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Aaron Neville sings Stardust

There's a bit of a sentiment amongst the Melbourne scene that Aaron Neville is not to be publicly celebrated.

It's always been a bit hostile to tenors and pure voices, preferring singers of the Dylan set.

Incidentally Aaron's done some incredible versions of Bob songs with his brothers.


As a once singer who no longer has the emotional capacity to raise himself in sonorousness I have a real appreciation of Aaron.

In many ways, he's the singer's singer.

The most audacious lines are articulated.

He doesn't just tack his trills at the end of his lines, like Mariah Carey and so many followers,

he weaves them into his lines, in fact the line and the trill are inseparable for Aaron.

All the while he sings with profound spirituality and emotion.

Having seen him in concert, his humility is obvious. 

He's all about the song, not his ego.


A while back this youtube clip from the 80s popped up in my suggested views.

I find it in equal parts astonishing and truly moving.

The song is the standard Stardust.


I once wrote a line about feeling it a profound privilege to share the same planet as Aaron Neville.


I actually mean that.

It's one of the joys of being alive.



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