So most
school students in Victoria don't learn History past Year 7
So most
school students in Victoria don't learn History past Year 7
I haven’t
had an apple juice in a while
My heart
skips a beat when at me you smile
I don’t like
motorbikes they’re too loud
I don’t suffer
hayfever, Spring’s my favourite season
I’d get in trouble
from leadership for teaching historical context
I’ve been to
Ireland thrice & like it better each time
I have a
friend going through psychosis coinciding with homelessness
I really
like watermelon, I should buy it more often
You’re a
wildflower girl, what a beautiful passion
burns you out, no job security, a new school every year
No parking
at my new address, I’ll have to sell my car
Since dad
died I’ve really embraced my Irishness
This summer
has been ominously hot & long
The motorcycle
men chased him at night when the streets were empty
Education in
this state is designed to fail humanity
& Copyright Malachi Doyle 2025.
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