In a very unorthodox way #
(For Max Sometimes)
In a very unorthodox way, I’m an Irish Catholic. Of
course, in terms of Belfast politics that MEANS something. & while that
maybe true – in Australia, for different reasons, as Fr Bob Maguire put it – when
Mary first saw Jesus walking out of the tomb on day 3 of his death, she exclaimed
“JESUS!!!” – the first time his name was used as a swear word.
In that way of an irreverent joke, REVERENTIAL &
ORTHODOX are not my way to the Sacred/Love*. For me – I’m not really into
Theology – as Max Sometimes quoting me, quoting my mate Richard, quoting Bob
Marley, quoting Rasta elders, said today “who feels it knows it.”
& I believe that if I am to write my Mass/Symphony
of Hope/Love, I must include at least one blasphemous hymn, else the vision
depicted be simplistic, like George Handel’s Messiah.
The Hope/Love represented or perhaps alluded to (if you
prefer) must include genuine despair, dejection, transgression else it be caricature. The
faith channelled must also include doubt. & when a poet is despairing she
must NOT bite her tongue, but do as Lao Tzu commended “be like the forces of
nature: when it blows, there is only wind; when it rains, there is only rain;
when the clouds pass, the sun shines through.”^ Be candid, be truthful, no
matter how bitter the truth at times, trust in the light, this is Faith.
That joy or at least redemption can triumph, lest you
reject the truly lost & desperate on their lonely paths, so needing to hear
a kind, encouraging word.
# If you find the language too formal/theological,
tolerate me. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Choose love. Still, as
John Mellencamp sang “sometimes there’s God, sometimes there’s not.”
* For you Marcus.
^ Trans. Stephen Mitchell.
Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.
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