My speaking self, nay my writing self blah blah…
My speaking self, nay my writing self blah blah – yunno
what I’m talking about!(?) Anyway, it sounds very certain of himself. The
reality is the same. But this reality is contingent on a brain fed body
requiring a desired balance of pleasure & pain; and as a yunno miggle
miggle class, affluent first worlder etc, it’s probably unsustainable for the
planet, other people etc, the whole frigging game/sacred ineffable existence,
blah blah.
What I really saying is: I’m an illusion – in my apparent solidity
(legal/medico/financial/corporeal/relational etc).
What others are too well behaved/dishonest with
me/themselves (maybe the latter irrelevant and worth only proximity, not
causality – but science runs this way today innit?, so why not muddy the waters
of neo-Rousseauian confession(?)) to tell me,
is the ‘fact’/judgement,
what in this moment seems a fact or at least a
(whatever the hell this latter word means in this
imprecise tongue – English (comparatively to certain other languages – or so
I’ve come to ‘understand’). Is this:
‘My’ ‘fact’ that I am a “weak” man. A coward. Not out
of holding some undemonstrated ‘will’ back,
but my weakness/‘need’ (it’s a want perhaps? Or maybe
is a need?) to numbing the intense pain I feel.
Lao Tzu beautifully said (according to Stephen
Mitchell, whose version I know best) that (paraphrasing): fear & hope are
both illusions that come from thinking of the self as (the) self – as opposed
to the all/nothing,
& he implies
that this illusion is best avoided.
Or does he?
He does say that mystery & manifestation both come
from the Tao (loosely translated by some as ‘the way’, there are other words
sometimes used in its place, I can’t think off the top of my head/under ‘inspiration
from my Muse’ (haha)).
And finally, or rather, principally, that the Tao that
can be told & named is not eternal, nor infinite, but somehow the Tao/‘it’ is.
(I think?, but could be missing the point?)
How a fallible being articulated this,
is I think, extraordinary.
And what I am suggesting here, is that a similar quantity/quality
of thinking might be achievable by me.
Because no doubt, Lao Tzu didn’t exist any more than I
do (the ‘illusion of thinking of the self as (the) self’)
& ,
he did,
as a man,
fall prey to the same weakness(es).
(Nah singular will do)
What is not known,
is whether he held less or more weakness?
Less or more ambition,
less or more wisdom?
Or if miraculously,
the words just got f*^$ckin written?
A good book, for mine.
Similar conclusion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason,
I’d say. Both of them, I’d say, were conformists. But so what? Societies are
made up of us conformists. What Sociologists call ‘Deviance’ (or ‘deviating
from ‘norms’/normative behaviour, only serves to strengthen, not threaten, the
Society. Serving as a ‘folk devil’ which the rest of society bands together, to
- which
could just as easily be said to ‘embrace.’
This what I have taken from what I’ve learned, and if
possible to do, ‘observed’
(if indeed it’s really observation
& not projection?).
I’m tired now.
See: ‘WEAK’!
NOT a philosopher:
SHORT STAMINA held intensely in fits & starts.
In long: a MAN.
Attached, not detached, as philosophy ‘ostensibly’
Whatever the f77ck I am.
(perhaps connected, perhaps not, (both?/all? none?)?:
Is intelligence affective?
Is there present an affective intelligence?
Does this affectiveness need entertainment?
Does Tragedy, Drama, Sport & Comedy, Pornography, Ecstasy,
Irony, Ennui, Absurdity, Music, Dance, Culinary/Excremental odours, Perfumes,
(of course there’s more varieties) etc
Satisfy it
Or leave it unfulfilled?
In short, did ‘God’ create the ‘world’ coz he was
Is ‘he/she/they/us/blah) still bored?
Still affective (or feeling)?
Somehow I think sympathy does exist.
I think Love, for want of a better name does exist.
In short, I think Life does exist.
There’s just no way to explain it.
But that’s ok.
We wouldn’t have the strength to do so, even if we
Yunno what,
Despite it ,
Or perhaps,
Because of it all(?),:
I like people.
Illusion/illusions or not.
I do.
Better than being dead or alone.
Not BAD:
That’s pretty f85king good.
From one illusion to another:
“Here’s looking at you kid.”
©Malachi Doyle 2023.
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