DRS - At my brother’s behest
At my brother’s behest
I tried to watch the footy today
I’m in a hotel
That’s what people do, surely
Not write their attachments down
Chill out
Put ur feet up
Et al
But yunno
I tried
The decision review system (DRS)
Over goals etc
The booing of good play
By the opposing team’s supporters
I just can’t.
Get into it.
On the DRS:
For a start,
The technology is rarely conclusive
Why do we trust technology
More than human judgment?
For a start
Modern science
Has moved away
From its philosophical underpinnings
That governed
Newton etc
Science no longer cares about truth
Only production
(not even bothering to point out
That some dude in a lab coat
Will still have to conclude a ‘reading’
On the basis of the data
Hell, he might even have a fever
Or mightn’t have slept well the previous night
Or be undiagnosed for stress
Or be working despite it
All this
What late 19th century writers
Might refer to as ‘Irony’))
And on this question
And objective judgment
“Modern Truth” in essence
I keep coming back to Primo Levi –
That a non human/instrumental ‘truth’
Of Auschwitz
Would have been false* –
For only living beings
Pain, suffering, violence, death
So the affective
The emotive
In fact,
Of course
In dialogue with reason & wisdom
It goes without saying
Or should
Unless ur ‘thick’,
Is much more
In the service of capital T Truth
As for 65 000 years,
According to Oxford Publishing,
Indigenous Law & Lore have proceeded
Marvelously sustainably and equitably
God bless
God is in the shout of the street
God in all of us
& our lives
As you may prefer
One to call:
‘The sacredness
Of life’
©Malachi Doyle 2023.
* The further irony (tragedy is insufficient to say) would no
doubt be noticed by the perceptive reader – that it was instruments of
science/industry that were, forgive the pun 6,000,000 loved ones, instrumental
the very direct cause of those violations and murders.
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