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Influences on my Approach

 Hi guys,

my main medium is sound.

I write as well, maybe that's equal?

Why can't one be multiskilled

& both be taken as part of the vision?

6 years ago

It  all changed for me

I discovered properly Expressionism

Both figurative & abstract

Painting is the main influence on my "work"/play

Plus life of course

I left hermetic work/poetry

long before my mental breakdown

When I lived in South London

With freestyle rappers

But equally

I am taken with naturalism

& have a suspicion of realism

it smacks too much of Capitalism & Idealism

Warts exist

Paint them on the occasional hand

Life is naturalistic, surrealistic, hyperealistic, mystic, (un)/poetic & operatic

& so my stuff

I make most of my sound pieces as voice memos on my phone

As simple and reduced as haiku & calligraphy

I imitate nature at times

I certainly work both from my subconscious & nature

I am suspicious of so called "Politics"

for I find most bandwagoneers hateful & egotistical

I find the terms & conditions set out always far too late in the life cycle for meaningful resolutions to occur

So man lurches from one conflict to another 

flapping her arms about

but achieving little

Triage is necessary in crises

But we must move beyond it

Reconciliation is the only possible way

But we appear to have forgotten it

We've gotta realize that there's 8 billion of us & growing

& millions are fleeing war

& we'll have to share our land

for sectarianism doesn't work

It tears children up the most

& the adults they'll become

They lose their light

when are taught only to fight

We've gotta come together

Live together

Love together

Party together

Stop splitting every hair under the sun

A good percentage of us are bald

When moments of peace arise

that's when to act

The times of war

are for warriors

to help us survive

But peacemakers

help us

in times of Peace

to teach us to live & build bridges between peoples

I am trying not to repeat

I am trying to find new space

without taking space

Lao Tzu, Nietzsche, Kev Carmody & Jesus

are my main philosophic influences

But of course,

there's mum & my ex-wife Daniele & lots of people I've met on my travels & living

Every tradition under sun & moon

I got no beef

I got it good

You're welcome to come around

but we have to respect one another's needs

I like what Calvino said about making literature/art that is "Light"

at times I'm just plain silly

But I don't want to be "serious"

Even though I work as hard as anyone

Because "seriousness" smells of Realism

& realism is an idealised lie

Like speeches are

Like rhetoric is.

I want my art to be free spaces

to wander in

like an incomplete garden

where the land meets sketches

& we can dance in the middle of the air.

Love xx

Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.


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