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Solo Christmas Vacation 2024


Solo Christmas Vacation 2024

 (Here are 10 poems I written on solo vacation in Cheltenham, from whence I hail.

I swam at Black Rock, caught up with some friends,
& spent Christmas Day alone.)



(Christmas Eve Afternoon)



In the suburb

Pink & full folds


Repeating tapas

Breaking the dish

Needed for Christmas Dinner

Nuke it instead

Just mass

The priest’s crisis of faith

Dreaming sheep

Lost shepherd





Paper spawn

On a pond

Of ultra smooth ink

Tea cup umbrellas

& giddy up

Broken arrows wherewithal

A sliver of orange

In cloud dust

An emu chick

On the road

Or thinking

Is that what I think it is

Or have I just not woken fully?




(Christmas Morning)


The wise water

Slow & immediate


On the beach

Which feels

Miles away

A man

With his knickers

In a knot

About an

Off leash dog

His back

To the water

Endlessly complaining

Like Sisyphus

But as I say

I’m miles away

In Heaven

The elemental womb

Of salt water

Lacking nothing

All is calm






(Christmas Day)


Listening to blues radio at Christmas

It’s soothing to have the company

Of a live DJ

Something streaming doesn’t recognise


Today is best expressed through nothing definite

But I’m ok

Had a swim in the sea this morning

Which is always a good day


& I was fortunate to have company last night

So I’m less longing for people

I guess today is best expressed in negatives

Like it doesn’t hurt too bad


In fact I’m quite content

A pleasant meal of smoked chicken, serrano ham & salad

A few Coronas with lemon

I’m happy to stay in


Might go for a walk later

Missing those who aren’t here

But even when they were here

Didn’t I always have a melancholy smile?


Or is that just today’s mood

Projected onto all time?

As I say

The feeling is nothing definite




(Christmas Afternoon)


She might be out there

But I’m not ready

Sitting alone in some restaurant

Waiting for a little conversation

It’s happened before

It could happen again

She’d have to be pretty unusual

I know today everyone thinks they are

But trust me they’re not

I need a freak with a mind & a sense of humour

& importantly a sense of humility

The latter’s rare as hen’s teeth

In this competitive consumerist world


She might not be ready

That would be splendid

Then we could follow a super slow tempo

Indeed perhaps without an audible pulse much of the time

That only flickers to flame

On a super moon




(Christmas Night)


It’s been a pleasant Christmas Day

But it lacked the chemistry of socialising


The swim was amazing

As it is


I enjoyed seeing people on the beach


Phone calls to siblings also fun


The dinner: most satisfactory

With the addition of baked potatoes & sauerkraut

To the smoked chicken, cherry tomatoes, pear & lettuce leaves

All prepared in the hotel room kitchenette


Wrote some poems


Watched a rerun of Anthony Bourdain


Community Radio & Jamaican reggae mix


At one stage I braved a walk

& felt like a loser

For being alone


I’m looking forward to tomorrow

& visiting friends

But also it’s an acceptable day to be alone

“The lady doth protesteth too much methinks!” Haha!


Thanks Q

For last night

Singing & chilling outside in the lovely evening weather





A day to SURVIVE

But ok

Not the worst day


But man it’s NOT meant to be celebrated ALONE!


It is a shameful

Shituation we live in


Am I so dangerous

That my friends

Can’t include me?!


Oh the joys of mental illness!


Still frankly I don’t want to be around people

Who aren’t enthused to have me around


& so I spoke with a man on the street

Who was crazy with loneliness


But I chose solitude

Over inviting him home


So this is middle class Australia


Phobic of others


Island nation that votes to “Stop the Boats”

& locks up refugees like prisoners indefinitely & terminally

Refugees like Jesus Christ & his parents


We would prefer

Xmas to Christmas




(Boxing Day Early or Late Christmas Night – bit of a blur!)


One Christmas

A Catholic (celibate) priest (for you neo moronic generations who know nothing) (my dad)

Had a crisis of faith

He had developed a deep friendship

With a woman

Single mother of 3

Fleeing an obscenely (beyond being allowed to be depicted) violent man

On the skids

& couldn’t go through with Mass

He said, instead,

To the woman

“Let’s get the fuck out of here”

My origin

Too big a story to tell

& my dad more a panty wetter

Than my honesty

In short a winner to my loser

My origin

Too big a story to tell

Let’s just say the whole town

Descended on them

& vilified em

For showing the parishioners

To be wolves in sheep’s clothing

I was brought up

To be suspicious of the crowd

I didn’t suffer under your illusions

& so I pursue as I was brought up to


& I’ve seen you

All come for me

But fuck ya

I will remain defiant

& you’ll have to kill me to silence me

& that’ll be on you

“FREEDOM!” we sing




(Boxing Day – Hungover)


Lead pilfered from building sites

Copper pilfered from building sites

To buy drugs

Wildflowers & spinifex

Swimming in the sea

Bibles in the room

Printed in China

A dollar’s a dollar




(Boxing Night)


I speak a different language to my father

Who speaks a different language to my mother

So my relationship with English

Doubly colonised

Learned English from my Irish father poet

Who spoke Gaelic

& was forced to adopt English

& so born in Australia

Australian English

Via an Irish ear & heart

In a Church of England school

We Australians are drier here

We don’t have the wet reverb of the Irish

We have the desert wind

Which is an Aboriginal prayer rage

& so I’m what the Americans call

A mutt

& what working class Australians (when Australians existed, before the multinationals under Neo Liberalism took over)

Called a mongrel

& so I sing love songs

Divine & profane

& I mourn my mother

Who introduced me

To her Depression bread winner mother

& my saintly grandfather

Homerically blind

How do I begin

How do I speak of Keats universal

Not Britannia’s truth & beauty

As the ancient Griot sang

& then there’s my Fijian-Tongan-German mentor

& my Jamaican Canadian best friend

Not to mention my wives - one Japanese, one Creole Mauritian

& so I talk

Some may say

It’s unpoetic

But I’m no uglier

Or prettier than you

Me Lord




(27th December — under the influence)


Last day of Christmas

Hi Grade in my head

Feelin mellow

I feel straight up

I know how I am

I ain’t overcompensating

My heart hurts

I’m content but I ain’t happy

The dead

The divorced

I used to love going to sleep

With your arm around me

& I’m thinking I’m glad we tried

Out of our 11 years

It was worth it

A good experience

But in the end

We were pulling in different directions

But yes my heart hurts

& if I stand a chance with another

They’ll have to know utter misery

But also know the incredible

Ecstasy of existence

Richard says “at the same time”

But personally I don’t think it’s necessary

For me it’s just the knowing/feeling




Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.


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