their superannuation. I really want to talk about something different I really do. The bottle shops are doing well. But for how much longer? Before people can’t even afford cask wine. I don’t do politics well. I am addicted to beauty. But where is the beauty at the moment. Nature can only do so much, and in fact whether we like to admit it or not, despite the common replacement of the man in the sky with mother nature as God, nature is killing us. Sorry to spoil your illusions. Nature is wrecking vengeance as good as any sky god and our bourgeois morality systems clearly aren’t cutting the mustard. Language games won’t save us against this threat. Individualism won’t. Identity politics won’t. Things are getting grave. People need to rediscover values of the common good. The hair splitting of the chattering classes won’t wash when there’s no money to feed us. Foolishly when summer 20-21 came people thought “It’s Over”. But no, the Virus has come back with a stronger strain and it’s quite plausible that next year it will come back with an even stronger strain and so on and so on. And more people are going to die. The disconnect we’ve felt for so long in our geographical and psychological distance from the world and from history in this country is starting to bite us on the arse. The generations born from the 80s and since have been educated without any knowledge of history, without a critical understanding of economics. Reared on American Pro-Capitalist entertainment they know no other way. They’ve been brought up thinking technology and the internet were going to be their salvation, that the gig economy was the way to go. So ignorant of the labor rights movements of the world, they have shunned unions, in turn weakening Australia’s work conditions and civic rights. Consistently voting for Right Wing Governments they have supported continual losses of rights and conditions. We have screwed over one another. Now, today in Australia, there is no People, just disconnected persons. There is no solidarity. Fighting to the death over crumbs called social media likes. I can picture it now, on his last legs the last man in a food and waterless land waits with his smart phone hoping desperately he can get a like for his selfie.



Ideas & History

September 08, 2021

Historical Materialism says that it is the conditions of our existence that give rise to our ideas. Or at least the widespread adoption of our ideas. The creation of the practice of farming gave rise to the adoption of the belief that the animals were actually lower than human beings, no longer our siblings/parents/ancestors, justifying this with stories of God loving man highest and giving us rule over the other ‘beasts’ as they were now known.

But what if we could, through the reach of the internet produce more sustainable ideas and through this change the conditions of our existence. Is this mere fantasy? You might seduce some it is argued, but under the microscope of business and government policy, they will be seen as impractical. Not holding water, as they say.

And so, it seems our pens must come second to our behavior and in our daily lives we must enact what we wish to achieve, we must be models for a new humane civilization. Our lives must seek out more sustainable practices and through our examples which others will receive of, grassroots change will occur. While it might not overturn the bankers’ world, it will make real difference in the lives of our fellow beings/place. Small actions have huge consequences, don’t believe the hype. Our whole is made up of the personal. Real, not postured, humility is the right path, not star status. As we know stars are planets and suns and they are a long way away. Here is where we should be looking. Here and now.


When The Music Stops

September 28, 2021


I’m cut up


I’m cut up like a collage. My head’s where my knee should be. At least the mouth is. My nose is fixed like a cap to my neck. There’s a saxophone instead of my left foot. And Elon Musk’s space ship is where my heart should be. Should be, that’s if the whole thing wasn’t a moving trainset going over a series of cups and jigsaw blades set amongst a 17th century rainforest, with the Indigenous trading with aliens for a concert hall in place of what? Did I say it was an artwork racist at its heart? It belonged to Herman Goering who modified it with a team of concentration camp child slaves. But you know it’s hot amongst the Monaco set and is projected onto some IMAX-like cinema screen as background entertainment for old billionaires, while they are fed from the bellies of beauty queens sourced by a former president of some country you’ve never heard of but probably declared war on through your giraffe-headed-rainbow-footed popularly elected leadership bottoms, who carry shopping bags for a 5-sided Kandinsky rubics cube toasted cheese sandwich in a panda onesie. It’s on my wall. Projected back out at me through my bathroom mirror when the music stops and I brush my pearly whites.


By Malachi Doyle 2021.


Aaron Neville sings Stardust

October 04, 2021

There's a bit of a sentiment amongst the Melbourne scene that Aaron Neville is not to be publicly celebrated.

It's always been a bit hostile to tenors and pure voices, preferring singers of the Dylan set.

Incidentally Aaron's done some incredible versions of Bob songs with his brothers.


As a once singer who no longer has the emotional capacity to raise himself in sonorousness I have a real appreciation of Aaron.

In many ways, he's the singer's singer.

The most audacious lines are articulated.

He doesn't just tack his trills at the end of his lines, like Mariah Carey and so many followers,

he weaves them into his lines, in fact the line and the trill are inseparable for Aaron.

All the while he sings with profound spirituality and emotion.

Having seen him in concert, his humility is obvious. 

He's all about the song, not his ego.


A while back this youtube clip from the 80s popped up in my suggested views.

I find it in equal parts astonishing and truly moving.

The song is the standard Stardust.


I once wrote a line about feeling it a profound privilege to share the same planet as Aaron Neville.


I actually mean that.

It's one of the joys of being alive.


It is what it is, I went to the zoo

October 22, 2021


It is what it is, I went to the zoo


I went to the zoo

When I was a kid

All the other goats

Stayed on the mountain

That’s where I learned

The law of the jungle

The lawyer’s legalese

While my clients

Chewed on grass

And my friends

We lost touch

They moved further down the bay

Still dressing in their polo shirts

I slept with refugees

Whose suffering

I had a great deal of trouble

Reconciling myself with

I was brought up to fantasize

About women

And here was “not an interesting story”

The son of an Auschwitz survivor

Once said about his parents’

It made sense

When later

I made love to my woman

To a pedestal (better)

& realized I was a phony

Just like all middle class liberals

“Still at least we’re not rapists

Like the Cappos”

You could see it that way, sure

But kids don’t kid around much

These days

Their jokes sound like sermons

In short they’re applauded and agreed with

But you don’t hear full body laughter

For example, one comedian reckons

The bay people are like a private club

Pretty obvious really

Or to quote my Slovenian mate

“they’re boring”

And so I moved to the desert

Where the golf courses are made of sand

And the miner’s billions

Cost her father a pound

Fortunately we have libel laws

So you can commit wholescale murder

And pay a small fine

You could call it an expense

There aren’t many it’s good

I’m on a retainer

The golf is good

It’s too hot to play

So we play at night

My goat vision an advantage

Over these what would you call them?

We’re having Kow Pung chicken for dinner

So I’m ok

I just wanna eat and eat and eat

You know us goats

We’re not fussed about who’s our dinner companions

I’ve eaten with the lions

I’ve eaten with the lambs

I’ve eaten with the sharks

I’ve eaten with the vultures

As long as the eating is good

“It is what it is”

The saying goes

A great leader in slacks and a hi-viz

The 11th and most important Commandment





The Good Fight

October 27, 2021

The Good Fight


I’m tired of fighting

I really want to stop

It takes so much out of me

I lose years to breakdowns

Where I can barely walk

I stop

I breathe

I paint


Play with colours and form

Abstractions meaning nought

A meditation is all

It’s kind of beautiful you know

And some people can do it

And transform reality

And communicate

And move others

But my life is different

& hell you only get one

I am a fighter

And there are millions to defend

In a game run by bullies

Mining companies own the pollies

Destroy the planet and get repaid with grants

Kill ancient treasures

Maim ancient cultures

Ancient cultures that can guide the world forward

To living sustainably

To living equitably

Economics’ law of scarcity

Is not inevitable

If we learn from the ancients we see

There is enough for all

If we stand up to bullies

And promote our world’s ancient wisdom

Carried on the backs of honest people

For tens of millennia





A Mixed Bag as usual

October 30, 2021

A Mixed Bag as usual


After a disgraceful night on the lash

One would do well to view my epodes with suspicion

It was great to be out with friends again

After nearly 2 years under confinement to our homes

And even The Bard warned against killjoys

Moderation in all things

Along with moderation

Nothing very new then

I am a man

The good the bad the ugly

But I am I think if viewed correctly


I give the pantheon a good giggle

As my old mate said

You might be a f%#K up

But you’re OUR F&*k up

I overreach

Then lacerate myself with spells of anxiety

Then a period of calm

Then an intense feeling of elation

That causes me to overreach

On the high wire act that is a man’s life

Then the panic again and self-recriminations

Then anxiety without object

Then abatement

And so on

It’s a bumpy ride

For me and for others

But I guess it’s my ride

I am thus-wise constituted

I am profoundly embarrassing

And irritating

An incessant

But as one of my additional needs kids vouches

I am patient and kind

So what is all this?

What does it add up to?

Some maintain that on a preordained day

I will be judged

As to my sum worth

Like a final tax return

But so too I will live for a while

In the memory of others

As my late mum said

It’s not what people do or say that you remember

It’s how they made you feel

I hope I’ll leave some nice feelings

I wish to uplift the world

From its downcast ways

And give the meek some belief in their humanity

The job of the poet

Is I guess not to be one thing

But as Les Murray said

To look at life from a new angle

Each day

Yesterday before the wild session

I bought a vinyl copy of the great Neil Young album

On The Beach

And the marvel of Greville Records

Said that he’s waiting for someone to write a piece

About how important music and the creative arts

Have been to us during our

Extended periods of lockdown

I don’t take direction well

I pursue things from weird angles

But anyway thank you for the music

As ABBA once put it

Thank you for the Art

We need you

& Life would be unendurable without you

Thank you

For the way you make us feel.




Nietzsche Backwards & Forwards

November 01, 2021

Nietzsche Backwards & Forwards


The isolated thoughts are sane for a time

Before they become maddened

The in the world thoughts are wise when they’re new

But eventually jade to vacuity

Life is a balance

Time with the crowd

Time on the mountain

The polyglot’s is a beautiful path

When handled with wisdom’s humility

But you never were very wise, Friedrich


You could’ve played your hand

And enjoyed the richness

Bow when you overstep

So would’ve said your loving Dad


You WILL sometimes

It’s late perhaps

Love & laugh

Dance Tragedians Birth

Yes perhaps after all

It is early

Our world?


& so you write a shopping list

Over the climax of your magnum opus

You’ve always had a sense of humour

I just wish you’d ’ve known

The gifts of Love

You could’ve retired like Van Gogh

You could have been Immortal

& not mere Genius

An arcade game for logicians

You could have shared in human warmth

& amazing stories we could have shared

Reminding the world

That Man’s greatest Highs are transitory…


The multicultured dance

Is the wildest test of wit

You alluded to this at times

It is the best mix of climes

You could have flowed tai chi flexibility

To smooth out your peaked acoustics

You could’ve loved

Had you not sought to possess

That most ill-suited to your spirit

And conservative aspect


The trills of the thrills

Grow truly Uber

Higher than the Matterhorn

Rejoicing with the Heavens

And your 6 years old Friedrich

Rapturous in Handel

In every child’s nativity barn

Animal and man in arms

Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, First Nations

As Time is born and melts into dreaming

Waves rise and fall

In Sound and Light and All

Like a Berlin dancefloor

Had you lived to the 20s

You would’ve dropped the act with the Bohos

And a better 50s you would have got medication

& found one more redemptive work in you

You could’ve truly broken through

The wall inside me & you




History & its Biases

November 02, 2021

All good brother,

swimming in the sea and Hunter S Thompson is always wise.

A good way to go

Inside this rollercoaster pipeline.

I'm enjoying my break from music.

Not sure I like writing much, sometimes it’s fun,

when I get in a Hunter like groove,

but serious writing is truly awful.

It is seriously unpleasant.

It messes up your insides.

While the World chatters as glibly and arrogantly as ever.


Have been meditating on suffering 

And how too often people focus on the perpetrators of crimes against humanity

And how rarely we focus on the victims/survivors.

Is it because my lot are victors of History?

And count victims/survivors as Other?

Is it the structural biases of English?

Is it mere habit of outlook? Of Practice?

I lay on the bed crying about it all Sunday afternoon,

It haunts me as I work in the Knowledge Industry,

Contributing a lot of volume,

But little that brings about anything approximating Justice

And thought I SHOULD write about it

If writing I do,


But frankly, 

I don't have the stomach for it.


Where to start, where to begin? --

Another war starts in Ethiopia

Where do they get the guns from?

Food is scarce

Are guns cheaper than potatoes?

But the victims already pile up,

Doomed to be but numbers in the World's Press.


Who will remember them?

Their spirit, their wisdom, their love, laughter and music?

Will the media speak their names!

Name them, 

Tell their stories

Their appetites for work

Their plans for the future


And demand help for them

To lessen the toll

And not chalk what's happening up as 'another' anything

Suffering is unique

Each victim is rich in variety, complexity


Speak up their humanity

Show us their beauty

Grant them their Rights as Humans

That is the truth of Tragedy.





On The Journey

November 11, 2021

I get well

I get good

I get great

I get supergreat

I overstep

I look down

I panic

I self recriminate

I worry

I disconsolate

For Days

I rebuild

I get mild

I get well…


©Malachi Doyle 2021.




Frankly, we looked like friends

November 13, 2021

Frankly, we looked like friends


The shadow self while significant in times of heightened psychic stress is not the main player in a material time of great import. God is in the shout of the street. Irony, while useful to calm one’s anxieties when at their zenith, is no creed to live by, less one is to give in to radical complacency.


I am no William Blake, Ben Okri, but at times I touch his light & Yeats says In dreams begin responsibility. & today, if I can’t see humanity in a lotus or eternity in a wine glass, should I be allowed to write of flattened moods? Are such angles useful or should one’s tongue be stilled? Do we need more noise in a world that’s deafening? With no sign of short circuiting. As Okri said, maybe the exhausted should get out of the way, because there are others who should be heard.


We all ate today, at a gathering of strangers. This is good. This should be guaranteed. It was just one place in a many placed world, but shit that’s where we were. And it was pleasant to see faces around us convivial, in a reprieve from a plague. & to forget about Right against Left for a minute, to ignore the tv, the internet. & perhaps from this margin, a new book was made? Cos frankly, we looked like friends.



©Malachi Doyle 2021.

On Divide & Rule

November 17, 2021

On Divide & Rule


I feel as if my students look at me

As if I’m somehow responsible for the bad weather

As if I have set it as homework

With an unfair submission date


Last night we went to the beach

And the great blue sky domed high above

Maybe I could set that

It’s so close to the end of the year

No one would notice?


Imagine if we as teachers were trusted

To gift our students the world

& not mere texts

If there were no prohibitive insurance policies

& phobias of catastrophe

Imagine if we taught within our community

Maybe we could really sort out some stuff

We could break that suspicion of others

& un-divide the rule




On Obscenity today

November 18, 2021

On Obscenity today


A previous piece contained obscene language. I wrote it while hot, but the written word quickly cools, and cools sober and impassive and unflinching. And after the post-disclosure anxiety attack, came the realisation that this anxiety had some basis in something that clangs false. It makes me think about what I read recently about the painter Patrick Tjungarrayi: that the Dreaming is listening. The ancient way is about wisdom, while modern man gets seduced by the sound of his technique and falls in lust with his own handiwork, and yunno, this is getting us closer to an endgame on many levels. There are better stories to tell than the one I told. The story was poorly selected from the psychic library of universal stories we all have access to. We should choose our stories more carefully, not from fear of others’ reactions but from the chain-reaction that follows each word we activate.




This eventually Lightens Up

November 21, 2021

How to start such a week as this, as any?


A truly terrible way to start the working week. Why did I do it? Research the marches sweeping the cities of the world, but of course no one seems to know where the money is coming from? I guess accountancy is good like that, if you’re a fascist billionaire or network of billionaires. Divide the people, necessitating authoritarian governments to maintain order and your security forces and weapons and news outlets. Blah blah, as Joan of Arc, sorry St Greta says. Still, what a waste of a beautiful day. All that was achieved was that I am now miserable, which is no doubt precisely what the plot has been all along – to sew atomised discontent amongst the people. We amplify the threat and diminish the good. This is the definition of a production line of tragedies, where is Aristophanes when you need him? Why aren’t the production houses allowing comedies? This is also a question, is it? I understand the current love of instrumental music. A break from words, because the current words are bad.















Yellow with stripes on it

Like a trip hazard

Like an icypole

Yunno kids still love frozen sugary drinks


I dearly love frozen things on a hot day

For all the horrors

Of the dispossession

The white man brought the freezer

Good in a hot summer climate

I wanna get out into the bush soon

I will

The bush is healing

Kev Carmody’s butterknife slide guitar boogie

Who would’ve thunk that

Some of his best recent work is his instrumentals?

Capturing the humour

In the dreaming

In country?




The sound of Music


The absurd little bird

Coming out to say


My dearly departed friend Mikey

Taught me a depth of love

Of our birds

& their                                                                             people


Birds are great fun

He called King Parrots

Twinkle Discs

As in a Japanese mini disc



“It thinks it’s better than

It is”


Maybe like the birds

We need to feel pretty

And rejoice in our gift of

















Lee Scratch Perry & Poetic Truth overcomes Defamation

November 25, 2021

Lee Scratch Perry & Poetic Truth overcomes Defamation


Defamation Law prevents us from engaging with our politicians

The rich are so easily offended it seems

Why is it the hypersensitive are so prone to denying human rights?

But of course the latter are now on the nose

And the former are IN

The politicians are silently dog whistling

They stick to fighting through the courts

And conducting blood ballets

Off the record with their teams of accountants and lawyers

So we have with poetry, music & art

The Government of the tongue

Spend more time with your artworks people

Learn how to experience & read them

You got to learn to dance

Before you be too quick to judge

There’s a BIG message

In every brush stroke

& every remix

& every accented rhyme

Lee Scratch Perry

Apocalypse rider

Psychic acrobat

Madman in the marketplace

Surfing bombora

Nothing to lose

More alive when dead

Than most you sold meat on the street

Scratch threw off the shackles

Grew his sense of humour till it sprouted planets

Never conned into being serious

Who is really serious?

When the truth can get you sued




What’s a boy to do?

November 30, 2021

What’s a boy to do?

(For Lorena Allam)


Lee Scratch Perry’s


Plays with genius madness

& prophetic gobshite















First Nations


On Country








Deep listening



Th’ Incessant assault





On top










Always at the beginning



Is where












One tread lightly?




To what’s most holy




Or sometimes











In their place?



The last bit’s

Not a conclusion)



What’s a boy to do?


It all sounds light

As if some kind of joke


That’s English for you

The folly sounds serious

& the serious sounds folly


What’s a boy to do?



Universals by Earth To Malachi

December 05, 2021

The ancient Chinese were right to tie knots in string rather than write words. Nowadays we type words in some standardised font even further separated from the making of marks of meaning on the infinite canvas. We merely copy and paste third hand concepts which we never test and call ourselves experts on the world and enact policies. Again, the world a concept that may or may not mean anything. Convention determines our understandings. What authentic witness to experience and drifting thoughts under psychic stresses and eases do we bring to bear?


Listen to Universals by Earth To Malachi at the link provided.

©Malachi Doyle 2021.



An undoing of knots

December 12, 2021

(a space in Jells Park 11/12/2021, Wurundjeri Woi Worrong & Bunurong country)


From my limited experience, it seems to me that the great writers are invariably fairly pale kinds of people.

The great spirits are dialogists & enablers who would rather live than write.

People like yourself.

I was suggested to run a poetry picnic in Jells Park the other day

& in the process realised that my poems in writing are fairly b grade,

which was initially disappointing,

But I did rip out a pretty cool improv on guitar which spoke to, of, with & for the occasion.


Above all I preferred the collaborative nature of the day, with EVERYBODY SHARING

than the usual stage delineation between performer and audience.

The birds, animals, trees, water, sky & earth participated too, the spirits who were acknowledged and present.

There were some beautiful words read, recited and spoken, where written texts, borrowed texts and the conversational, the sung blended into one patchwork quilt.

Of course History prefers documents.

Hence the two dimensional page.


My artistic truth is the uncaptured, the document mere fragments souvenired (or perhaps vandalised?)from the whole.

I really feel that the written word is merely a touchstone for the ineffable of the infinite/intimate.



(Excerpt From a letter to my Mentor, Dr Robert Wolfgramm)


I also made a sound piece in honour of the occurrence.





Not about the Beatles per se

January 10, 2022

The Beatles were so right about our materialist, individualist world –

“You don’t see me”

& I don’t see you


& this causes so much frustration

Which easily heats to anger –


We don’t see one another,

Because essentially

One cannot be perceived –


One appears to another through a series of masks & mirrors


& today

Most people we see

Appear via screens

Rarely presenting themselves

Other than in the capacity of a functionary


What I’m saying also

Is that you don’t hear me

& I don’t hear you –


Were it ever possible to

It would be impossible

Using the today’s language of

Commerce & politicking & power,

To attempt intimacy


I say something

I think is beautiful

& I wish to share the beauty I feel with you


But a word catches

You don’t like that word

All you see is that word

That becomes the focus –


The signifier

Not the signified


This is especially clear in our age

Of individualist materialism –


I am open

But still waiting for real proof

That it has not always been thus.





In rare moments

We feel each other –


The inside,

We see & hear one another –


How does it come about?

I wonder


& is it so incompatible

With what some people

Call God?




Why Write?

February 16, 2022

Why write? 

People aren’t cut out for reading. They’re incapable of joining the dots, except for the few destined for the madhouse. It’s tedious. Everyone’s talking politics, they call it. Sounds more like gossip to me. It’s crowding out articulate voices with animal noises and photoshopped faces.

You can’t teach about genocide via a movie. Movies are exterior. Suffering is interior. You can’t do justice to a genocide by focusing on the perpetrators and leaving the victims silent. Then you are perpetuating it. JoJo Rabbit is a tragically mistaken work. It provides little but a sympathetic Nazi and anti-Semitic ear worm taunts. I once wrote a poem using the n-word. Born from a life experience where it was embedded and recollected in the poem. I spent years editing and footnoting all trying to make it work, until finally I realized it was inherently flawed. I guess Hollywood rewards people who put entertainment and their artistic egos above morality. Most famous artists are unwise. Except about building their careers.

Perhaps because their audience is unwise. A lie can never become a truth. No matter how hard you work on it. It’s tedious writing this. I’ve sworn off writing about genocide. I think the survivors who said no art would ever do justice to the holocaust were right. But the genie is out of the bottle and the holocaust becomes mere aesthetics. It’s tedious having to remind people about this. My heart’s not in it. I’ve broken my mind too many times banging on the same wall. Do I really have to break it again? I promised myself not again.

But, I don’t know, I guess I think that as a privileged person I have a responsibility to defend victims. And so do you. So why are you silent?

Mouth, & things related to the mouth by Earth To Malachi

June 22, 2022

Mouth, & things related to the mouth


I seem to spend an inordinate

Just wanted to use that word

Would a helluva lot work better?

Shouldn’t I try for as wide a potential audience as possible?

Don’t get me wrong I’m under no illusions that many will read or hear

But yunno, not to isolate; rather to invite people IN


What was I talking about again?

It’s not really relevant is it?

You only want to know who I am

Or rather what I am

A unique event

Reduced to an object from a collective said object


Of course, you doubtless think

I’m beating around the bush

Anyone would say that

I know I would, in fact, I am outright saying it


All I really wanted to say was that I cringe A LOT these days

At old foot in mouths committed over the years

They behave like a lowlight reel on a loop

Embarrassing moments from my youth

The older I get

Rather, I wish I could occupy my psyche with new and interesting things

& not just rehashing sh#t

But yunno, not much happens when you get to my age


Well not quite true


A lot happens

But most of it dying or decaying

& yunno that’s not very titillating is it?


When I was young everything seemed for my amusement

I never minded the foot in mouths

I barely gave them a second thought








letters & numbers

July 11, 2022


numbering the painting so not to lead the viewer

still the viewer is led

& presumes meaningless
as a meaning
as if visual language must mean nothing
when not translated via words

we now use numbers as words
everything is words
like gestural splashes --
an everything of things  




Poem 2

July 14, 2022

Poem 2


It doesn’t there was a disc

Now think, you who good cheer

What rabbit what is not but you

Baby rapturous & confused

Would snatch it with your hand

Bland hill bald aren't what?


Over & under

Up & down

Out & in

Inside surface



In spontaneous

Da boo bap 

Ta zwimmerzwommer twip


Ya can’t swear or be honest on a work computer





Red hi

July 15, 2022

Red hi


Red hi red chain green mouth why are yes when will how? Don’t drink the wind and in your mind’s ear Fortune flavours the air ducts why sand and clever hard to get into black & whisk no hi




Prose haiku #4

July 17, 2022

Prose haiku #4


I when who you been where too?

It there under the orange blanket lifted

Cut was in the shards & shattered

Blood is enough you get it



Here lies…

August 03, 2022

Here lies…


Here lies recumbent slumber to an insomniac. Man that hurt, my mind is getting stupider by the day & I have to consult web dictionaries because my vocabulary is diminishing. An access issue. I’ve switched off part of my brain to preserve my sanity. Mentally and emotionally exhausted. Better to make animal noises or what the pentecostals call talking in tongues. I do it in the car, where nobody can hear. It feels good to do so. It had got to the point where I was recording everything and the observer effect is felt because one is always self conscious not to sound crazy. That one’s utterings adhere to standard historical modes of artefact. For now I prefer the unrecorded. That which passes forever into space untranslated into text. Vibrations are good said Wilson Brian. Is it clear I like the Beach Boys? I listen to them every day. Because of those good vibrations and joyous balmy seaside thrills. I could quite easily move to the tropics and wear shorts and savats* every day.


*What we Aussies call thongs/sandals & the Brits call flip-flops.


August 11, 2022



Why is it that discussions of reggae singer Peter Tosh are discussed in terms of relative popularity whereas John Lennon is discussed in terms of his artistic achievements?

It appears that Third World art appreciation is discussed in teen language while First World art appreciation is discussed in academic language.

Why do all poetry magazines about Africa on the web come from America?

Some would say that none of these questions matter much to discuss.

That we know what exists and what has to be done.

That literature is dead.

Still politicians deliver speeches.





August 25, 2022

… babble babble babble…

Why did they stop taping up my mouth?

I used to know my boundaries then

When I was 6



art & politics

August 30, 2022

Some have claimed that the birth of Abstract Expressionism in the US while not caused by it may have had connections to McCarthyism when it was deemed safer not to be explicit. In China, Ai Weiwei claims that to solely make paintings of traditional themes is forced by the repressive mechanisms of the state against the body and spirit.

When will political bullies bugger off and allow artists to create art representative of the enormous capacity and potential of the human spirit? Social media umpires demand that an artist explain herself at all times quoting things out of context and denying the symbolic and the dramatic, modes, poetics, traditions, fiction, the right to transgress to name but a few. It gets harder and harder to make art where a sophisticated audience is required, after all everything on the internet is rated G. & so art is embroiled in suspicion much like it was under Hitler & Stalin, the message that the human is so terrifying that if she lets go in her art, and great art requires this, she must be silenced. Any artist I’ve known began in innocence and joy and is, alas, taught to feel self-conscious, when the whole purpose of art is to escape the self and merge with the whole.

For this reason Nietzsche celebrated the Dionysian Dance. He had a point, but should have stuck much the time to art and avoided politics, because when people don’t trust their artists/writers they are more likely to read into their art a call to arms. And a call to arms can be embraced just as it can be rejected.



I am mostly kind

September 01, 2022

I am mostly kind

What is the shadow of this?

That I judge, that I am inflexible

To the movements of others

As I judge myself and am inflexible

Towards my own movements

Still, I know all this is illusion

For it is not I

But the self is the universe

I am you

& there is only really All



The tragedy of self consciousness

September 29, 2022

There were things wrong with my childhood but a good thing was that we didn’t wear branded clothes.

We wore handmedowns.

We were also infrequently photographed.

We didn’t really think about how we looked.

It was all about identification with every aspect of life.

Today children are reminded what they look like several times a day.

They have become self conscious.

Identifying only with their physicality, alas life for them is but an exchange of surfaces xx


Sometimes I travel

October 02, 2022

Sometimes I travel


Sometimes I travel between spiritual planes and collide with malicious intentions. I should say malicious intentions rather than malicious spirits, because a spirit need not be one thing exclusively. Spirits can contain diverse intentions. Particularly in a multifaith, coloniser/colonised world. Of course, it might also be conjectured that reality doesn’t offer itself to direct interrogation? And so, we tell one another stories about miscellany. And these divertimenti entertain. And in our mutual captivations, intimacies and deep communications proceed. Remember, we don’t directly detail our feelings when we give voice to things. "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao." 

Talking and listening is healing and it's good to journey through another’s tales.

We go beyond ourselves, into the All. We love and we realise it's not necessary for another to measure up to our expectations. It's often quite mysterious why we like who we like. 




I need to read more and be silent but my soul's on fire like a burning man

October 09, 2022

need to read more and be silent but my soul's on fire like a burning man. I sound political when basically I think it’s hokum. Really what I’m saying is that I think Politics is a con, in a world that demands we take it seriously. What my supposedly political writing is really saying is “SHUT UP everybody, you’re talking shite.” The world is owned by multinationals with the media it sponsors determining the governments it allows. As for us peasants, this media and these multinational owned institutions are hell bent on dividing us along class and race lines, with gender thrown in for good measure. But I am sick of hearing about it. Leave me out of it I don’t want to hear it, I’ve just lost all my picnic spirit, to borrow from Bob Dylan. I would rather focus on colours, nature and Turner and flavours of food, wine, whiskey & water. Leave me out of so-called serious talk. It’s a trick. Eat love and be merry. And no more guilt trips, else you fall for the same trick the Missionaries forced upon the naked Indigenous. Get naked people, Be your animal self. Human centred worlds are inevitably gossip. Get in touch with your dreams, not your ambitions. Listen to the air crackle and fizz, listen to the wind. I got no flies on me. And now I’m not angry, I’m just really uncomfortable and have difficulty breathing and so I shriek and buck and leap, coz I cannot stop. I’m possessed by a devilish fire. A redhead, until I’m dead. Then I have no wish for Heaven, I wish to stay on Earth, a child of the stars. Talk with people openly, not defensively. No more pointing of fingers, judge not lest ye shall be judged. Come inside my kitchen to borrow from Tiddas. Let’s not take things so seriously. One day in not so many years we’ll be put in a box. It's time to dance, eat & make love.


Jane Austen had a problem in not having a quiet place to write

October 10, 2022

Jane Austen had a problem in not having a quiet place to write


Jane Austen had a problem in not having a quiet place to write. She did ok, but really she had to continually pick up and leave off. Additionally, she had a limited palette of social situations to take inspiration from. The affairs of the masculine world of world political power were off limits, and so she was forced into the role of being an ironist. I would dearly love to write something me and my readers could sink my/their teeth into, but due to Economics and social surroundings, and being mired in the world of children and goody two shoes as a school teacher what can I do? Additionally, of course, there is living in the postmodern world where one is continually distracted and frankly my concentration span is not that good. Not to mention the weakness of my will. Nietzsche would’ve found a way, but even he chose the aphorism. So what? I guess the problem is me and me in this time and me in this place. Additionally, I live in a world where the only people who would read my best work would be people in Ivory Towers and no offence, but Fuck them. Fuck them. I don’t know, is that fair? And if I wrote not in a hurry I would have proceeded along a steadier course where such targeting of hypothetical readers was unnecessary. So then, some situation, either social or psychological or both creates this mess. I am trying to get to the heart of something. That is always my aim, in as little time as possible because no I don’t think your concentration span would only last that long, or do I? No, frankly I have no patience, because of MY concentration span:  my muse is impatient. Thus I have a muse, because I cannot be bothered exploring my writing motivations in greater depth and so: to shorthand. I am an essentialist, who quite frankly doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously, like most of you television and internet watchers. Nevertheless I write. It’s a bug that’s bitten me. Again: shorthand. Poetry. Adorno said that poetry has outlived its used-by-date, but so did Plato, millennia ago. Ugh. Somehow, nevertheless, I trust it. As an impatient man would. I am clearly not then, wise, but then again if you look at the actual ideas of most philosophers as pertaining to ‘how to live’ they’re not that wise either. Great writers, yes, great logicians, but invariably their partisanship to an argument is dangerous. Because people experience a sense of awe when reading and surrender to them. Not me, I only surrender to my own ineptitude. I do not believe in myself. I only believe in things that cannot be said. Like what the wind says, like what a third of a bottle of scotch says, like what my wife says, like lines I like in a song, in films, in poems, in books of philosophy, ha!, the occasional dream, people I’ve met, observations from what is called ‘life’. I am an amateur – as my Irish father would’ve said before his tongue was taken: a blatherskite. I am not to be trusted, at least not in the capacity as a writer. Alas all I can do is provoke. Faithless one might say. But no I would rebut, I have great faith. Just not in any single code. Certainly not enough to write anything grand. But then is this a kind of grand belief. In the ineffable. Therefore in the sublime, in the ecstatic? That worries me, because as I haven’t said here, I am wary of our Western World’s obsession with the sublime. People become immune to the ordinary, the humble, which our ancestors dearly respected. Robbie Burns and Kobayashi Issa etc. No, we seem addicted to the ecstatic, us Westerners. Or is that all too convenient? and is it only really me? “Don’t write then!”, I hear the chorus cry. Again shorthand. No, I am that chorus too, who says no, better not to attempt anything too grand. Have a scotch. And so. And so. A bumbler is me. All out of the desire to be ‘free.’ Or to escape scott-free. Or am I just playing for rhymes. Surely, the question requires deeper investigation? I’m not a writer then. At least I’m not a good one. One should have intellectual integrity, my mate George is always complaining. Still I write. Out of boredom, the bug that bit me, my muse that is as blatherous as it is impatient. I write because it is the only thing that eases my ache. The ache unto death. I think sickness is going too far. Trust me Soren I get laughs. Kierkegaard should’ve drunk more, danced more, laughed more. At dumb shit. That’s it too: I don’t want to enter so deep into a work that I cannot exist outside of it and laugh at silly things. Fear then? That it would change me? That love wouldn’t be enough to pull me out of the Divine Comedy? Then maybe I do have the capacity? Getting closer. But then we fall into moralism. What one OUGHT to do and all that. I sound like a panelist on the ABC! Shit haven’t we had enough of that? Man, I’ve realized I don’t want to know and frankly if I ever got past blathering preambles, maybe I’d write something good. Clearly, if I’ve done my job, you’d know that that’s something I have no desire to do. I just wanna bitch and moan. Cheap. Cheapskate. But look! The sun is setting and I’ve missed another one. Frankly, take me inside a Turner sky and let me be like an albatross and fly! I wish like posthumous Jimi Hendrix to touch the last rays of the setting sun.

 Damn, something called me to proofread and now it's basically dark outside! That motivation is also worth further investigation, were I inclined. But I really want to get up off this chair and walk the dogs...

P.S. 40 minutes later... I realised on the nightwalk, that these can captivate too, as it did me and the dogs and also that Hendrix posthumously didn't say that, dead or living...


Written in White ink

October 24, 2022

I have your best interests at heart my lark I love you I miss you too mum and did you hear Mikey’s guitar this morning. I guess you are in the same realm or not perhaps even in death there are different countries for want of a better word more like the magic faraway tree flying over the desert or trekking through the Amazon Bombe Alaska was a good dessert I think is it possible to write without seeking to persuade even involuntarily? it’s tedious.  Words don’t exist was an invitation to telepathy but impossibility was the focus. The miracle of sharing a moment with someone. But can you do that with the written or recorded/broadcasted word or does it inevitably come to stand for something. It’s exhausting & tedious. The tyranny of things meaning ‘bigger’ things. If only words sometimes didn’t sound like words but sounded like Rice Bubbles – snap crackle & pop. xx



Not on Light

October 24, 2022

Is there a difference between something not meaning anything and it meaning nothing?

Even in shared silence or activity – even if they become unconscious of ideas – can 2 or more people talking/listening/or just being together escape meaning being exchanged?

Why does this prospect tantalise?

A decompress…




The written word intimidates…

October 26, 2022

The written word intimidates the hell out of me and I’ve studied post-graduate poetics. What must it be like for people who’ve dropped out of school and get put in a position where they must write for their lives. Like an appeal for release from prison. Or a protection visa application in another language, the language of the privileged. Oh Mediterranean! Oh Indo-Pacific!...

What must it be like to write for a living, no matter whether one believes in what one writes? People have to stay in the public eye and so inflate and conflate and conflagrate or else not get paid /as much. The written word is owned by the pros. Those who write with expertise in persuasion, not with heart and soul (and THEIR lives at stake).

“I don’t like English,” is what Peter Tosh, the Wailer who taught Bob Marley how to play guitar, said, “because it make my tongue all complicated,… I can feel something else trying to come out.”

At times I like English, certain words.

But the spoken word over the written word.

I prefer the oral-aural.

Not the written, the lawyer’s language.

I like the language of the bard, the travelling griot, the songman. Carriers of culture. The same language that holds one’s mother tongue and the language of love making, the cry in the night, the wise counsel, the many sided conversation and the celebration...



First warm day in Spring

November 06, 2022

The young curse the old for polluting the planet and yet when it comes to opening some windows versus turning on the air conditioner, which one do you think they choose?


Premature Epitaph no.2626r262r62r623r2r97237r2378r7239r237r2000….

November 09, 2022

Premature Epitaph no.2626r262r62r623r2r97237r2378r7239r237r2000….

(*written after watching the Colin McCahon documentary: I Am)

In my short artistic career over my short particular 51 years on the planet, I have produced maybe one or two pieces that may be of interest to others. The question is whether to stop now – lest the possible diminishing of my powers as I age sully those previous, dare I say ‘useful’, achievements? (note: I am not a Utilitarian, but WAS trained in Sociology and social functions are kind of imbedded, even if I rise against it as often in my thinkings). I hope it’s relatively clear by now what I stand for artistically/philosophically. My fear is if I were to drift towards madness in my later years, that these later works might darken and unfairly define my vision. Let me spell this out before I become infirm: I am NOT a misanthropist. I like people. Whether they’re good bad or otherwise is beside the point. But if I later drift intellectually towards the ‘apocalyptic’ as I head towards my own personal ending, you may choose to listen -- but when death comes, know that that moment will be arbitrary not a logical climax to something, an idea or any such.... 

One will never know what may have come next. Or what may have not. Or what would have motivated any particular utterance at any point in my life. My life as an artist will be balanced between the manifest and the latent, the revealed and the unpresented. In essence a person is unknowable, and her life will not follow the classic narrative structure. There is no big conclusion or necessary progression to be drawn, unless affectively. Else you’re telling stories. Documentaries love to finish with these and stories are good fun sure. They may even provide a certain ‘use’ or at least point of interest for others. But if you find an earlier work more to your liking I’m completely ok with that. 

I’m not a bad bloke if viewed compassionately. I really hope I continue that way. But one never knows completely. As Tom Petty once stated “ANYTHING is possible.”



Letter to my late brother xx

November 10, 2022

Dear Baity,*

*Mikey Maginness and I played in the band Bait between the years of 2003 until his death in 2021.


Dear Baity,

It’s hard not having you in the living to jam with

You took me out of my creative solitude

My words shifted and I became saner more collegial, more brotherly towards humanity

Less interior

At times I feel lost inside my mental maze

For hours and days


I wanna rock hard

I wanna scream and sing for hours


But all I do now is speak

Or occasionally a brief car ride shriek

But I’m always alone

Too self-absorbed despite my belief in the universal siblinghood of humanity

And treating one another as such


You also made me brave

To call out at the crooks

& shout it from the rooftops

To sling stones at their icy pleasuredomes

Because they desecrate the earth and her children

& must be called to account

& we must persist in this project

We whiteys need to grow some guts

& put aside our pettiness

& band together with everyone

And blow down the walls of Jericho

That leave the violators inviolate





Against Apartheids!




Me and Clarice Beckett - bred in Beaumaris

November 11, 2022

I could have been born a woman in Somalia

I could have been born a gay man in Iran

I could have been born transgender to Christian Fundamentalists 

I could have been born a poet to ‘white trash’ —

(I use the word advisedly and respectfully: those who do not know who their people are, 

Perhaps I am one

Who escaped on the racks to Grammar

But who still kicks and cries like a c#nt

And does things spellcheck

Would never allow —


Springsteen sang

 “Don’t you feel like you’re a rider on a downbound train.”)


We must explain to the latter

Cos they don’t know their place

The former know how things are - their apocalypse 


Their loss of faith

Their abandonment by God

Is as nothing


As it would have been were I they

Deprived a voice

Deprived a pen


The racists have a word for them

A word that they think gives them authority 

But all of us are accidents 


And heresy is the only possibility 


As Jesus learned

Not comparing myself to him 

That’s just a trick of English

- the language…


Jah bless


One Love xx




Walcott’s Robinson Crusoe

November 15, 2022

Walcott’s Robinson Crusoe

*Patrick Kavanagh – Irish poet from Monahan, Ireland (not far from my father’s hometown in Longford, Ireland).

^Derek Walcott – Nobel Prize winning poet from the Caribbean island nation of St Lucia.


While I admire the work of Kavanagh*

I relate more to that of Walcott^


I have too many origin stories

To make sense of


I must self invent

From a soil

Foreign to my ancestors


A soil I love nevertheless

I don’t wish to change her;


She already has changed too much

Though of course I am part of that too


& yet I stand

As good as any man


With my own secret knowledge




MGA* Jells Park 23.10.22

November 15, 2022


I like those moments 

In Basho’s travel journals

When he writes

About where he has

Been with great attentiveness 

& engagement 


& yet is unable to compose his responsive 



After all the counted

Marvellous things

I have seen on my

Walking this morning 


I also have no



© Malachi Doyle 2022.

*MGA (ill advisedly I believe) changed its name in 2023 to MAPh

27 Degrees

January 17, 2023

27 Degrees

By Malachi Doyle


27 Degrees


Sunny – Stormy – Repeat – December



Published & © Malachi Doyle 2022.


Most pages are single-sided

Some are double

& some are backwards

With a space

On the front side

& words on the back





Issa^ by Hass

No word of STC*

Mindfulness sometimes jars


(^ Kobayashi Issa – legendary Japanese Zen haiku poet who celebrated insects “Beasties” to borrow from Robbie Burns

Hass translated and edited my Issa haiku selections. In the introduction he named Wordsworth the sole author of the book Lyrical Ballads, omitting the name of the other author, my preferred, Coleridge)

(* poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge)



Drinking in Issa’s name –

‘Cup of Tea’

By the cupful




Even translated –

Issa’s humour

Smiles me to tears




(charcoal trouble portrait)

Cup of tea

Issa loves Gillian Welsh




Year’s end exhaustion

A baptismal swim





Is Issa condescending to

The mosquito he questions

Or the snail he advises?




‘After Beefheart’^

Fuck I’ve had

Too much to think!


(^ Captain Beefheart – expressionist blues singer)




The other thing I missed when I was overthinking though, was…



I can’t speak for Issa, but I didn’t consider threats from the wild in my fear of threats from censure or the law/lock up.)


… What is the distinction between the reverence Issa feels amongst nature in a poem emotionally/spiritually attuned to his immediate surroundings

(what the English call “affectively”)

& a Dreaming, initiated Indigenous seer?


I would say in the former, humanity & the divine,

Locality is also present

There is pathos

As well as bathos

… sympathy


The conventions language & socialization create, place us in Western & Eastern societies

In an individual relationality to ‘others’ (a

Product of the former).


Is it different in those moments of absolute ‘identification’

& feeling of oneness?

(what some call the ‘transcendental’ moment)?



As much as I feel this analytical approach to ‘explain’

FOREIGN to the moment of wonder


Uttered post fact

Under the lesson learned

& even in those

Miraculous moments,


There is a self-consciousness

One may practice

If studied

In Epistemologies (fields of Knowledge)


In order that

One avoids punishment or censure –


Living as we do

Amongst others

& the paradigm

Of mental illness/derangement

Versus ‘sanity’ –



In other words;


Are they different

From a Dreaming

Informed by tribal law?


In that

Even in that moment

Of identicalness with life


When living

In anticipation

Of the feeling of being at odds with laws/consensus/others/the self –



In short,

Fear & Loathing.


Not sure how Hunter S. Thompson

Got in there? This is meant to be ‘esoteria’ innit?




To have a joke attached!






In short,

Further that alienation will eventually follow,



Or those who ‘fly’

Must at some point



Hence, an irony of the hubris

Of self,


As self must have an irony in it,


To allow for compassion,


Lest one become

Pol Pot.


Sorry/(,) I went there.

Blessings on those killed

Or left to grieve


A grief beyond

My understanding.


In short

I am arrogant to assume the right to speak.


Hence I am a bad person


As much as I am a good one –


Intentions aside.




The impossibility

& yet the miraculous moment of communication


& thus LOVE.




Stop it mind

Turn off –







& then some say it’s all an accident of the brain. The making of meaning from the chemical. As the Buddhist mantra goes “Life is uncertain, Death is certain.” That all is illusion.

That violence is neither natural or unnatural. It just is. That morality therefore is a game. All is illusion. Not a popular theory with someone being tortured, but who knows, it’s a view. Or as Dylan says “it is true sometimes, you could see it that way.”

It being YOU only because of culture and convention, which is neither natural nor unnatural. It just is.

Life IS uncertain. Receptors. Time appearing slower for pain, faster for pleasure. We have NO IDEA & knowing is an illusion.

Like this poem. Seems a bit TOO COOL FOR SKOOL for this fiery redhead, made different – like you – from everyone else. But I reckon we all one organism. And I have moments when I’m TURNED ON – NO SEPARATION OF BEING AND ‘CREATION’, like some might say – really good sex. Fuck the complications before & after, some mental pictures persist.




The title of this meditation could be thought of as ‘What does ‘time off’ actually refer to?’


& what I don’t know about

& what I don’t think about

Or am the majority of the time

& forget/decide to not tell anyone about


Like the storm patterns

& calms

Through the years & years

& like what I know NOTHING about:




& it’s years, months, days, minutes

& repetitions

Of all the above


& what is out BEYOND



Even if you could argue for the Indigenous











My question remains: are our mystics as good as theirs? & by extension,


Like a One & a One

Not in a sum

Multiplied &/or divided.




In answer: I have NO IDEA.

But I live in hope that one does know/has known/will know.


My tradition says Jesus

& I guess

Despite my protestations,

He helps me renew –

When least expected, selflessly & without signing His signature.


For me,

Simpler than an OM

A Yes

A No

A Breath…


& that’s JUST ME

& the transcendent

& Wow!

& I have to laugh

& cry

Ecstatically & invisibly

With others & indivisible,


I am the Dreaming

As much

As a mind like mine






And I don’t trust the written word.




But in those transcendental moments

I am alive


& something unable to be put into words


& Kev Carmody said it in Dajarra Night Wind better…


& feel deeply





& this is where I’ll STOP.


& go on LIVING

For as long as I do.




Which is absurd because how can English claim “I do” when it’s not up to me to DO anything. I don’t think I DO live or DO die,


(more there’s Life & Death)


I’m just a guy in a t-shirt

& shorts


Looking at a tree frog


In a hotel xxx


In the tropics


Raised in a semi-temperate land

& way

& suburbs of Melbourne,

Much of the Kulin Nation,


But I only






But I care




& while I’ll never work it out

It’s nice trying

& maybe not always awful to try.





Once at a bbq in the country, I spoke with a psychologist – as a friend – & he said how people only hear what reinforces themselves.

But Question: if this happens, need it necessarily be a bad thing?, can’t it just BE? (Both Good & Bad if you need value qualifiers).

This Hermeneutics of Suspicion has its limits.

The bloke might have had a point but is doubt really more enlightened than faith & isn’t a kind of non-credulous credulity of Enreasoned Faith a good balance?


& Fuck we was just here? This English & its inability to explain or do justice to the ineffable, the spiritual as the Indigenous see it. They’re good. They might just be the best of the whole bloody lot. Or at least the missing link in the Western/Eastern Hegemony & burning up of the planet.


I’m talking to the red bellied snake dreaming. It follows my thoughts & dreams, being & non being.

I met a man, (Shaun Creek), red bellied snake an ancestor, but not his dominant identity, he didn’t really make much fuss of it.

But it’s all I’ve heard or seen since –

I’m talking inside my mind

& longing & loving heart

Through the red bellied snake



I only exist

Because of it


I feel

My mother

Raised a child

Who knew








Francis Waga, Fijian Bete (pronounced mBeté) – traditional Priest or Shaman, who became a snake when he journeyed through the Otherworld. And as a 20th Century Fijian named after St Francis, his “key back” was the name “Jesus.”


But that’s HIS JOURNEY…




“Jesus” is still my key back,


But the Aboriginal winds

Bring me ‘back’ to the beginning

Are my launching ‘agents.’ (used as in chemistry, I hope but one never knows) ,

How did I become ‘a spy’?


The whole thing is becoming



I haven’t eaten in a while


But much purple red speckled dragonfruit

Local here –


Like the red bellied snake















Tree Frog

It’s been 2 nights

I miss you¹




A shaman

Can’t drink booze –

Why I drink wine




I am frightened of seeing more –

Starry night





St Patrick didn’t get rid

Of all the Irish² snakes

(You’d be surprised((…!...






¹ I’m just thinking now as I’m typing up my notebook, Was the tree frog scared of the red bellied snake thing?

² I am predominantly Irish Australian, my father’s Irish, plus others on my mum’s side.


‘Palm Cove’

Christmas 2022.


Signed: Malachi


Yirrganydji Country/People

Woree / Pukul












an amateur’s manifesto

February 17, 2023

Music & Words 

I see it unadorned 
I hear it sung from whispered lips 
Sometimes soaring 
Sometimes flat 
I see it like life not like art 
I want it to be discovered by an alien 
Who does not know what it lacks 
I want it to be amateurish 
Who gets the occasional complimentary 
I want it asymmetrical and atypical 
I see it as unique 
An example only of itself 
I don’t want it to be tasteful 
I want it to be graceful 
I don’t mind if you only listen for a passing moment 
As long as you listen in 
& acknowledge that a man was here 
Who’d live to tell a tale 
A tale different to any other 
No better, but just so no lesser 
Don’t doubt it 
Trust what you hear 
Like you do 
When you eavesdrop on a stranger

 ©️ Malachi Doyle 2017.

6 years on it actually reads pretty close much of the time. I wasn’t intending to make a manifesto.

I’ve continued a perilous journey since. Technology has made it easier in some ways. For the dance parrot project, the phone is preferred for recording rather than the computer. Field recordings in essence, unedited and extemporised, it’s just I’m the one with the microphone and camera. It feels right now, to bypass multitracking and editing.

At times I long for a physical souvenir, but that seems to require extra anti-human processes. So increasingly my work is only available for download or stream, the souvenir usually a handmade visual work on paper, despite the fact that I consider myself a singer-poet. Some extant handmade cds exist but I have no strong desire to fire up a machinery of work — which burning the disc requires. Art must I believe fight for the human. Media can use AI and all the work/war machinery it wants, I am in the play of making art, as humanity has done since the beginning of time, if indeed there is a beginning.

Love, Justice, Wisdom, Understanding, Spirit xx

 ©️ Malachi Doyle 2023.

Current Project: dance parrot available at,

Earlier projects: Malachi Doyle, Bait (with Mikey Maginness), Mel From Melbourne, Earth To Malachi also available at


On exceptions to rules

February 25, 2023

On exceptions to rules:


Having created a manifesto of sorts, tension is invariably created and the artistic impulse to rebel rises daily. 

But limitations, as Basho and the Haiku Masters found, generate imaginative responses and raised tenors.

I have on occasion hand written in my paper notebook some notes as touchstones for my improvisations, much like Miles Davis and other Jazz Masters did.

There’s where jazz exists beyond country blues.

A product of the postmodern city and its hypercosmopolitan traditions and options.

Anyway, another temporary picture.

Another provisional sketch.

I am convinced the spirit of the approach is sound.

Best not to be mired in the letters of ‘laws,’

when geneses are born from the dynamic interplay of imagination and materiality xx


Love Poem Of A Psych Patient

February 28, 2023

Love Poem Of A Psych Patient

Blue ink —

Black pen

Describing it




Therapist —

Believing semantics 

Can uncover 

What is chemical




A tale told by

An idiot —

Man’s systems 

A Wiggles album




The ways I feel

For you

Are beyond explanation —


Watch me











The screams, the slap and the howl

March 17, 2023

Even the profounds of advanced dementia is not silent, disturbed by the endless cacophony of next door’s television,

Miscellaneous beeps and buzzers,

Music from neighbouring rooms,

Bogans and crying kids,

One’s own gasps, sneezes and hiccups,

Silence rarely arrives,

No more often than the life of the garrulous or the banal,

The end as trivial as the middle,

In the beginning perhaps there is some dignity:

The screams, the slap and the howl.




March 27, 2023

I opened my computer to type out a poem today breaking my manifesto which unless ur well yunno is no covenant, more a guiding principle - relax: as Lao Tzu said: The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.

Be like water xx

Teaching today about visions and people’s place within movements I feel powerless. An independent in a world of gangs. I wrote An Amateur’s Manifesto on my blog (look up Malachi Doyle blog - Mel From Melbourne Music Words). Few paid attention as I live in a cultural desert/dessert. I moved today. Something moved. Not trivial. Too important all this to leave unrecorded. Go well. One love xx



The Blue Eyed Boy of Wonder

March 27, 2023

The Blue Eyed Boy of Wonder


The young man

Was repelled

By the rhetorical


& preferred the image


He saw as a child

With a new man’s strength


Ecstatic with novelty 

& pleasure & ease


Then he weakened


Time sped up


Objects — no longer images suspended miraculously


And rhetoric became required


(You could call it a fall from grace?)


As he desperately

Sought out meaning amid the horror



Now ordered

By his tired mind


Beauty no longer seduced him

For long


Everything, even 

His visions,


Felt full of effort


What was “Life”

But labour?


Forgotten, the blue eyed boy of wonder



Birthday Blues 2023

April 08, 2023

Birthday Blues 2023


That’ll do,

I can barely see

I lost my readers at the hippies

I hate racists

I hate fascists

That’s my problem

Coz I was born in Prahran

& grew up in Beaumaris



They murdered Lorca

For similar reasons

Mainly for being interesting


& it’s not I hate racists

More I hate racism

The acts

Not the person --

Everyone deserves their shot at redemption


Hit squad





& buried by the side of the road


Somewhere unknown

In Franco’s Espana



Nigga Irish ‘blacks of Europe’


600 years

Forgotten today, their barbarian roots


Racist cops to the blacks in Yank



I’m blessed,

As are you


The worst is we never

Or rarely

Get to tell our beautiful stories


We’re too often under threat


Of how I saw Mikey today

My deAD best friend

Out a bus window


And he had that Mona Lisa smile

And the nice3 chat with the 18 year old kid at the bus stop

And she talked about how kids these days don’t talk

They’re divided up into tribes

Separated from one another

& she was sad about that


So a poet’s job is to talk to people

Distil refract reflect



From the deep blue

Of human pain


Even us


Bore white skinned


So be it


Or as dead Ned said

Perhaps apocryphally

“Such is love/life”.



It’s Easter:




Unto death


“Forgive them Lord,

They know not what they do”.




I love




“Marcus Garvey’s words come to pass”*


*Winston Rodney aka Burning Spear





What does Ai Wei Wei Say?

April 08, 2023

What does Ai Wei Wei Say?


What does Ai Wei Wei Say?

“Never Sorry”

Well, he’s got bigger balls than me


He’s the reason I started this blog malarkey

Which is what good people with wooden ears sometimes call me


It’s ok

Just call me Mal

It’s an ethnic name

One of my few distinguishing features

A white guy

I was allowed to pass

Largely invisible for the first 35 years of my life

Til I found my voice


As the Millwall support told me

“You’ll be right, Mal

Just don’t open your mouth”


Hard for a poet


Blah blur blah malaka fuck!$%$($%IU%*OGUL


What I really wanna talk about

Is the hatchet job being done on the referendum push


Dutton clearly has no morals

Opposing this


But Albanese

Hasn’t been upfront about what a constitution is

& why a permanently enshrined Indigenous voice on Indigenous issues is crucial


Else one party introduces a body

Only for the other to axe it a few years later

& no assistance is ever provided to the rightful owners of the land


All to please the mining companies who want carte blanche to rape the whole middle and top end and west of the continent

Where the blacks mainly live and suffer 3rd world conditions in a first world country

Plus institionalised racism

& thuggery from those protecting the law



I got no beef with police

I’m a public servant too

And if they’re protecting Democracy

As they’re sworn to do

It’s good times


But yunno

People are not always so ethical


In any walk of life


So you don’t get off the hook either



Chardonnay socialists

Don’t make me spit on the grass


What dismays me

Is that so called ‘radical’ academics in this country

Have never heard of the IPA

(Institute of Public AFFAIRS)

And who funds them


& which media stars are paid for by them


What the heck!

What kind of coercive situation

Is we in?


Prison culture after 250 years still

Finger to the lips

Like the Soviets


What were we opposing



The right nor the left here

Are candid


How can we claim to love Democracy

Under such conditions?



DH Lawrence wrote Kangaroo.

If you are too woke to read it

Aka pig lazy

Watch the film

& don’t text all through it.


It’s about your country.


Grow up

& pay attention.


Else I’ll be playing lawnbowls

& watching the grass grow…



It’s a terribly unwieldy medium this written stuff

April 08, 2023

It’s a terribly unwieldy medium this written stuff


I’ve talked about it several times already on the dance parrot bandcamp site verbally but wanted it on record in ink (if virtual)







When we meet strangers on the street

We are no longer meeting ‘people’

But avatars of algorithms


Designed by multinational tech companies

Decked out in fashion


& flesh & blood


The death of the social

As a theatre of human activity


People are advised to ‘compartmentalize’

The life coaches call it

What one of those Frankfurt School types

(Erich Fromm I believe)

Called the schizophrenia of modern man

Meaning schizoid


So where lies ‘the person’



On the street you’ll never pick the misogynist

The facist

The Communist

The racist


They’ll more likely

Outwardly conform

To normative retail exchanges


Maybe even a ‘please’ or thank you’

Or ‘sorry’ if they need to push past you

For a tub of yoghurt


The ‘real person’ saved for extra curricular activities


This latter

Apparently ‘the true self’


Like the hermeneutics of suspicion

Gown wings



How I long to meet the person


ON social media


With an underdeveloped

Internet ‘identity’


Someone who sees the ‘god’ in me

& I ‘god’ in she



Love Wisdom Overstanding









DRS - At my brother’s behest

April 09, 2023

DRS - At my brother’s behest


At my brother’s behest

I tried to watch the footy today

I’m in a hotel

That’s what people do, surely

Not write their attachments down

Chill out

Put ur feet up

Et al


But yunno


I tried


The decision review system (DRS)

Over goals etc

The booing of good play

By the opposing team’s supporters


I just can’t.

Get into it.


On the DRS:


For a start,

The technology is rarely conclusive


Why do we trust technology

More than human judgment?


For a start

Modern science

Has moved away

From its philosophical underpinnings

That governed

Newton etc


Science no longer cares about truth

Only production


(not even bothering to point out

That some dude in a lab coat

Will still have to conclude a ‘reading’

On the basis of the data


Hell, he might even have a fever

Or mightn’t have slept well the previous night

Or be undiagnosed for stress

Or be working despite it



All this

What late 19th century writers

Might refer to as ‘Irony’))


And on this question


And objective judgment

“Modern Truth” in essence


I keep coming back to Primo Levi –


That a non human/instrumental ‘truth’

Of Auschwitz

Would have been false* –


For only living beings


Pain, suffering, violence, death


So, the affective

The emotive


Is Necessary



In fact,


Of course

In dialogue with reason & wisdom


It goes without saying


Or should


Unless ur ‘thick’,


That is much more

In the service of capital T Truth


As for 65 000 years,

According to Oxford Publishing,

Indigenous Law & Lore have proceeded

Marvelously sustainably and equitably


God bless


God is in the shout of the street

God in all of us

& our lives




As you may prefer


One to call:

‘The sacredness

Of life’



The further irony (tragedy is insufficient to say) would no doubt be noticed by the perceptive reader – that it was instruments of science/industry that were, forgive the pun 6,000,000 loved ones, instrumental the very direct cause of those violations and murders.


NDIS talk in the Chicken Shop

April 10, 2023

Funny, some bloke in a chicken shop yesterday was talking to me about ‘the problem of the NDIS’ yesterday.

I thought to myself I hadn’t heard THIS before?


Strange it had never crossed my mind.


Then today, I thought I’d check if Andrew Bolt had launched an attack?,

And sure enough,

It’s a Sky News beat up.


Don’t worry about the Multinationals/Mining/Food Companies paying zero tax on their billion dollar profits - raping the land, destroying sacred sites, enslaving the 3rd World,

Let’s us lowering middle class

Pick on the vulnerable and poor for a bit of help paying the groceries.


I guess people these days are basically parrots for algorithms designed by trillion dollar tech giants to divide us and rule/conquer.


As Bob Marley put it on the greatest political music album of all time ‘Survival’:


“They don’t want to see us unite,

All they want us to do is

Keep on fussing and fighting;

They don’t want to see us live together,

All they want us to do is

Keep on killing one another.”


As Bob would also like me to say, I’m sure:


One Love.



My speaking self, nay my writing self blah blah…

April 14, 2023

My speaking self, nay my writing self blah blah…


My speaking self, nay my writing self blah blah – yunno what I’m talking about!(?) Anyway, it sounds very certain of himself. The reality is the same. But this reality is contingent on a brain fed body requiring a desired balance of pleasure & pain; and as a yunno miggle miggle class, affluent first worlder etc, it’s probably unsustainable for the planet, other people etc, the whole frigging game/sacred ineffable existence, blah blah.


What I really saying is: I’m an illusion – in my apparent solidity (legal/medico/financial/corporeal/relational etc).

What others are too well behaved/dishonest with me/themselves (maybe the latter irrelevant and worth only proximity, not causality – but science runs this way today innit?, so why not muddy the waters of neo-Rousseauian confession(?)) to tell me,

is the ‘fact’/judgement,

what in this moment seems a fact or at least a realization

(whatever the hell this latter word means in this imprecise tongue – English (comparatively to certain other languages – or so I’ve come to ‘understand’). Is this:

‘My’ ‘fact’ that I am a “weak” man. A coward. Not out of holding some undemonstrated ‘will’ back,

but my weakness/‘need’ (it’s a want perhaps? Or maybe is a need?) to numbing the intense pain I feel.


Lao Tzu beautifully said (according to Stephen Mitchell, whose version I know best) that (paraphrasing): fear & hope are both illusions that come from thinking of the self as (the) self – as opposed to the all/nothing,

& he implies

that this illusion is best avoided.

Or does he?

He does say that mystery & manifestation both come from the Tao (loosely translated by some as ‘the way’, there are other words sometimes used in its place, I can’t think off the top of my head/under ‘inspiration from my Muse’ (haha)).

And finally, or rather, principally, that the Tao that can be told & named is not eternal, nor infinite, but somehow the Tao/‘it’ is. (I think?, but could be missing the point?)



How a fallible being articulated this,

is I think, extraordinary.

And what I am suggesting here, is that a similar quantity/quality of thinking might be achievable by me.

Because no doubt, Lao Tzu didn’t exist any more than I do (the ‘illusion of thinking of the self as (the) self’)

& ,

he did,

as a man,

fall prey to the same weakness(es).

(Nah singular will do)


What is not known,

is whether he held less or more weakness?

Less or more ambition,

less or more wisdom?

Or if miraculously,

the words just got f*^$ckin written?


A good book, for mine.

Similar conclusion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, I’d say. Both of them, I’d say, were conformists. But so what? Societies are made up of us conformists. What Sociologists call ‘Deviance’ (or ‘deviating from ‘norms’/normative behaviour, only serves to strengthen, not threaten, the Society. Serving as a ‘folk devil’ which the rest of society bands together, to ‘fight’

-      which could just as easily be said to ‘embrace.’


This what I have taken from what I’ve learned, and if possible to do, ‘observed’

(if indeed it’s really observation

& not projection?).


I’m tired now.

See: ‘WEAK’!

NOT a philosopher:


SHORT STAMINA held intensely in fits & starts.

In long: a MAN.

Attached, not detached, as philosophy ‘ostensibly’ requires.


Whatever the f77ck I am.



(perhaps connected, perhaps not, (both?/all? none?)?:


Is intelligence affective?

Is there present an affective intelligence?

Does this affectiveness need entertainment?

Does Tragedy, Drama, Sport & Comedy, Pornography, Ecstasy, Irony, Ennui, Absurdity, Music, Dance, Culinary/Excremental odours, Perfumes, (of course there’s more varieties) etc

Satisfy it

Or leave it unfulfilled?

In short, did ‘God’ create the ‘world’ coz he was bored?

Is ‘he/she/they/us/blah) still bored?


Still affective (or feeling)?



Somehow I think sympathy does exist.

I think Love, for want of a better name does exist.

In short, I think Life does exist.

There’s just no way to explain it.

But that’s ok.

We wouldn’t have the strength to do so, even if we could.


Yunno what,

Despite it ,

Or perhaps,

Because of it all(?),:

I like people.


Illusion/illusions or not.

I do.

Better than being dead or alone.



Not BAD:


That’s pretty f85king good.

From one illusion to another:

“Here’s looking at you kid.”



The Disease of Conceit

April 15, 2023

The Disease of Conceit


“There’s a whole lot of hearts breaking tonight from the disease of conceit…

Steps into your room eats into your soul…

Conceit is a disease that the doctors got no cure…

Give you delusions of grandeur and an evil eye

Give you the idea that you’re too good to die

Then they bury you from your head to your feet

From the disease of conceit” – Bob Dylan


Wow, what a song from the ‘Oh Mercy’ album, from the late 80s (produced by the superb Daniel Lanois).


What a timely song too

In this age of internet ‘virtue signalling’

From what we’re told 

Are ‘the 2 sides of politics today’.

Social media self-aggrandizement.

What Irving Goffman

Had so beautifully written about

Decades ago

As “The Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life”.

If Goffman saw that then

What would he have thought about the ‘Social Media’ age?

All of us are ‘trippin’, as my Rasta brother pointed out the other day.

No one more nor less.

All of us.

Each of us.

Even those few opting out

Defining themselves as comparatively

‘superior’ to those ‘on’ it,

& vice versa.

A virus, as Bob continued

“They’ve done a lot of research on it

But what it is, they’re still not sure.”


‘I’m a real man because I drive a V8’

Versus ‘I’m a superior man because I drive electric’.


‘My soul is superior because I do yoga & mediation’ versus

‘I’m no hippy, I’m a straightforeworward girl’.


All of it: CONCEIT


“Turn you into a piece of meat” Bob says, an object without a subject’s empathetic & hospitable capacities.

A lack of humility and generosity.

Earlier, Peter Tosh had said “A poor man’s wealth is in a holy place.”

The traditions in folk cultures in poor counties was always one of hospitality.

Now I’m not saying that I wish to take a vow of poverty.

That would no doubt be couched in a conceited view about the ‘virtues of simplicity’.

It is indeed, as Dylan saw, a “disease.” 


To end then – 2 lines from the song,

& I’m thinking of the current battle of the sexes, oftentimes occurring between ‘spouses’ or so called ‘partners’ and the mass proliferation of divorces and relationship breakdowns, exacerbated by social media, internet porn, polemical ‘news/current affairs’, individually targeted programing aimed to divide us further:

“There’s a whole lot of hearts breaking tonight from the disease of conceit

Whole lot of hearts shaking tonight

From the disease of conceit.”



To Footscray, via the city and back

April 16, 2023

To Footscray, via the city and back to Cheltenham (my current domicile)



Leopards or cheetahs

Attacking horses/


When hunters arrived

With guns

& domesticated foreign

Animal species,


The wild animals


The occasional meal.

But now

Man builds

Into their small remaining

Tracts of land.



(ok, mainly white

But it’s spread to most

Basically it’s agrarianism)


see it this way/


Or on that trajectory,



So he’s attacking

The wild, carnivorous


Who also happen to be NATIVE


(YUNNO POPE NICHOLAS 1455: ‘it’s ok to kill and dominate, the Church will protect,’ as it would also protect and promote rapists, etc) Anyway, just some backgound for the melonheads who’ll no doubt misinterpret what I’m saying (Need despairing emoji in the alphabet please!). //




Public sculpture





One offs.


In short no major statements/


Play to the room





Insubstantially. //


‘Art’ in Australia got spooked

On ‘Vault’

& Contemporary public art


And the melonhead’s

Fear expressed as rage

And violence/


It was renamed ‘the Yellow Peril’

And moved/

The ‘City Square’ terminated

For fear of the populace

& Australian’s racism/


& equally as present:

Participant Democracy//



Ridiculed by philistines*

Ignorant of art


As we still ARE

Reading ideology into aesthetics/




Anyway, the sculpture was moved


& never a daring statement

Would ever challenge

The ‘footy crowd’.//




I’d made ‘An Amateur Manifesto’

When I was living on FAT STREET.


Now I’m alone again

In the world

& I see it going crazy around me/


Even my old dog


I don’t live with anymore/


He prefers the comfort of a house,


To life on the road.//



Where was I? –


Hunter S. Thompson/


Famously spoke of his Generation



How right he was/


& when I look around the streets

At my fellow people,


It’s what I see:


The Doomed –

Angry, mad, hysterical,




In short:



And so I say

To my earlier ‘Manifesto’:



“When the going gets weird,

The weird turn PRO.” (H.S.T.).//




Brass band with the footy crowd

Along Birrurung Marr –

Along the Yarra







As am I/



It’s not innovative,


But a lovely

Appropriation –


As Colonials do well at it.//


(Link back to sculpture/music).//




But the BANAL!/



Maybe I WON’T be going

To the Art Gallery (NGV Fed Square).


It’s TEAMING with people./


Is it

Post Lockdown RELEASE?


Or the latest fad/


Marking the end of the Comedy Boom?.//





























Back to this reflection from travelling on foot around Greater Melbourne for the first time in a while// –

Personally, I mistrust ‘travel writers’

as shallow self-promoters.


‘Th’Art Gallery’

As Les Patterson famously put it,


But today

50 years on,


The advantage of ‘THE CONSUMER’

Is that they are armed with smart phone cameras –







Social media

Like so much cubic zirconia

& Revlon

“Coz you’re worth it” propaganda.//




The YOUTH’s (bigger boys)

Macho posturing

Seems more exaggerated

Than I remembered it

(pre lockdown)/



‘Shadow boxers’

It seems/


Hoping that they can be caught

On a friend’s ‘smart’ phone/


Evidence of their bullying tactics


& ‘sharing’

On ‘Tik Tock’,


In the hope of

‘going viral’/












I can’t remember it being like this before I entered into the marriage contract (Jah Bless)

& foreswore public transport



For a married man.//


What strikes me most




Its sound & motion





I am sad./


Trump’s minions

‘storming the Capital’



Something wider:






As RADICAL as an 18 year old from their grandparent’s ‘LOVE’ Generation –

this time as a perverse parody./:


All you need is HATE

The current day LENNONS & McCARTNEYS sing


Or rather rap,


(Their ‘tales told by idiots

All sound & fury

Signifying nothing’ (Macbeth) /)//


The only echo

That still resonates

From John Lennon’s ‘Working Class Hero’


Is that :


“You’re all fucking peasants,

As far as I can see.”






lo I was going to bang on about something...

April 17, 2023

I was going to bang on about something...


I was going to bang on about something the Chinese laundry women at the Casino many years told me: “Don’t be so up & down. Better less high, less low”. I’m paraphrasing.

They definitely had a point.

I don’t really know much about the Chinese way.

But that kind of middle path the Buddha talked about might be the key to wisdom?


I’ve read Lao Tzu maybe 35 times, still going…, Li Po, Tu Fu, Ai Wei Wei, a little Confucius, Chuang Tzu, the guy who came to Australia and wrote better poetry than native speakers Ouyang Yu, but not too many. I’ve watched some Western and Chinese documentaries, I’ve watch a lot of videos about Chinese Ink Brush Painting (which I love), I’ve had a couple of chats with people over the years and have really connected with each, but really I don’t know jack shit. Never been there. Never married one. Never lived with one. No idea.

All I do know is that there’s something great there.

Also, I studied Tai Chi for a while. Forgot.

And I have 2 scholar’s stones.

I think you’re only meant to have one?


Anyway, the depth of Chinese culture is equal to the Romans (Ancient, Modern, Diaspora, "New World"), so back off em.


In 52 years on the planet, I’ve never had a problem with a Chinese person.


So why this aversion? Irrational hostility?


I’m not saying I want to give up my Democratic rights or live there, or be colonized by them.

Personally I don’t think I’d last more than a year or two in a Communist country.

Because I believe in challenging Taboos.

& the CCP does not.

How is it that one is be able to insult one’s spouse (who one loves as themselves) as a pressure release in a topsy turvy life and yet not be allowed to crack a joke about one’s leader?


That seems fair, doesn’t it?


Who knows, maybe you can?


& if it doesn’t make sense, ok.

I’ve never governed 1 billion people.

So, there would be things I don’t see.


All I’m saying to Xi & Biden (or some Republican maniac) is that conflict needn’t be inevitable or ever be a solution.

Life is a riddle.

Personally, as much as I love Lao Tzu, I’m a Jesus man.

Hell, I’m an ethnic Irish Catholic.

& so I say:

“Blessed are the Peacemakers”,

Knowing full well the Irish joke:

“No good turn (or deed) goes unpunished.”

Ha, like that great Jew Kafka, maybe life is Ironic and not Heroic?

Who the F*&^ knows?



To all nations: bless you all. Your ancestors and Progeny. I come in peace. So be kind. To me and one another,



Mel From Melbourne.


Film Review: London The Modern Babylon

April 18, 2023


At the exact moment they talk of Deptford & Lewisham (2006-2008) I was living there.

I could see the radical racist right pumping its chicken tits out and then I hopped on a plane to Melbourne.

I had mates getting beaten up with pipes, one killed, the place was going mental.

They'd built fences around 'common (area)'s' in Blackheath (the rich basically 'whites only' pocket up the road), where I played Summer football with young ethnically diverse people from my neighbourhood.

I even brought a 20 litre bottle of water, coz I know poor, desperate people don't often think of their health (it's arguable that they don't WANT to live to an old age? Who would? A good old proper Cockney guy, who let me sleep in his bed, was found dead a week later in his council flat, a few months after I’d left town).


In flight, back to Melbourne, I had a psychotic breakdown.

Long story short: the stewards weren't listening to me when I told them that "the Italian kids on the Youth For Christ tour seemed distressed and were not being well looked after by their priest."

Not implying anything!

They told me just to sit down and shut up.

Sure, but I wouldn't 'shut up and sit down' (I have ethics!);

Anyway, two nights in a Singapore lockup

allowed the Policemen there to realise I was a GOOD GUY and more concerned about the wellbeing of others than my own.

Having had what is called a 'Transcendental Experience' as a kid, has always reassured me that life is 'as it is' and to in essence 'have faith'.

It took me 5-6 years to recover from the breakdown.

Fortunately I met my wife & I learned to speak again.



I walked those streets of South East London all hours of the day & night,

back when it had the "highest murder rate in the UK".

Even hoodlums couldn't believe I walked through Deptford at night & back to my boarding house room above 'All Wines' off license where I had saved the lives of 10 people (4 Tamil, 1 Indian Hindu, 1 Algerian Muslim, 3 generations of Nigerian Muslim women, and a layman Christian Englishman) from a fire which was climbing the gas pipe in the kitchen at 3.33 am on a Tuesday morning.

Man, I just smiled at people everywhere I went & said hello, how are ya?

And found people good - black, brown, yellow, white - in short 'the World's Poor'.

Everyone on Lee High Road knew my name and what kind of person I was.


I even had a beer in Blackheath one day with my postcard of Churchill from the National Portrait Gallery - my favourite London gallery at the time.


Lewisham was a magic place.

A real intimate crazy sane community in a big city.

A miracle of humanity's beauty & promise.


For some reason I gell with 'black' people - what I term the above mentioned multiethnic grouping.

(Read that as 'not the privileged').

People are people.

Each as good as one another, no better, to borrow from this country's ancient peoples, the Indigenous.

I have no idea why I get on well with them?

I grew up in Beaumaris (Melbourne) by the sea for goodness sake.

I'm not looking to prove a point.

It's more that there is a shared 'getting' of one another.

Yunno, like "I get you".

Maybe it's childhood trauma?,

But that's oversimplifying.

My other siblings don't have the same knack.

Anyway I digress, with Humanism's categorical t'inking.


Personally I find my supposedly 'own people' (in inverted commas) (the middle class educated whites) more 'foreign' to me.




My Rasta mate Richard (who's helped me so much) says I'm just "THAT guy".

For some weird non utilitarian reason.

Clearly there's no financial profit in it, more kind of — helping me to love.

I've even been 'acting father of the groom' in a Hindu wedding & best man in a Fijian wedding, ha.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

These are deep friendships that Bob Maguire has always praised.

And Bob's a seriously good egg.



it's not deliberate.

It's just feeling more relaxed when people are mixed.

When everyone looks, believes and thinks the same, I find it kind of intimidating to whom might not be there.


Of course I have middle class white friends, definitely.

I'm not a self hater.

I just think of myself as a person.

I'm not sure it's really 'citizen of the world' that's a bit cliché, just a lover, a person. 

What the painter Jack Whitten called "just one of the guy"/gals/trans/inter, come on, it's a quote, relax.

By the way my middle class English-Australian mate Perry told me I should write about my time in 'SOUF'.

So here it is Pez.

Love ya. 

Big time.


Anyway, back to 'Souf':

Singing with our all nations "All King Survivors' Reggae band. Singing 'Natural Mystic' in a Jamaican barber shop — post rudeboy haircut. Playing on Grime records, and jamming loud and proud with Gripa.


The kids I teach now have no idea about this.

They're not allowed to know.


They think I'm Scott F&*Y&*ing Morrison!

Coz of my age & race & education.






Fu%#in’ Tick Tokkers. plhgygueuegyuegegfewyfg!




a beautiful film, this link at the top, the title of this piece.


I thoroughly recommend it, if you haven't seen it.


Hope things are well with your film, poem, song, homelife, business et al...


Many blessings,




Final Word

April 18, 2023

Ok I’ll stop.

I wanna get a book out.

It was actually my Mauritian parents in law’s idea.

They like me talking.

They don’t think me some horrible upstart.

They like my poetry.

I like the poetry of their stories and conversations.

Marie is an astonishing cook, who’s cooked for the masses all over the place since a young child at the end of a brutal day.

Marc is the smartest guy I’ve ever met.


They would like this:

It’s really for people of the 3rd World I write this book.

And I don’t mean that in an exclusive way.

There are plenty in so called 1st World countries.

Those who’ve been around the block.


Like my mother I wrote a note about to the wonderful female cabaret performer Geraldine Quinn today:

Dear Geraldine,


I don’t know whether you’re interested and whether you know the cabaret artist Meow Meow?

But my mother (my hero) was her drama teacher/director at Firbank Grammar in Brighton.

Melissa used to come to dinner at our house, back in the day when it was legal for students to do so.

Mum (Maureen) did amateur drama in Tatura, (proper Country) after losing her singing career to polio. On the back of her amateur acting, which she always did to a brilliant degree, she was offered the role of Desdemona in Othello with the Melbourne Theatre Company.

Unfortunately, as a single mother of 3 in the early 60s (when there was no social welfare for single mothers) having survived a criminally abusive marriage, she couldn’t do it.

So she poured her energy into the next generation.

Performing Australian Premieres of a Botswanan political play about South Africa during the height of apartheid at her conservative Brighton Grammar School etc.

(Plus an Australian premiere of an Indonesian political play during the Suharto years)… 


So, few people get the credit they deserve…



Malachi xx



Ham Sandwich of Hate

April 18, 2023

Ham Sandwich of Hate


It’s really tedious having to explain the bleeding obvious. This Ham Sandwich Hate guy the teenage boys are all into.

I don’t want to.

I really can’t be arsed pointing out the bleeding obvious.

It’s not the job of poetry.

There are beautiful things to talk about.

Human dignity.

People helping their fellow kind & the planet.

I’m sick of having waste my breathe on fuckwits.



The new ‘Cambridge Analyticas’ fake news sent to kids via fixed algorithms & paid ads,

All financed by Right Wing Think Tanks

Paid for by Criminal Billionaires, with the politicians in their pockets.


(No offence, but no one gets that rich without killing & raping a lot of people, peoples & land. Just the facts.)

The point being to divide us all along race, class, gender etc.

Divide & Rule – like the British in India.


Are people that thick that they think the internet is organic?

Fuck, I’m gobsmacked at people’s short memories,

Inability to think unless instructed by the circus ringleader as to what is the so called ‘Issue of the day.’

To everything else they are amnesic.

Idiots on panel shows on ‘both sides’ (a CON) more worried about their careers than clarifying how medias work.


And where are the schools’ leadership, the Australian Curriculum & the bloody parents on this?

Heads in the polluted sand.


Stuff off.

Unless you’re about LOVE,

You can bugger off or just stick with your usual jacking off.


I’m going out



George Atu: The best musician I’ve ever played with was from Rotuma

April 19, 2023

The best musician I’ve ever played with was from Rotuma

Red marker on the map shows Rotuma, you can’t actually see the Island & Islets, it’s so small – at least in area, definitely not in spirit, where my old bass player George Atu was from.

He was a freak.

Probably the best musician I’ve ever played with.

And I've played with many so called 'famous' players.

Always joking

Really stupid hilarious jokes


Like when the lead singer needed neck surgery & Geoge joked “too much sperm.”

Ha. You need guys like that in the band where blokes competing egos can quickly get toxic.

George always took the tension out of the room.


Ever heard of it?

Literally in the middle of nowhere.

Separate but linked to Fiji administerially.

There’s probably only 2000 Rotumans in the World.

But if only you could’ve heard this guy play bass!!!!
Think Bootsy Collins – a bit more around the beat, less metronomic, funnier and smoother xx

Perfect sense of rhythm

Seemingly no tension in his body

A better player than Robbie Shakespeare

I just had to play super straight as a drummer coz he was piping and sliding all over the place, I just to pocket it like Al Jackson Jr, still he never played too many notes for essentially vocal ethnic music.

He was always surprising yet appropriate.

Terry once called for a Fijian version of Lionel Richie’s ‘Stuck on You’ song.
Me and the rhythm guitar player kept laughing coz George was so funky xx

And with the Fijian 4 part vocal harmonies it sounded like paradise xx

Best musical moment I’ve ever had the privilege of being a part of.


Better than sex.


& I’ve had some good sex in my life.

In terms of sublime beauty.

I used to crash at George’s house as a 23, 24, 25 year old coming up… and drink buckets of kava and listen to him crack jokes.
You gotta have a lot of humour in a band xx

You don’t want academics

You want people that dropped out of school at 8


Ok 13, 14

Something like that.

As Neil Young’s producer David Briggs said “the more think, the more you stink.”

Thinking’s a philosopher’s job.

Music’s the place for the body/heart/soul.

Not that it’s not highly intelligent.
Just not intellectualised. Yuck!
Like too many bourgeois poseurs
Idiot tales
Sound and fury
Signifying only
Whether nothing or Hamlet’s suicidal thought
Or just some little thing.

Being requires belief embodied xx




If you’re still around,

Would love to catch up.

Though my music’s suffered with the years.

It gets harder to sing.

With all the grief.

And the gravity of aging.


As Oscar Wilde famously said

“Youth is wasted on the young.”




JOK (Johnny O’Keefe) I’m a wanderer too

April 25, 2023

JOK (Johnny O’Keefe)

I’m a wanderer too



JOK (Johnny O’Keefe)

I’m a wanderer too.


“If you’re a performer,

That’s the level you’ve gotta give”

-Rob Hirst (Midnight Oil Drummer-Vocalist) on Johnny O’Keefe.


I never saw JOK perform, but I’ve felt him tap me on the shoulder, when on stage, surrounded, as an 18 year old, by old man hecklers & rough boy c87nts.

Me, who as a boy soprano soloist from a 1000 boy Boys’ Grammar School with compulsory Military Training and udder thuggery had the fortune (mis? Fortune!!!!!) to be born with a 12 year old’s boy-angel’s voice and walked with a target on my back til I faked an injury & became a French Horn player (still pitch perfect bitch!).


Anyway, my adult singing voice was never as good as my child’s voice.

Lacked the strength and integrity.

But you know us Australians can’t reconcile the masculine with beauty.


Ah well,

What’s done is done.



Later I sung.


& then onwards Engerland when I was 35.


I felt Johnny O’Keefe tap me on the shoulder

In the Murder Capital –

The Kindest place in the Country.


They say he embarrassed every overseas act (as ‘soft’).


Roy Orbison.

Little Richard.

Cliff Richard.


And THAT’s the real reason

Elvis never flew.


They say


Those I’ve known who saw him twice

That HE was THE MAN!


A performer.




You have to be a Colonial to perform.

Else you’re Apollonian.


Nietzsche’s ONE GOOD book.

(‘Birth of Tragedy’)


WE’RE the bastards.


The boys for the job.


Insults —


We learned

In our mother’s womb —


A kick to the guts.


Maybe a Rwanadan child

Born of soldier rape


Can relate


But no one will give them the tape.




Until then


I’m your albino Bredren.


That’s how HARD



(After Hopkins)

Praise Him.




April 27, 2023



The word YES spoken is different to the word written or even read aloud.


I haven’t written about how much Aboriginal people, culture, philosophy, the whole shebang means to me.


It has radically altered my personal perspective.


It has radically challenged the pencil thin perspective of my English Grammar School education.


It has radically challenged my understanding of the English Language.


It has changed me.


I had the honour, and trust me I don’t really use that word. It’s perhaps the first time in my life I’ve meant it enough to use it.

I had the honour of a chat with one of my biggest heroes, the Aboriginal Songman Kev Carmody.


I don’t know what to say

In this written context.


He showed me the power of the oral poet, when for years I’d belittled it, as my tertiary education and class/sub-class does.


I believe now

In the power of the oral.

It’s become my main medium.


The written stuff I do,

Is because people tend to read more closely than they listen –

Amongst my class/sub-class.



As the oral is circular,

As breath is,

I repeat:


The spoken YES,

OR I should add,

The sung YES


Is the correct and true affirmation.


The white man’s law doesn’t get this.


That is why his law is so life impoverished,

And to borrow from Martin Heidegger:

“Thought Poor.”




Coming from a rich guy.


Not Heidegger,


The Australian Lawmaker.




'My Face'

May 19, 2023

'My Face'


I don't recognise

the face in the mirror

Who's that guy?


The face I remember

is her face

That's my face

That was me.






If you have noticed the intensity over the last quarter of this book increasing it would no doubt be due to the fact that my wife and I have separated after 11 years, and right before the last entry, my father died. A heavy 6 weeks or so in my life. I hope the tone doesn’t cast too dark a shadow over the book. That would be contrary to my wishes. The book is taken from the first 5 years of my Mel From Melbourne Music & Words blog (

The entries are ordered chronologically. Unlike a novel, it has no logical end or beginning. It is after all basically a work of poetry and poetry need not follow such architectures. 5 years. 20 seasons. This is more its aim.


Anyway, I wanted to share one last thing before I ‘call stumps.’


I was truly privileged to be with my father in his final moments. As luck would have it, my siblings had recently left to rest. So, me and 3 incredible Indian nurses shared this experience. As dad was dying, I told him and the nurses what a wonderful man he was and how grateful I was to him for all he’d done for me. My father’s and my relationship really blossomed over the last 20 years we had together. All the nurses from all corners of the globe gave him such incredible and tender care over his 11 year stay at an Aged Care Facility. One Filippino nurse named Angie, told me “He was my father.” Such was the level of deep and attentive care and love that she gave. She and her fellow nurses deeply respected my father’s School Teacher occupation and bearing. For the people of the developing world, education is so highly valued. And the nurses work as an embodiment of their deep faith. One that is about helping people, and not sitting-around-the-water-cooler/playing-on-their-phones judging them.

On the day of Dad’s Funeral/Wake, 10 nurses from the Aged Care Facility drove an hour after their shifts had finished – in the cold, dark and rain (an Irish weather snap) to attend. They stayed well over an hour paying me deeply-sincere condolences. They also stayed so that they might hear the entire cd of dad’s singing, made when, in his 20s, he was a young homesick Irish priest recorded on a small tape player. The women wept and listened reverentially. We all hugged tenderly.

When the women left, they left a card with me.

When I got home that night, I opened it. It was filled with deeply loving words. I am almost embarrassed to say that there was also a gift of cash for our family. From hardworking, low paid people. It has moved me profoundly and made me want to be a better person.

People such as these women deserve more attention. In a celebrity and scandal obsessed media, perhaps we might readjust the focus from moralism (the judging of others) to morality (the helping of others). People who lead by example and in the thick of the throes of life, roll their sleeves up and muck in.


Thank you,

Malachi Doyle, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2023.



Anyway, the publisher fucked up so I thought I’d go a little longer with more recent stuff.

I’m glad really coz things look brighter in the country.

At least until I saw the other side.

Perhaps you might call it, the Genocide. ‘Babylon’.

And surprisingly to many, you might not guess the genesis:

As usual the fake intellectuals

Have proven to be more aggressive than ordinary people.

In short: (as all black/poor people know – beware the ‘World Beaters’!)

Still my sense of humour is getting darker & darker by the Google day…

God help us.



Take 2:


Earth To Malachi (After Basho after a fashion)



If I would put my

Ear to my tree —




Different cloud

Masses & strata —

Moving — tempos —





The voice of my tree advised me — the tree’s friend — to listen to the live version of the Byrds’ ‘Lover of the Bayou’ with fresh ears — surprisingly garrulous — as a teacher sometimes must be with children.



On the contemporary Melbourne Middle Classes’ Neo-Victorianism:


I’ve seen too


To mince words





when the world is spinning too fast —

a notepad on my knee

& a pen brings calm




My mind is swirling

With insults & hits

Over the years —

(Space, silence &

PTSD & grief)




I needed to clear my head & go outside for a long bush walk. It was good. When I warmed up, off came the beanie, the scarf, the jumper & eventually my t-shirt.




The second time I put my ear to my/the tree — whispering loving assurances to it & it healing to me embracing it whole heartedly, deep & sustained — the hug —


It took longer to speak.


But when I left Its embrace & walked a few steps, I was left with a word:

“Assignation.” As in to give a task, a role to someone (a ‘job title’?) I think.

A word I thought I’d forgotten — I didn’t realize I knew — I can’t remember learning it —

But yes! Think that’s the meaning — as in to give — to ‘assign’ meaning —

Beautiful ­— (I might look it up).


It even rained a bit. Was lovely —& then after — it stopped — the birds gleeful — the kangaroos grooving…




No, I’m wrong — assignation — meaning a meeting — according to

The Oxford English Dictionary — a situation when two or more people meet, by chance

or arrangement —as in “he intrigued her on their first meeting.”




Maybe I will go back again & see what happens on another day, at another time.




I guess it’s an old fashioned thing to believe that communication of meaning or learning takes countless revisits, & that meaning or knowledge doesn’t come immediately.




“Assignation”: Ah! An appointment! Typically made in secret —




Have I betrayed it by writing about it, therefore?




I will remain silent.



Or yes! From the French — to attribute.




I feel it more the French.




But then it also throws into question — the belief that people are entitled to demand to know — regardless of their attributes or intentions.

Or is culture carried only by some?






Sure enough…


The stone

Reiterated it —






The television appears in the middle of the Forest.

& capitalism arrived like the colonists. —

Trading, gamblers, privateers, mercenaries, & life underwent assault upon assault.

The tornado is not Mother Nature. It is the Free Market.





Ok, I thought I would feel better having done a selfless thing — this “Assignation.”

But as my Jamaican friend, Richard says, when I do something like that — “you’re talking like a dead man.” — World that demands we think & behave selfishly — “my bank account not yours.”

I guess moving against the tide is tiring? — that wants its writers to sell their stories & steal the limelight —

Unless you do so, some snake oil peddler will steal it.




Ok, I’ve lost the mic, but maybe it’s the beginning of a learning? —

If we’re always busy in action, how deep do we ever really go? (…)





The no word today was a feeling

Of love —

Uniting the tree &







On the flipside, (how us humans love the dialectic) — no energy — for heavy lifting — but no one else seems to want to do it — hence sometime my writing sounds bitter — I’m tired —

Can’t people THINK for THEMSELVES?! All plugged in to Multinationals perpetually.

I haven’t really walked in 3 days. Just drinking really. & now it’s night & I’m desperate to fill my lungs with clear air.



The past 2 meetings with the tree introduced “Love” & “Heart.”

This Heart time I wept & the tree comforted my human misery. Then when I went to put my sweater on — it snared on a shrub I hadn’t noticed. We met. It put up with my human investigations — I took a couple of small leaves to smell them —they communicated a wonderful, refreshing almost “…” freshness.

And I commenced my return walk it felt like a trudge — “I think I’d better go” —

but I knew I didn’t want to — so I lay down — on the midwinter ground —

finding, as Coleridge & Wordsworth attested to — that some such floors are lush but quite dry.

I lay down & looked up through the canopy at the late June southern sky.

(Northern Hemisphere readers have to reverse the seasons — give or take* — to get the idea)




“Love” —

“The heart” —

Violent world

Won’t be healed

With more rage.





But loving is easier said than done — What with men with machines destroying the peace & quiet — the guy in the fruit shop coughing & spluttering all over the mushrooms — & generally, being a step ahead of me — blocking my easy way — the woman who nearly ran over me backing out of the carpark — coming off an — alcohol binge — unstable brain chemistry — being high strung — haemorrhoids — finding few people with the vocabulary or knowledge base or mere passion for life to share a conversation with — my own inflexibility — social anxiety — being what the squares call “neuro diverse” — war mongers — bad drivers — free range parenting — in short, the irritations that block up one’s heart — sensory discomfort — pain & anxiety — the 2 main causes of stress according to Ainslie Mears — true, I’ve forgotten to meditate recently — but even that has become infiltrated during a brief trial to do so in a group — & the doctrinaire New Agers who shove ‘answers’ down your throat — when you just want to silently breathe for a while in a shared space & leave.



I heard the

Kookaburra laugh —

I think at

My mental activity



— not to mention the horrors of the world — war — maniac dictators — private armies. —

Don’t mention it — you’ll never write that love poem —

The chaos created by Internet think tanks —

How to LOVE now?

— & yet one has no choice —

It’s a matter of Poetry perhaps — a man & a tree — (hu)Man & nature — a microcosm — a hill of beans — a dream — I dreamed of Love — I don’t want to relinquish that Dream.

— The Media is failing to do its job — it’s not digesting events properly — the pros are tip toeing through the tulips — not as a dance — but as a dirge — the insights blunting — people believing it’s not up to each person to think deeply —

the Google Search Model — that every Question has a simple Answer — that there

Is a Solution to Life. —

Love is not an answer — it is a Feeling — that unites — that embraces — that uplifts — that something or others — it’s not a Thing — not a Method — I don’t claim to be an Expert — nobody is — else it would be Packaged & Sold. —

I have no Wisdom — I am a Fool — I tremble & shake — & fall in the pool of Tears & Blood & Laughter & Madness — ‘what is this Quintessence? — a speech — a poem — a soliloquy — of a fool. —

Maybe we need to feel more varieties of emotions — & know we’re Sufficient — sufficiently

Fools. —


I’m with

The Kookaburras —


At myself —

Sharing the

Joke. —


I just have to let go of the Rage. — I’ve passed the cut off stage — I’m an old codger now — too old — too cold — too blue — partially true. — Ha!


Haiku :

Time to heal —

No more putting

It off





Another midwinter’s bush walk — almost balmy weather…


Double Tanka:

I lay in the

Thicket for so long

I forgot I was looking

Up —

Reveries amongst the


& other canopy


Whose names I know not,

Though I do,






One Country haiku followed by one City haiku:



quiet —

a privilege

a need



a rush to the

city & home

to get there to rush




I hadn’t spoken to anyone for 3 days. Then I get a call from a friend in the city. & they’re moving from phone to Bluetooth in the car, back to the phone, to buy the dog food & “sorry I lost you again”, “how much for the milk?” to the cashier & back outside the shop & then “I lost you again” & then the Bluetooth in the car & walking in the door & the complaint from the wife & we never got to talk about anything. & you called me. So what was all that about? — Hyperactivity for the sake of hyperactivity. No centre. No connection. Madness. Melbourne 2023.



Take me

Back to

The trees





A night or two after “Assignation,” a dream answered a question I’d been gently pondering for a month or so. (It seems I have ‘bigger’ dream here — far from the madding crowd & the mediascape of sub/urban work & living?).

The answer was a tad surprising — it exceeding the question & answered others. “Assignation” I heard again.

Nevertheless, because I’m vain & neurotic, I ran it by some friends. The shocked response made me fear that it was too ‘hot’. The world is hot enough with lies —

& anyway, it was the answer to MY question, no one else’s. Lest it become an effigy, & concrete slab, something material, separate from the living.

So evidently, yet again, the tree is wiser than me.

I would do well to trust the grain of wisdom & love in me it speaks to.


Haiku :








I sang & poeted in public last night. I ‘smashed it’ as the Aussies like to say. But the experience left me shaken & miserable. I feel my performing days best behind me.





Great highs

Come with great lows

—The Buddhas ‘middle path’







A dream of persecution

Woke me —

A singer poet’s sleep





The tree doesn’t say much. No more than one thing each visit. Mind, I don’t stay long. There’s a grace period for a hug. But today it said something in its quiet, matter of fact way, that made me split my sides laughing:


Long Haiku

Me: “It’s confusing being a man.”

Tree: “I bet.”

Me: “ Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

         Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

         Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

         Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

         Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!...”


Man even once I’m home & have written this, I’m still laughing. It reminded me of my dearest friends Terry & his cousin, the late Mikey (RIP), when Terry had his laughing fit at Mikey’s quiet, matter of fact response to Terry’s long, long spiel:

            Ha Ha

         Ha Ha

         Ha Ha

         Cough cough


         Ha Ha…!


It also reminded me of my late mother, Maureen, who taught me to hug trees — even though I eyerolled it as a teenager — “Why can’t you be NORMAL like the other mums?!”


            Ha Ha

Ha Ha


And some former students of mine on an excursion, who said “Can we go & hug a tree, Mr Doyle?”

In Fact, I wasn’t even hugging trees then — consciously. Once or twice perhaps, but I’d never really done it wholeheartedly. Too self conscious — another confusion of man.

Now that’s enough yacking!

All I wanted to say — & forgot — is that the tree & me are building a relationship with no destination in mind. In short, in good faith. Unpremeditated. What used to be called ‘it happened naturally.’





Of course,
All this has merely touched the surface of what is too precious and profound to utter.
I have listened better than I have written.
And the word I speak is “Assignation.”




*Many Indigenous Calendars the world over are quite different from the Roman, bearing in mind that seasons are particular to place.




A small point of great import

Ur writing on your phone but big things are happening all around; recently I’ve been aware of something that came to me through the waking moments from my dreams. That 1606 the Dutch arrived Far North of Australia. What did they communicate back home? There was a librarian to the King of the Netherlands, Melchisédec Thévenot. And librarians were hugely influential — in reality, the sole source of contemporary information.

Melchisédech or Melchisédec Thévenot (c. 1620 – 29 October 1692) was a French author, scientist, traveller, cartographer, orientalist, inventor, and diplomat. He was the inventor of the spirit level. And he drew the first coherent map of the northern part of Australia – the ‘Southern Tip of the known world’ (1664).

He was a very influential intellectual all through the region and on the rise of Encyclopedias (eg. Diderot), including France. Yes, 100 years later give or take JJ Rousseau (“all at once I felt my mind dazzled by 1000 lights”, “Man was born free, yet everywhere he’s in chains”) wrote The Social Contract (1762) and with further agitation from radical journalists, the French Revolution came, conditions were right sure, but they were needing ideas to propel them forward (1789). Shit happened. Misinformation, misinterpretation. Nevertheless, the Feudal system ended. The King was beheaded. Liberty (maybe too much du Vin and hatred of authority?), but free from Monarchy (Indigenous?), Equality (Indigenous?), Fraternity/Sorority (Indigenous?).

No doubt, stories from the ‘New World’ would’ve circulated. Plus, the Americas, the Indigenous peoples of this so-called ‘New World’. The speaking stones have lay too long in the ground. 

Most Northerners think top down. That the North invented the South. I conjecture that without the global South, the Modern World may not have existed.

At least, one for your considering pipe or glass?

It’s a supressed history, journeying from 1606, the Dutch meeting the Australian Indigenous to the birth of modernity, 150 odd years later. Is it so inconceivable that Indigenous ideas and social orders influenced the modern era?

Conjecture perhaps, of course.

What else happened, then? That no stories were carried back to Europe about ‘first contact’? What about the Anthropologists?

What do you think? — surely, even the sailors would’ve said something about what they saw on return to Europe, let alone the verbose sharing of information from 17th & 18th Century intellectuals?

Whence else came the concept of the ‘Noble Savage’? so popular amongst the writers of Romanticism.

The earliest recorded testimonies of European scholars to Australia talk about a happy people found there.

This is in direct opposition to the poverty and misery of Industrial Europe and Blake’s “dark satanic mills” and Rousseau’s “every man is a prisoner.”

The European Romantic era provided, to borrow from Blake’s biographer Peter Ackroyd, “a radical change in the way we see the world.” “And the birth of Modern Democracy.”

If you need proof, you’re in the wrong place. Life and Poetry provide no proof: dream and listen and perhaps it will be slowly revealed.


As a postscript to this and possibly whereby I came to the first inkling, was in reading Wordsworth & Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads (1798 – these men, burnt out and disillusioned with the French Revolution’s turn to tyranny, and finding sympathy with Nature) in many ways the beginning of the Romantic era in Poetry and the commencement of what is now the widespread adoption of sympathy for the natural world and the rise of Environmentalism. (Noteworthy too, their belief that poetry is best communicated by groups of people, or is beyond the scope of individuals – they published the work withholding their names). These lines in particular struck a chord:

“Love, now an universal birth.
From heart to heart is stealing,
From earth to man, from man to earth,
— It is the hour of feeling.”

Immediately I thought of the Aboriginal songman Kev Carmody:

“I've been moved by the wind upon the waters
And the shadows as the leaves are blown
When that old wind moans on a weary winter Sunday
Like a friend that keeps on knockin' at my home…”


Second Postscript:

Since writing this piece I received a response in the form of a dream, perhaps the spirits again communicating?, cautioning me about this essay poem. Such are the distortions operating from the editing of our mainstream media and social media organisations, this work will never receive a fair audience or representation. It will become a thing of obfuscated debate. For as I witness again and again, the media & social media organisations have no interest in real discussions being aired. Rather they will deliberately confuse and misrepresent ideas and edit a story opposite to the ideas present in this essay poem. In a post-truth age, nothing vital gets through. Only nonsense protective of the status quo does. I hope this work has done no damage to peoples already so disadvantaged and deliberately subjugated – by a system that puts their rights deliberately out of reach. Sometimes a white man’s innocence is truly dangerous.

If you need any questions answered about all this, ask yourself.

It's called meditative thinking, or thinking about thinking and listening, what Indigenous people call ‘Deep Listening’. No one can answer your questions but the spirits that are always communicating inside you, should you choose to listen.

3rd Postscript:

It seems to me in this hour that what the Romantics, both Philosophers and Poets, missed in the Indigenous 'teachings' was the principle/practice of 'Kinship'. That the West applied an Individualism to what otherwise are noble principles. We learned some notions yet these were distorted by greed and lust and vengefulness. A good idea in the hands of people possessed by the 3 former sins will always bring about injustice & folly. That is what we have failed to understand, as far as my limited knowledge, (as a non-Indigenous ‘outsider’), of Indigenous philosophies and culture can assess. 

It’s important I underline this last point. While I have a reasonable grasp, as an amateur, of modern European history; as a non-Indigenous person and, therefore, not initiated into authentic ‘knowledge’ and ‘ownership’ of culture, I am working only from my private scholarship, conjecture and meditations.



No Ego – the Spirits



Dear …,


No ego,


I don't attach to ideas.

Else one would never hold to the truth, regardless convenient/inconvenient.

I reckon I clocked a big jam.


It's burning a hole in my mind & I'm gonna need to tell someone soon.


The truth is not personal.


I'm not non-Indigenous or Indigenous,


I'm just a man.


And spirits communicate with me,


for some weird reason,


maybe coz I have ethics and I'm tough enough to hold the bag for black people?




It's a massive story,


which would rock the foundations of modern civilizATION.


The question,


who do I tell?


I told you first,


but you don't sound interested.


I've just told my friend … (but told her to keep secret but if I can't keep it a secret who can?) and … and told them they're not allowed to talk about it for 2 weeks.


But really it's a Northern Idea. - Far North Queensland/Northern Territory idea.


So what do I do?


I'm a nobody who no one takes seriously,

who's a semi-autodidact and has read Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Rousseau's The Social Contract and Coleridge & Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads.


I'm better read than many Academics but not interested in profiting from it.

Else I'll be forced to compromise.


I love Aboriginal cultures the world over because their ancestor spirits speak with me despite me coming from conquistador people.


So I believe in Karma.


And I want to protect black people.


And celebrate their victories. 


Most of the key people in my life apart from my mother have been black and trust me my father knew the Yorta Yorta and as a Priest would have warned them about Child Protection Services coming.


The day the Yorta Yorta got their native title Dad was on the phone with the community.


I'm not a Johnny come lately.


1st & 6th Generation Irish Australian.


Malachi James Doyle

Born Prahran 1971

Grew up Beaumaris, Bunnerong land

Transcendental experience 1986 on Bunerong land at Shipston Reserve Cheltenham/Beaumaris.

Ate Witchiti grub 1981 Cheltenham.


Connected with spirits Wurundjeri Hawthorn Victoria during Kev Carmody & Tiddas cd 2013.


Connected with spirits 2020 Mount Waverley Wurundjeri/Bunerong telling me to slow down and "not that way".


Connected with spirits consistently Dja Wurrung 207-2008 with a late elder from Lewisham, London.


Canvassed for the Tent Embassy 2006-2007 Lewisham London.


Connected with spirits Dja Dja Wurrung on 4 occasions 2023.


Revelation (June 2023) regarding Indigenous influence on Western Democracy/French Revolution/ English Romanticism 1700s.


Also met a spirit in Fiji - Nausori 1993.



Malachi xx



Mind of a Singer-Poet

Happy enough today – had difficulty sleeping – Full ‘super’ moon ­– it’s that Johnny Cash song about not knowing where you’re bound.


The self is an illusion – says Lao Tzu – if only that simplified existence! - pain seems part & parcel of being an illusion - & pleasure, occasionally – maybe an illusion – but a dogged one.



A postcard of Joan of Arc –

Healing to have the feminine

In a new-bachelor’s home


Nighttime Tanka

Good to sit –

Only the sound of the heater

& occasionally a bird woken by something


Written days earlier

Sad tonight – I got frightened about feeling elated - & a super-awareness with the sobriety – so I went for the beers – to deaden the acuteness – It gets too much you see – when I become super-clear – fearing that the path leads to madness – I’m really scared of that – The analogy I draw is the finely tuned athlete – more susceptible to hamstring injuries – than the average player – same for me ‘cept with the brain/mind – like a piccolo violin – the higher the notes go – the harder it is to pitch them – as the intervals become smaller & smaller - & so the potential for discord – It’s not hubris – it’s an attempt to be objective about the mind - & to speak about mental illness in a non-pejorative way.


Continuing with the pleasant quiet – before my out of sequence notebook – reminded me of the other side – or thing – suddenly not so bad – As my friend Helga says “you’ve made it this far” – (must be doing something right! Ha.) – of course I’m always one to ‘touch’ (or as the Americans say ‘knock on’) ‘wood’ – Ha!, I’m full of it!...

… still, I like this quiet tonight.


The dialectic – the tides – the see saw – the person – (not to mention the inhale & the exhale)



Sit! –

Do nothing –

Enjoy the quiet


Sometimes writing gets in the way of peace - & yet – it seems compelling – hence Basho wrote amazing haiku ­- & never cut it as a holy man – Ha! – loved a bit of tail – I guess – ha.


Sequence of Haiku & Tanka

Morning –

Turned off the radio

To sit with the birds


Leave the window open –

Still & quiet

After the rain


As the kookaburra sang –

I felt a spirit

Tap me on my shoulder


The spirits

Like it

When it’s quiet





Let’s stick

With stuff

People can handle(”)




After the rain

The birds

Sound well fed

& relaxed



Drunk Haiku Sequence that doesn’t look like a Haiku except most of this poem is invisible

If one were inclined to such adages – might one say “by the way that’s a cute hat” (to borrow from Bob Dylan) ­– or more likely – “damn girl – you’ve got confident eyes – having not yet met her for a while – but last time! – serious eye shadow! – I wouldn’t have a clue –


Drunken ramblings to the cabbie – “I’ve lived with Tamils, Sikhs, Algerians, Nigerians, Aboriginals, Jamaicans, Canadians, Irish, English, Americans, Lithuanians, Russians, Fijians, Thais, Japanese, Mauritians, Australians – never lived with a Central or South American but I’ve shared time, even spent a night ­- & what I reckon that we all have in common – is a need to be understood” – “Cash or Card?” – Jesus – when will I ever learn to shut up? – “Sorry for rambling, brother.”


Haiku & Tanka

Hangover –

Wiped the slate

Empty mind –

No doubt – the object


Plover be safe

So almost tame –

Lovely folks


The other day

Surprised by a few kangaroos –

A joey looking innocent as an infant

From its mother’s pouch


There’s nothing like a decent bushwalk – after the worst – of the Vermouth hangover is over – tears – laughter – groans & sighs of exhaustion – joy & serenity –

That’s enough booze for a while – shift to apple juice & soda – water – & tea…


Wondering what it would be like if we fucked –

Nice to think about – but best we remain friends – else you know where it always ends up – routine –

Still NICE to think about …

The dimly lit room – the sounds of the moans & sighs – bodies rising & falling – like the play of light – like a candle flickering for hours …



First light in the bush

Really does

Feel like the

Beginning of time


Turn off the

Stereo & listen

To the birds’

Morning songs


Struggling today – the after effects of too much fun – as Newton saw – everything that goes up must come down –



A grown man

Crying out

For his dead “Mum”


Back to singing country music – enough buggering around with experimentalism –



I miss my

Wife so much –

Our parting

Has cut my

Being in half


No conspiracy theories – but I fear another mental breakdown – as Lao Tzu says “hold onto the centre.”


The mentally ill get no help from friends – a brief text – when you’re crying out for a phone call – to hear the reassuring sound of a friend’s voice –

The tears – the desperation – the desolation – fall on deaf ears –

The only people who are for real are my (ex?) in laws ­– & a cousin - & my ex-wife –

We live in a Country of fair-weather friends –

“Beautiful day” – “the weather’s a bit iffy” – “sick of the cold” – etc – a

As the old saying goes – “if you didn’t laugh – you’d cry” –

I guess people who don’t know what I’ve been through or care to think about it – I wear them out –

Like the Ancient Mariner –

No wedding guest cares to wake the next morning

“A sadder & a wiser man…”

As my Irish father – was cautioned – about his novel – by someone in the Industry – back in the 60s – “keep it light” –

We’re in Australia –

Don’t rock the boat –

Lest the genocide –

& the locking up of people fleeing war & persecution – becomes too glaringly obvious –

“Who’d like dessert?” –

“Not me –

I don’t feel well –

& have lost my appetite –

For child slave chocolate” –

Or as I say –

“It’s here

We might as well eat it & enjoy it” –


I guess there’s the News Story of the Day – to spend your empathy on – Note: not Sympathy but empathy – furrowing your brow perpetually – & carrying a sour expression & attitude through life – not actually lifting a finger – ha ha ha ha ha ha – Oh God – to be middle class Australian! – ha ha ha ha ha ha – Too good! – ha ha ha ha – Wonderful! – Sincerely – Wonderful! – ha ha ha ha –

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! –


Look, of course you find good people amongst all sorts – just a joke – not a fuckin piece of legislation – a joke – relax!

Sink into your armchair & forget all about it –

Sorry, I couldn’t resist – I’m tired of being noble all the fuckin time in my art –



A few people reached out next day by phone call – so I’m feeling a bit bad about last night’s joke – albeit in the middle of an anxiety attack – screaming for air – perhaps as a class – we’re not without the possibility of redemption? –

Still a grain of truth in it though – no?


Can’t seem to move on from being mired in remorse –

People have been lovely to me today –

It’s just it’s when you’re in the middle of an anxiety attack –

You most need love & support –

Not afterwards –

I remember hearing Thelonius Monk’s wife saying that when Monk would have his episodes of mental illness – he most needed hugs & comfort –

And it was precisely at those moments –

That his kids ran away from him –

Coz they were scared –





I see my

Guitar against the wall –

Singing in silence


Problem for the ‘ethical’ artist –

We’re living in Time

As well as Eternity –




The counter to all this – of course – is that I miss the city – I’m a product of it – & no doubt I misapprehend aspects in the country – & a couple of things –

I miss the multiculturalism –

I miss having a battle –

I miss working –

I miss my milieu –

I miss the buzz –

We’ve reached a point in human history – when now more people in the world – live in the city – than the country – I’ll have to find a way to bring what I’ve learned here in the country – to seek a development which might assist – in a transformation of the city – for the better –

I don’t want to ‘drop out’ – I’m a people person – & I like difference – 

I saw the country divide in a supermarket today – and saw the old ‘real’ country people – & the expats (from the city) – & how the two don’t really mix –

I want to mix – I want your B.O.! – I want your zone out on the fuckin earbuds – that you’re all AVOIDING – sure – but you’re also doing your best to cope with the noise –

I don’t want to be ‘pure’ – I want to be a contraction – as people are (meant to be) – I want the Bright Lights – not really – I’m not into that – I don’t believe in the excesses of the city – I believe in the hope of the emergence of real community – of course there will be things which shit me – things shit me – that normal –

We know about global warming – & environmental disaster – but we also need to learn about living together – It’s lonely here – everyone dresses the same – & Aboriginal people are busy with deaths in custody – interventions – school drop-out rates – poverty – sickness – drug abuse – mining companies – the white man’s curse –

They don’t have the time for Dr Malaka – a poet –

They’re trying to piece together their stolen cultural knowledge – & trying to carry it on to the next generation – being assaulted by American Materialism – & the phony Internet Pan ‘Blackness’ commodity/‘identity’ –

So I think – I’ve learned some big things – & most of them appear to me to be – common sense –

People think ideas have to be novel – to be significant - & transforming –

I think not –

A bit of fuckin BALANCE –

The Earth – The World – The media scape – The Art & Literary world – The world of Education – & Work – & the Justice system – & Politics – & Banking – & Mining – & War Mongering – & the English Language in disarray – the Academy run like a Corporation – Food & Water insecurity – Pollution of the air – Medicine becoming privitised – radical materialism – Science & Technology in the service of Big Business not Humanity – the foul treatment of Refugees & Asylum Seekers – Housing crisis – the death of Community –

I’ve missed out 99% –

Anyway –

Things are out of wack –

I’m out of wack too –

& even if I sit pretty on a hilltop –

& bring myself back into wack –

Who else benefits? –

I’ve got stuff to do – & writing malakan poetry – isn’t the be all & end all –

I want to be closer to my dogs – & lifelong friends – & isn’t that really what keeps you warm at night? –

I’m too old –

I’m too weird –

I can’t kick against the pricks – in the country –

Country people are ‘tribal’ –

As Dorothy saw –

“There’s no place like Home” –

The Sacred is attainable in the city just as much as in the country –

The Sacred is localized – sure –

Differently expressed in different places & cultures & times –

But it’s also universal –

As my Sociology Lecturer told me –

“Religious experiences aren’t just ‘Transcendental moments’ –

They’re also Social” –

& “you’ll never understand religions –

If you only look at theology –

Rituals are at least as important” –

Thanks Dr Robert xx



The end –

To the hot blooded –

Yet on the flipside –

A haiku poet –

Yet longwinded –

Geez I love to talk! –

Ha ha…


But I’ll need to get out to the country more often – like I did before Mikey died –


Note to Self:

Beware of neat conclusions –

& symmetries of rhetoric –

I have No Idea what to do –

Just sick of where I am in life –

I need to work –

Poetry’s not a job –

& no doubt you’d counter that this is not poetry? –


But I call it that –

How my verse & expression has evolved / devolved –

Anyway, fuck off value judgements –

It’s bringing the world no closer together –

Stop! Mal!

“Just breathe”

As my wife used to wisely advise –

I miss her –

For some reason –

Or some non-reason –

Or not –

We can no longer live together –

At least that’s what the ‘smart money’s’ on –




Start Again …




The mentally ill – have a harder time – escaping from themselves – for this reason I can be (or at least seem) – because there’s so much noise in my head –

I can listen intently if I set myself to –

But usually I’m listening over things –

Listening out for key terms & turns –

& later ­– when I’m alone –

I properly revisit – & connect with those words –

& they can dominate my mind –


How do you listen?


I had a good day in the country today ­– I haven’t really given it a chance – how often we wake thinking the polar opposite ­– to last night’s pillow talk –

Today the country really GAVE TO ME – in human form – not just non-human nature –

After all – aren’t we all a part of nature? –


The clock is ticking towards a full circumnavigation ­–

What a week! –

& yet a week like any other –

Life is not simple –

Or maybe the mind ­– too simplistic to find it strange –

“They say the darkest hour –

Is right before the dawn” –


& again – to borrow from Lao Tzu – paraphrasing –

That all that is significant – is the return to the source –


Finally – to bring it round full to 12 o’clock –

The highlight of the week –

I sat on a tree stump ­– in the Winter sun – silently – apart from my breaths –

& after about 25 minutes – thus postured –

A hilarious –

& truly delightful occurrence –

A Willy Wagtail – (I hadn’t seen them since I was a kid!) – appeared in the clearing before me –

& turned it into a dance floor –

& it was a beautiful dance –

Joyous for its solo audience –

Of me –

Totally captivating – thrilling – gorgeous –

The kinds of words I haven’t used in decades –


It seems today was a revelation – pure pleasure –

I love it here –

Nowhere is perfect –

But nature speaks my kind of language –


& me with a full sail –

Can move mountains –

Metaphorical of course –

I have hubris when I’m in a good mood –

Don’t you? –

It’s called Absolute Identification with All Around –

Fuck yeah! – the mountains were dancing – with my heart/mind! ­–


The End




Not the lacerating scream of Blake’s dream

Tonight when I have looked at the stars

& looked at the stars

& there are millions of stars

Perceptible from this spot on Planet Earth

Were the lights to turn off



Is that why they leave the lights always on?

So that we might never be knocked out

By Existence?


& so musk & his little spunk

Who gives a blow?

Anyway fuck him & other wasters for the satellite surveillance


But I look at the stars

& there are thousands of stars perceptible from my home

Even with the street lights on

Imagine if I got out to the desert

& Eternity not in a grain of sand but yes, True

And the stars would go on & on & on…


Does anyone even think about what Infinity means?

Ok you do when you’re 8

But they test you out of that

& the tests come

& the tests come

Even after love

The tests come


They call it


They call it


What invisible quintessence of puke

In an Infinite Universe

In the whole of the Universe

Bar for our miniscule spec


Means nothing

Photoshop means nothing

The Western Orgasm

A hiccup

Soda pop

But the stars



Thrillions and trillions of light years without end

Or an orientation

The stars

& our God

& God knows how many Gods

& whether they’re mirrors or not

It goes on & on & on


& I have to think about paying the bills

To which authority must I supplicate for the right to exist in this dish

A phantasy

The Dark Satanic Mills

Which the Brexits think a Mammonist hymn

Not the lacerating scream of Blake’s dream


I don’t want to work

I have nothing left to teach

On this cricket pitch rolled in shit


’cept the stars and their relationships

The Stars & Human Relationships & Animals, Plants, Trees, Rocks, Oceans & Rivers…

The stars und relationships

The STARS!!!!!!!!!!!


& our DREAMS


Our VISIONS!!!!!!!!





Question is: is that Drama or Comedy or something else?

I remarked to my friend Len, how frustrating it is that people barely listen to the deeper work in my sound project dance parrot & yet to my novelty joke songs, people jump all over them – he replied that “it’s a weird time, so I guess we all gotta get a bit weird” – a very 60s idea – ‘let your freak flag fly’ to borrow from Hendrix & Crosby –

Having said that & now committing it to the written – I wonder if people jump on the weird stuff coz they’re sorely in need of a laugh – I’ve talk about this before with my sound work – how the airwaves are being starved of Comedy like some Victorian dystopia –

& when people forget to laugh at life & themselves – when they forget to laugh – or are given no reason to laugh – then they take everything more seriously – perhaps why so many people seem so angry –

Is it such a long bow to link the current dearth of Comedy Films & Programs to a WarMonger’s wet dream –

Like Isis etc & the White Supremacists’ Militias & not being able to laugh at the homoeroticism in Putin & that Tate guy –

In short,

Angry men jacking off angry with someone they’ve paid for –

& not talking sweet to their woman’s vagina –

& not laughing at how we’re not much different from the frightened kid we – very recently at times – were –

& how we bleed vomit piss & shit - & occasionally at the same time & sometimes don’t make it to the toilet –

But it’s beautiful – the human –

That’s the spirit we need to make our comedy in –

Laughing with affection for how trivial & self-aggrandizing we are –

So perilously close to death – we must surround ourselves with currency & objects – in some ancient superstitious belief that these will stave off death –


So if you know a joke – tell it – for God’s sake – for humanity’s sake –

We’re sacred – but also absurd – just when we congratulate ourselves on getting something “right” – we trip over – or bump our heads –

Shakespeare finished Hamlet & was so wired & excited that he couldn’t sleep – so he thought he’d make some late supper – he was thinking the fire’s not really burning – the wood must be wet – so he looked around for some paper to stoke the fire – but he’d finished his last sheet of paper with the last page of Hamlet – so he was stuffed – the tv the stereo the computer hadn’t been invented – so he went out for a walk – it was cold – where’s this going? – I don’t know – I guess the ‘success’ all started to seem all very anticlimactic – & as he thought this – he walked around a corner & saw some beggars – all gathered together – the only revelers in – seemingly – in all of Stratford –

As for him he had no one to share his triumph with – so he asked one of the beggars if he could join in – & have a bit of a sip of the common weal –

& the whole band of them said “Fuck off buddy!” –

So he went home & slept in a cold house…


Question is: is that Drama or Comedy or something else?

On Music




In music  ̶






Real percussion

&/or drums  ̶






Bass guitar  ̶


Listen to Cool Rasta (by the Heptones)

The tuning pure


Not a keyboard

In sight




You see,


The piano



Tunings  ̶


No longer

For the ear  ̶


But the scientist


It spread to

The piano accordion  ̶


& folk musics

Became Colonized

By Western Academic Music


That’s why

I like

Reggae Bass

From the 70s  ̶

Tuned for the Caribbean ear




I like dry

Vocals in

Country music


But I also

Like the echo &


Of Burning Spear

& Sun Studios





Lead guitars  ̶

The flashier & more insubstantial the better  ̶


Give me a couple of Peacock feathers




The church


In the Fijian

Villages out

On the Islands

Everybody sings

With gusto  ̶


& the awesome

Chords created

By a whole village’s

Relational acapella



Is untranscribable

& truly






Was unscrupulous



But he

Had a point

About the

Western Modern


& the tropical

Ancient  ̶




Classical music  ̶

I like


& none of

My rules

Apply there  ̶


It IS Academic

Music  ̶



It requires

The Well Tempered

Clavier  ̶




Winston Rodney (Burning Spear)

Is my favourite

Living singer

Though  ̶


Human Reggae at its intimate limits

Chanting Down Babylon!







Music  ̶


Live is

Best  ̶


There’s too

Much recorded

Muzak in our

Lives  ̶


Copy & paste

& looping

Is not music  ̶

It is Text  ̶


I mean,


I don’t mind

It on occasions  ̶


But music

Is human




It is a


Art  ̶


Which Capitalism



Not only

Making it

Text  ̶


But also


Its communicative

Power  ̶


For most people

In the Affluent Class West  ̶


It is air conditioning  ̶








Pay attention

To musicians


Or put up

With silence!  ̶


It’s time

You respected


& stopped treating

Them like

Slaves  ̶


To borrow

From Peter Tosh


“It’s time

You recognized

My quality.”




You guys in

The Affluent Class West

Use music

Almost every

Minute of

The Day


& barely pay


Or a

Cent  ̶


But without it

You would go


Or homicide

Or suicide…








Apparently, I spoke inappropriately to a pub employee

It was a Saturday and I’d had a few

I said nothing of a sexual nature

Nothing illegal

Nothing abusive

There was no touching or gesturing to touch

I told of my recent grief at losing my late mother, my late best friend, my wife having separated from me (a year after she had had 2 brain operations) & my father had died a month earlier


I am new in town

I have no friends here

I live by myself

I was drunk & lonely

& had not talked to a living soul in days

I have PTSD and acute anxiety for which I am medicated and receive therapy

I am loquacious in a muzzle culture


I did not raise my voice

I did not express anger


Strange town Castlemaine


I thought it was meant to be a ‘Human Rights’ supporter



People are bigoted beneath the sales pitch

& I’ve worked out

I far prefer ordinary country people

To the trendy ex Urbanites ('Artists')*


I found similar things

In SE London

I far preferred

The Cockneys, the Caribbeans etc

Rough around the edges apparently (I found them kind)

Too much for television producers


They like the butter melting in their mouth

More accepting of what IS

Rather than denying

For their advocation of what ‘ought to be’:



Castration & Gagging of all men (in case…),

Free Market

Censorship of Art & Literature

An angry self-righteous Cult


As for actually helping people in need

Or exercising compassion & tolerance:



*I can think of what kind of '...artists!' they are, if you catch my drift.


Anyway I don’t want to end this book describing the ins & outs of Divorce proceedings.

Needless to say it turns every act made in good faith back on itself as something malicious,

& your heart gets turned around 180 degrees

& the best you can do with love

Is fart it out your rear end

Coz your mouth is gagging on skid marks…


But still you must at all times,


Keep your voice to a moderate tone & subject matter.


So what’s to be the last piece?




A Prayer for my Divorce

I am not able to write

Not because I am speechless with wonder

But rather utterly distraught ̶


Divorce has no place in poetry ̶


Suffice to say

‘Hell froze over’

But that’s a borrowed phrase ̶


Johnny Cash singing

“When I die

Hallelujah bye & bye


I will fly away

(Oh Glory!)” ̶


My favourite hymn ̶

Universal suffering

Seeking Liberation





Here lies…


Life & Love

Reduced to

A spreadsheet ̶


Beware Gallahs!,

They’re coming to take away

Your home ̶

One spreadsheet at a time




The suggestion

By a non-poet

That maybe

We could make poetry

Out of our divorce settlement

Sounds like

Gibberish ̶


I guess gibberish is a kind of poetry in its own way

But it doesn’t come close to describing

Anything of its referred essence ̶


The only description comes via prose ̶

“No one was to blame.

It is the way of our world.”





The fairy wrens tweet sweet

“Rrrleet petite

The finest girl

You ever wanna meet”




Death songs are easier

Even though

Straining through blubbering ̶


This is a COLD silence


The carcass picked over

& no one to mourn ̶


Bureaucracy ̶

The same hands

That write

The deaths of cultures, languages


& environmental catastrophe …


I want to finish this poem ̶

It does not deserve a tome

But a tomb ̶


Here lies love ̶

Skinned alive

But still its heart beats …

Forever ̶




‘Hope Springs Eternal’ ̶

The wattle returns

Well before September




I return to

The breath

& the senses

& the soul


& life tastes fragrant ̶


Hopeless Romantic ̶

For whom love

Will always conquer rationality ̶


NOT so hopeless eh ̶

A fuckin survivor!




Again Lao Tzu

“Resolve is stronger than hope” ̶


I think the two are

Synergetic ̶


a Hackneyed word

For a rare gem ̶


How English frustrates me ̶

But it is my mother tongue ̶


I know my name in Gaelic ̶

The tear / tear

My father sang ̶


Best singer I ever heard

& I haven’t yet had a moment

To digest HIS DEATH ­ ̶


As divorce & death

Came as Geminis ̶






How to end ̶


That arbitrary

Date ̶


But look here:


The spiritual

Will always

Outlive the

Material ̶


Whether apocalypse

Comes ̶


I believe in



Of time & space ̶


You have a kind face

Stamped in a light beam

Hurtling through the universe ̶


Your kindness

Never forgotten ̶




The other

I’d prefer to ignore ̶


True forgiveness forgets

& makes a sleight




Nothing but Love ̶


At least as far as I’m concerned




I’m not like this

With just anyone

But I am with you ̶


To borrow from Costello

“My aim is true” ̶







Peoples, gods, flowers,


Is how

You turn


Into poetry ̶




Pin a badge

Of Ginsberg on your breast


(Innocence through Experience) ̶


& make the best

(of it) …







People lack the requisite conceptual skills to understand one another —
So we are drawn into fight or flight responses xx

Without faith in a relationship
The latter is all we have —

Power relationships

Hence for Nietzsche
It was a madman
Who called the death of God —

Or as my late ex-priest father explained the concept of God when I was confused and curious as a kid:
“Think of God just meaning Good.”

Afterword in verse


But hang on,


A simple country guy lifted my spirits yesterday with a great joke.


I was soooo in my head with the shit in my life:


“A religious Minister couldn’t be bothered preaching one Sunday. So he called in sick.

He decided to play a round of golf.

He teed off.

He started with a birdie.

Followed it with an eagle.

He was playing better the pros.

10 Times better than he’d ever played in his life.

A one off round.


He got to the last hole & he only needed a par, or a bogie or a triple bogie or anything, 3 lost balls even, it still woulda been an amazing round.

The last was a long uphill Par 3. 223 meters or something. Maximum length for a par 3.

He teed off.

He was blinded by something & the wind changed direction suddenly… Blast it!



A 59!!

Tiger Woods never shot 59!

He raised his hands in fanatical prayers of thanksgiving.

“Thank you Lord, God

How you have blessed me.”


He felt touched by the Ancients.


Then he thought:


“But who in heck, can I tell?!”




A beautiful joke.

I laughed for an hour.


Thanks brother.

You lifted my week.

God bless the humble.

This book’s for them. XX



The Kookaburras liked that one too!

They’re straight up trust me!





Published and copyright Malachi Doyle 2023.


I’ve decided not to go through with the administration palaver & costs associated in using publishing companies.

As an avowed Amateur, while not seeking payment for my works, I also won’t pay others to make my work what Capitalism calls “available.”

So if you want a physical copy of the book,

Email me at


& I’ll send you a PDF and a Front & Back Cover Image.

If you want to, you can choose to print off a copy or even bind it.

I might, not sure, print off a copy or two for the State Library to hold.

Or am I being vain?

Time will tell.


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