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Upon waking in a chair


Upon waking in a chair



6.15 in fact

Daylight Savings has started tonight

The birds are scolding their kids to brush their hair & teeth & “eat up your breakfast, birds go hungry in other places, be thankful for what you have, parental worries over money to start the day, another day at the grindstone

As for me, I passed out in the chair & only woke up half an hour ago, I’ve got one beer left & a packet of tobacco & there’s no time like the present, I haven’t added to my blog in days, due to me being away in the city, was a good time, caught up with friends, dined & watered, even got a woman’s number, I will I think call her, coz let’s face it text messages are a little like hiding, you edit yourself, you can see the other texting for ages & then one line, it’s starting to get light now

Feels good to be writing

I been thinking about Bukowski’s response to JFK’s assassination, “I see men assassinated around me every day. I walk through rooms of the dead, streets of the dead, cities of the dead; men without eyes, men without voices; men with manufactured feelings and standard reactions; men with newspaper brains, television souls and high school ideas.”

Now I can really make out the blue in the sky though it’s been raining much of the last day but what do I know I passed out,

Good singing jam session with Indija, her on tambour & accordion drone last evening singing about universal things as a mantra should, the world’s pop songs today too particular & atomised, the job of a song is to get people singing along about the human condition, it’s only taken me 35 years of running away to realise this

Don’t think I’ll go back to bed

I can always nap during the day

The day after returning from the city is always a recovery day

Met a nice Lebanese man for breakfast, his café yesterday, Lebanon now being bombed by Israel when will it end, does it really have to spread so far towards Armageddon, I mean one can understand post Holocaust psychosis but it’s gone on long enough, can’t they all gather in Aspen Colorado, evidently, I understand that anywhere in Europe is off the table for Israelis after what their parents went through, but can’t they do a Thomas Mann Magic Mountain health spa & sanitarian, coz it’s getting evil, Netanyahu is clearly a maniac & has blood in his eyes

We must learn to seek healing when we’re deranged, one psychosis is understandable, but once it’s done, one must seriously understand the fallibility of one’s judgement

Divorce is teaching me the conditionality of one’s values, evidently I’m not as pure & holy as I once thought & I’m really little different to the real housewives of Beverley Hills, just as vacuous, vain & cynical, living under Mammon’s watch

The day has officially started & the rat in the ceiling is really scraping & clawing, as if to complain about me keeping him or her awake, THAT’S RIGHT said Axl Rose, you “beasties” (to borrow from Robbie Burns) gallivant all night when I was passed out, now it’s my turn!



Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.





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