things & the impossibility of writing a great poem in a settler society, or
at least me
Two things:
My poetry
became more prosaic
When I
became a school teacher
I had to
make myself understood by all
I had to be
ultra accountable for my words
Like living
in fuckin Stalingrad
A moment
When I
recognised what a miniscule audience
High poetry
Half its own
disappearing up its own arse
But also the
dropping of literacy standards
Amongst the
Also the
recognition that
I wish to
speak with people
Beyond the
Who speak
English not as their mother tongue
& also
Having lived
a close to the bone life
At times
I’d tired of
parlour games
That no
doubt ties in with earlier statements
This piece
has been hastily composed
thought given to structure
Oh yeah,
& I was put on anti-psychotics
A ‘prison
for the middle-class’
Which slows
down the angels
Oh yeah, on
Also that
the world of ideas is in a war
& to
retreat into hermeticism would be cowardly
The second
thing I wanted to say
& I’m
having a bollocks of a time
Getting it
That when you
receive few phone calls in your life
Live alone
& don’t
talk to many people for days at a time
Coz you’re convalescing
in the country
OK, me! (ha-ha)
But also the
sick & the old
Those lonely
seem to be preyed upon
By more junk
calls than is normal
Coz one is yearning
for company & answers them
“In case
it’s important” they fib themselves, hope alive
An evil
Not of the
magnitude of war crimes
Or corporate
crimes against the 3rd world
But it is a
corporate crime
It is a
Defended by
a judgement of karma by some militants & criminals
But look at
The window
of Western wealth of the masses opening
& the
broadening of the middle classes
Only really happened
post WWII
& the
window is quickly closing
This is
going to be a hard nut I can see
& I must
tread as lightly as if I lived in Stalingrad
Less funny
So some
people chose to climb out of extreme poverty
By joining a
national or corporate military
& travelled
& those
people perpetrated obscene crimes
Against the
Majority World peoples there
Overseen by
the Few uber wealthy elites
They are
But most
suffered at home
& what
Those who
join Call Centres?
These employ
thousands of hopefuls
From poor
Puts them in
dreadful workplaces
All to upset
lonely Westerners
Oh, now Pauline
gets it
It’s about
settler societies!
massacres! The massacres!
So indeed
there is some Karma there
But to upset
lonely Westerners
Looking for
some genuine communication
They don’t
massacre them
They don’t
rape them
They don’t
make families watch their loved ones tortured
Blood is not
Less it’s
just driving someone to suicide
It’s not
even close, remotely
No doubt a far
lesser evil
It might not
even be an evil at all
But a
people are lonely
& it is
a kind of slow torture
I remember
my dad
Getting out
the words “Suic…”
As in
A year
before he became mute
& died
is a weight on all our shoulders
& we
can’t deny it
Or wish it
We are
responsible to it!
You can’t
buy your way out of the past
All I can really
say is
The Minority
World is lonely
The Majority
World is hungry
People are
& a
small handful of untouchable people
Are making
all this misery
So you have
a choice:
(Fuckin ‘ell
That just
happened all by itself
It’s the
poem speaking
I’m steering
I just wanna
drink wine in good company
& feel
& have a
roof over my head
& food
in my belly
& time
for poetry
I’m scared
of revolutions
They kill a
helluva lot of people
Fascism is a
kind of revolution
Which is circling
Like “you
know who”
In Harry
Right or
Lot of blood
is spilt
Once their
governments are enshrined
They shoot
the poets first
As Plato
Thugs rise
to the top, as always
So I guess, personally,
I choose Purgatory
Well, reform
But the poem
didn’t give me that option
Anyway, lock
in A) Purgatory
Like a good
boy from Beaumaris would
I’m not sure
if it’s wisdom or cowardice
Perhaps the
two have a bit in common?
I guess I
choose the middle path
Because I’ve
been so socialised
& when I
broke with it
I saw the bulletproof
glass cage
wealthily dressed thugs protecting it
& took a
Lest the
& early
I chose Psych
The ‘middle
class prison’
Pick the
bits you want from the poem
suffering where you can
I can’t tell
you what to do
That’s up to
you to make up your own mind!
I think
Afrika will have a big future, once it kicks out the honkies. & it’s right
to do so.
As for
Aboriginal Australia, hammered for 250 years, it could be tricky, coz you have
a settler culture who outnumber you.
I don’t
think the world is one solution. It must be many. My words are irrelevant to
solutions. I’m just a drunk monk chattin’ his shit. I wouldn’t know what to
tell ya. Go well. Respect your global sibling.
You know,
when you write spontaneously, other people’s systems of thought overtake you.
The just person, the racist, the homophobe, the comedian, the lamenter etc
& you write things in the moment that you, if you had time to reflect, you
wouldn’t write. & yet you write in real time & so you can only bounce
off what is down, like a jazz soloist, not against silence. It’s not pure. It’s
a bastard. But Jesus was a bastard, as were many good people. As was I. In a
sense, you don’t get to write your angles. They’re inside. Often despite your
conscious will. Often things, if you think about them, you disagree with them.
You see I
worry about the World’s Indigenous people. That the moderns in Developing
countries will sacrifice them, as we as settler moderns in Australia sacrifice
ours. So what I’m writing is a plea. To stop thinking endgames & open to an
attuned continuation. Prognostications about the future is driving discourse,
because that’s the path of Capitalist-Communist Economics. But I think that
future viewing is all gambling & what we know about gambling is that most
of the time you lose. It’s all acceleration.
So in
Endgame politricks, which is everyone wages war in a land grab for food,
housing & water, I guess those elderly & sick in Western Countries are
fair game.
As they are
in Majority World Countries & maybe the Buddha’s Compassion is a middle
class game. So what? It’s dog eat dog & kindness has no place. I think,
like Dad’s hunger strike, I too don’t want to live in that world. I’m not tough
enough. I’ll take a dignified babble as I go to the grave & curse you all
for Eternity. I refuse to strike anyone in anger. I’m too old for that shit. So
if you have to kill me, that’s on you! & if you have to break my heart, I’ll
cry, but they’ll be MY tears.
The other
alternative, is that if everybody builds walls around their nation, as
projected by Trump is that we turn on our own, as in are you for, or agin us?
Then we’ll be starved of connections to other places & what of the diasporas
in our countries? They’ll each be fighting amongst themselves & the wars
will be played out in the Minority countries. That’s the theory, at least. But
how do we feed the Sudan, without imports?
The closed
door policies don’t work.
reliant on one another for energy & food & culture. Cos let’s face it,
drums & voice have limited appeal. So let’s get along. & kick out the
corporates or at least stop rationalising what you do for a living. It’s all
shit. No one deserves to suffer. They just do. But don’t sleep easy at night if
you’re doing marketing phone calls. It’s more than an annoyance. It causes
Jesus, that
was a long way round to say very little! The whole joke about “what is subtle?”
Answer: that which people don’t get.
Some say
splitting hairs is not worth it. I say that is precisely what the dexterous
mind is for. Coz it’s not hairs, when their hairs are human collateral damage.
So what
about Tuvalu & countries beset by rising sea levels? What are we going to
do with our environmental refugees? Are we going to open or close our borders
when our emissions are responsible for the damage?
It’s not so
easy is it? & so I go back to my first point about prosody. That things
have become more complex, hence writing has to become rougher around the edges &
more robust, but how do we preserve that ancient poeticness. I think, increasingly,
poetry will be little fragments, like jewels, within lengths of prose like my
favourite haiku from an early film adaptation of Frankenstein:
“Lonely: bad
Friend: good”
The whole
point of my second thing in this poetic essay.
& those
phone calls…
Anyway, I’ve
gone on long enough about it.
& Copyright Malachi Doyle 2025.
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