Chasing glory & justice
“Off! off! off! off!” they chanted at the singer,
expecting her to take her clothes off, coz clearly she was no Maria Callas but
was sexily clad. Why does that scene from that film move me so? The
humiliation. The power imbalance. Seems like an event I can relate to. Being
bullied by a teacher at the boys’ school I was interned at. Only I could sing. FOR
WHICH they humiliated me. So terrified of the beauty of boys they sought to
brutalise us. Some say this new age of the young is the best so far, coz for
the lack of torture they’ve been put through. & yet they are so squeamish
of marks of woe, like suffering is injurious to their appetites. The new age of
AFFIRMATIONS. The disease of conceit. I’ve written about it before. I self
deprecated in a shop the other day & the young woman was aghast. My attempt
to share universal human awkwardness as a rallying cry not for ideals but for
the beautiful mess that is man. We live in an age where even women are low on
patience. No wonder they can’t orgasm. Everything a sales pitch. I am the
greatest thing since sliced bread. My friend thinks that the loss of religion
has caused unknown woes. Unable to agree on grand narratives, people are unable
to speak to one another yet here Max & I sit her agnostic Communist me agnostic
Catholic & somehow we connect. Yet neither of us has a job other than our
callings. We rise on dragons’ backs. I’m not sure, nor is she sure, what we
have achieved just know this: we’re on the big game! Chasing glory &
Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.
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