All good brother,
swimming in the sea
and Hunter S Thompson is always wise.
A good way to go
Inside this
rollercoaster pipeline.
I'm enjoying my break
from music.
Not sure I like
writing much, sometimes it’s fun,
when I get in a
Hunter like groove,
but serious writing
is truly awful.
It is seriously
It messes up your
While the World
chatters as glibly and arrogantly as ever.
Have been meditating
on suffering
And how too often
people focus on the perpetrators of crimes against humanity
And how rarely we
focus on the victims/survivors.
Is it because my lot
are victors of History?
And count
victims/survivors as Other?
Is it the structural
biases of English?
Is it mere habit of
outlook? Of Practice?
I lay on the bed
crying about it all Sunday afternoon,
It haunts me as I
work in the Knowledge Industry,
Contributing a lot of
But little that
brings about anything approximating Justice
And thought I SHOULD
write about it
If writing I do,
But frankly,
I don't have the
stomach for it.
Where to start, where
to begin? --
Another war starts in
Where do they get the
guns from?
Food is scarce
Are guns cheaper than
But the victims
already pile up,
Doomed to be but
numbers in the World's Press.
Who will remember
Their spirit, their
wisdom, their love, laughter and music?
Will the media speak
their names!
Name them,
Tell their stories
Their appetites for work
Their plans for the future
And demand help for
To lessen the toll
And not chalk what's happening up
as 'another' anything
Suffering is unique
Each victim is rich in variety, complexity
Speak up their
Show us their beauty
Grant them their Rights as Humans
That is the truth of Tragedy.
©Malachi Doyle 2021.
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