That laundry is still on the line
That laundry is still on the line
Like the Wichita lineman
Rocking back & forth
Shit another poem about the weather
What should I be writing about?
So out of touch with my nation
I feel like an exile in my homeland
I’m obsessed with the changing light
I don’t care about politics
It looks to me like a game
That the left & the right are all part of the same
To do the corporates’ bidding
What would Australia be without mining?
Would we survive?
How would our nation change?
What other industries would emerge?
Let’s be honest, as the Aboriginals proved
You don’t need much infrastructure to survive here
We don’t have Siberian winters
A lit fire could warm a lot of us
Then we’d have community
& we wouldn’t need to buy much
You don’t have to buy a lawn mower if you’re mates
with next door
Oh no! 30 year olds want fathers & babies
I’m 53
Spectacular ariel show from the flock of pigeons
You can say what you want of them
But their flying undersides in the sunshine is
Incredible formations
Give me one over an ancillary brass band
Then we shooed off the kangaroos
Coz they’re phobic of people
Black or white
Just me & Pepper choosing the grass for the sake
of our aching feet
People are easily scandalized
& it could be because they’re titillated &
need to retreat to blush & wonder
What did he mean by that?
Not realizing that the vast majority of the work is
being done by them
The middle of the lichened bark trees starts swaying
in the breeze
Those stiff branches
The clouds make a perfect upsidedown z or s
She’s actually very pretty
Our lives have nothing in common
She’s a teetotaller, I’m a drunk
She’s vegan with food allergies, I’m omnivorous
Mozart 20 piano has a great slow movement
The fence doesn’t move
Locking life back in its green tin
& nuts & bolts
But my heart is fuckin in midair
Out into clear space
But there’s no takers
No one “appropriate”
Retirement village town
Serviced by teenagers who can’t afford rent
When will the young add up the numbers
But of course they’ve all been medicated to please
The ageing population
So they’re mild mannered
& in inverted commas “well adjusted”
Shorthand for docile
Where’s the fire coming from
A world without all the elements is doomed
An unpoetic generation
No fire, plenty of water, poisoned air & concreted
denuded earth
So the old don’t trip
Anyway, sounds a bit angry this poem
Yeah I am
I am angry
I’m frustrated
Coz I’ve been a pin cushion all my life
Because I learned not to flinch early
People think I’m invulnerable
But some dreams have me waking pissed off
When I remember the hundreds of times, by now, I’ve
been betrayed
Man Jesus was only betrayed once
& they’ve made the last 2000 years crying about
People are cruel
I really try not to be
Money is God
I try not to think about it
All I know is this hot water bottle feels good behind
the small of my back in this winter
& I need another wine & a cigarette
Quiet not silence
Mozart low on the stereo & silence from outside
The cold protects the ear
I might even keep going
I though the thing was cooked
But tasted too fleshy
I cut a fine line between medium rare & medium
I guess we need a god to enter
To empower this doggerel
But I’m not feeling particularly votive today
So maybe we’ll bring out the chainsaw in the machine
& rattle it
Let it ring out loud & clear
Like what Neil Young alluded to in the 90s with his
electric guitar solos but never took it far enough
Sounding like a guitar being taken apart
The chainsaw somersaulted through the air
& sliced down the tin fence
& the horizon was at last visible
In this suburbia of the country
Which is town living
See this chainsaw could be peace loving or war loving
Depending on my mood
The two of us are in sympatico
Personally, I like the rat in the roof
He’s not bothering me
I just thought I’d let the landlord know
He might be worried about his wiring or insulation
I don’t want them to get rid of him
Now he’s passed it onto the estate agents
Typical middle class
Not wanting to make a moral decision
I guess they’re gonna kill the rat
Why do I always get tricked?
The rat’s me mate
We can co-habit
Fuck the middle class
So euphemistic
Trust in “the process”
I should never have said nothing
I though he was for real
& would trap & release
Can’t trust the middle class
What do they call em?
“swinging voters”
No backbone
I don’t wanna diss overly on Baby Boomers
Just have to say “they’re pretty spoilt”
The whole Mahareshi “I’m happy, therefore the world is
Kinda shit
Is a bit hard to take
When they’re in expensive homes
With expensive cars
& I can’t afford a house
& they’re still hogging the mic
Still my generation produced Sco Mo
The Ad Man
No faith
All religion
Either way we’re fucked
I’m trying to get a poem in a Nigerian Journal
But they don’t know me from Adam
“I’m bona fide, I’m not from London”
Actually I am from London
My years in SE were the most precious years of my life
I’m just venting
Coz I’m sick of being a pin cushion
But it’s taking away from the silence
The beauty
Like a bourgeois in a boater in Renoir
I’m almost breathing
I like people in their prime
Who are still fighting
& I don’t want to lower my voice
For the retirees
Oh man
I’m twisted
As we know from Hardy
Country silence
Harbours repressed rage
Anyway, I’m back
The breath of life
Exhale twice as long as your inhale
& return to silence
Amazing how emotions overwhelm the body
The new poet accepts neurology as a rival to
We get overtaken by our rage
Our mirth
& it’s more than the mind
It is the visceral brain
How do silence & the still quiet
Calibrate with the blood charged brain
& then the human
Overcomes the natural
For the human
Non human nature goes on & on & on
Freud said SEX
There’s that too
Imprinted on the mind from the body’s brain
That girl is so pretty
I know these days you’ve gotta say woman
But I belong to another era
& poetry is the internal voice speaking
I won’t name her
Ok she’s my social worker
I don’t wanna shame her
Why should desiring someone be viewed as shame for the
What kind of twisted Neo-Victorian morality is this
Codes of conduct etc
I fancy her
I do
She’s really beautiful
In a desert of mealy mouthed malakas
I don’t even like many white women
Apologies girls
I like her empathy
She’s obviously near burn out
Just wants to paint
A good state school girl
An honest soldier
Too many of my love interests have been private school
Oh shit
I’m getting a long way from silence & the quiet
It’s night
I should stop now
I’ve crapped on enough
I’m miles from poetry to borrow from Hemmensley
I’m miles from where I wanna be
I wanna sound as fresh as Beach Boys harmonies
Elipsing into silence
If only I had some spliff
I’ll have to come back to this tomorrow
But I’m off to the city
So maybe this silence trip will take an unforeseen
It was only meant to be short
“who you calling short?!”
I went out for a smoke
& I could hear the cicadas against the silence
Punctuated by the trucks on the Highway uproad
& want to say
I love 8 miles high by the Byrds
Better than anything today
Baby Boomers
You had good music
Which we don’t
Because no one is willing to cough up studio time
& this age 2024
Is one of growing poverty
We can’t move to Laurel Canyon anymore
“Coz it was really cheap”
I can’t even afford the country
It’s hard to be open
When you’re vulnerable
& all the Eastern Mysticism
Doesn’t prepare you for it
A Russian approach would be better
“There is nothing” or whatever Joseph Brodsky wrote
& so silence is as terrifying at 7pm
As noise is
We just want a roof over our heads
We think Maslov
Haven’t had our basic biological needs met
How are we to attain for self actualization?
No food
No home
No security
No water
I’m not making ends meet
& soon it will end
Will demand I write
Something uplifting for the minorities
When I am now one
& I’m just saying
It’s fuckin cold
& my foot aches
& all I’ve got is misery
Because all I want to do is enter the silence
But there’s nowhere safe to return to
& what I’m saying is
There is no silence
When people are starving
There’s only groans
Of hunger
& groans of the desperate
& so I say to the Impressionists
I love your paintings
But I can’t believe in your light
When the world is affright
I can’t believe in your light
When the world is affright
When the world is affrighted
I can’t believe
In your beneficent silence
Lord I wish I could
Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.
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