We must be pied pipers I never thought that “the piano has been drinking” was very clever. It’s kind of nursery rhyme stuff, when nursery rhymes were a bit ribald, so I won’t do the “the lap top has been drinking.” I’ve been drinking & smoking. The moving house stress, particularly as I’m shifting from country to city, quite a stress. I’m also moving from a big house to a tiny apartment, so I need to cull. Then a shift, a phone call from a friend in Europe. More beer & ciggies. So I’m on another trajectory now. There was even a hint of herb leaves. I have no idea what I was saying. I think conciliation is necessary to bring on the middle. When I learned to teach school, I was taught the use of positive language as a way of leading. The combative stuff doesn’t work. It plays into the hands of the thugs. Coz military, the tide is on their side. We must be patient. We must be pied pipers. Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2025.