Yet another form of Colonisation Susan Sontag pointed out how photography colonises the world, by converting life into a library of ‘known’ (translated) images. But today, photography goes further & similarly colonises its viewer. One, a writer, has something to say, so she opens her laptop – her writing tool, but before she arrives at her wordprocessing program, images appear, without her consent, taking her away from her intinsicity, sending her on a path of tech giants’ narratives of official Media images. Her imagination is impaired. She wishes she was blind, but then no doubt there’d be spoken words or sung. Our writer’s inspiration is diluted by the unasked for library of official cultural/media images. & our writer is sent to a Swiss chalet, even though she wishes to paint in words the beautiful dry scrub of northern Victoria (Australia). The world loses whatever innocence is left, when our artists, musicians & writers cannot convert the invisible/the silent ...