By the rivers of Babylon
“By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down, Yeah, we
wept, When we remembered Zion; When the wicked, Carried us away in captivity, Required
from us a song, Now how shall we sing the Lord's song, In a strange land?”
I’ve alluded to it but never really addressed it: that
my greatest experience of loss is not to belong to a people. What am I? an
Irish-Australian universalist, but in Ireland I felt like an Australian &
in Australia I was Irish.
But it’s not just that. Australia is not a people.
I’ve rarely known of a more competitive, superficial & divided place, except the US.
Every person for themselves. I’ve never felt part of a we that felt authentic.
The closest I came was when singing in a Fijian band in my 20s, my married life
with a Mauritian woman. Then I felt a sense of a belonging to something beyond
blood & my time in Lewisham SE London, a motley bunch of multicultural poor
with a song in their hearts.
Even in my family the half-brother to 3 others, I
lacked a strong feeling of belonging.
Sure I have friends, but they're an odd assortment, who don't have much in common with one another. Odd balls I guess.
I am white & yet most of the people who’ve most influenced me have been black or Asian. Now for a lot of people this may go
unremarked. Build your nuclear family & build a wall around it. But many
families are unhappy. Regardless, that’s how it goes. But for a poet, to have
no people is an existential threat. What am I gonna do? Language games to show
how clever I or my AI is? Not for a true poet which is written in the bloody soil
& the stars of people’s eyes, a people is necessary. & so I’ve adopted
the world as my people. But logistically, my audience is invariably Australian
domiciled. & so I ‘belong’ to Australia.
This brings me back to my second point & main thrust: that Australia is NOT a people, but divided individuals.
How can my words rise then & take flight? I feel
very little love here. Most people would prefer I didn’t exist. What kind of a
people is this?
It wounds me & weakens me, till I walk like a
dwarf & lay myself open to bullies. Not the place for poets. Not a position
from which to build a starry tower.
What kind of a people is this? I mix amongst them
& nothing, no rhythm, no music, no scent intoxicating rises. What kind of a
people is this?
Now how shall I sing the Lord's song, In a strange
Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.
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