I was going to bang on about something...
I was going to bang on about something the Chinese laundry
women at the Casino many years told me: “Don’t be so up & down. Better less
high, less low”. I’m paraphrasing.
They definitely had a point.
I don’t really know much about the Chinese way.
But that kind of middle path the Buddha talked about
might be the key to wisdom?
I’ve read Lao Tzu maybe 35 times, still going…, Li Po,
Tu Fu, Ai Wei Wei, a little Confucius, Chuang Tzu, the guy who came to
Australia and wrote better poetry than native speakers Ouyang Yu, but not too
many. I’ve watched some Western and Chinese documentaries, I’ve watch a lot of
videos about Chinese Ink Brush Painting (which I love), I’ve had a couple of
chats with people over the years and have really connected with each, but
really I don’t know jack shit. Never been there. Never married one. Never lived with
one. No idea.
All I do know is that there’s something great there.
Also, I studied Tai Chi for a while. Forgot.
And I have 2 scholar’s stones.
I think you’re only meant to have one?
Anyway, the depth of Chinese culture is equal to the
Romans (Ancient, Modern, Diaspora, "New World"), so back off em.
In 52 years on the planet, I’ve never had a problem
with a Chinese person.
So why this aversion? Irrational hostility?
I’m not saying I want to give up my Democratic rights
or live there, or be colonized by them.
Personally I don’t think I’d last more than a year or
two in a Communist country.
Because I believe in challenging Taboos.
& the CCP does not.
How is it that one is be able to insult one’s spouse (who
one loves as themselves) as a pressure release in a topsy turvy life and yet not
be allowed to crack a joke about one’s leader?
That seems fair, doesn’t it?
Who knows, maybe you can?
& if it doesn’t make sense, ok.
I’ve never governed 1 billion people.
So, there would be things I don’t see.
All I’m saying to Xi & Biden (or some Republican maniac)
is that conflict needn’t be inevitable or ever be a solution.
Life is a riddle.
Personally, as much as I love Lao Tzu, I’m a Jesus
Hell, I’m an ethnic Irish Catholic.
& so I say:
“Blessed are the Peacemakers”,
Knowing full well the Irish joke:
“No good turn (or deed) goes unpunished.”
Ha, like that great Jew Kafka, maybe life is Ironic
and not Heroic?
Who the F*&^ knows?
To all nations: bless you all. Your ancestors and Progeny.
I come in peace. So be kind. To me and one another,
Mel From Melbourne.
©Malachi Doyle 2023.
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