Nothing to write I’m
Nothing to write I’m broken the pain is too much I
could just end it all few would care all the best are gone anyway onwards &
upwards I don’t know his cause of death had he just had enough? & then a
change I stand Toots & the Maytals’ Country Road comes on I burp &
quite enjoy the writing my moods don’t last long a relief I just get a bit sick
of it all I need company Karim was a cool guy I liked his style he had plenty used
to test cocktails on me & play great music he looked & moved like a
rock star he just couldn’t sing he told me I said trust me I can sing well but
I reckon you’ve got more of a chance if you can’t people in Australian don’t
like singers they struggle with beauty coming from a man anyway the blossoms
are on the trees & I forgot how much relief writing brings I’m going
through a divorce & some days it feels too much but I have good times
between relationships too I’ve gotta remember that I’m not sure about this
living in the country malarkey I need a little city glamour a little twinkle I
need fucking people around loneliness kills how is it that allow people to wither
& die from loneliness where are we as a people? a fuckin disgrace Australia
is made up of scum
Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.
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