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No banter on the street


No banter on the street


Jumpin Jersey cows

Pineapple throws

IT'S STRAIGHT! In the big head

Affixed an ashtray closed

No banter on the street

And they say no humour no banter on the street 

Why wherefore & paradise paradoxical beat mission

No batter on your tea

He he he he

No banter on the street

Mealy mouthed with flour & power


On defence, skip

Won’t laugh if the Benz is grape

Or participate in a gentle tease, please please forgive me Fergal

People thinkin they're SERIOUS!? SERIOUS?! I am the only peach

Living on the back of the piggy piggy rich dessert

& still less banter on the street

Than ever’s to be shone a light in a poor country's life

Wakka wakka wakka

Puritans what is it?


Play wiff me, please?!



Placards banker’s lanyards

Botox, small locks

Plastic Masks no walking on the grass

But no no no no banter on the street!

We're so serious!? & furious & cheese gravy, great dayz!


You mean me?

Ave ya eard the one about 25 cents behind ur ear?


Yo ho ho ho ho wood tied with string for a bat cave kaleidoscope

Yep, no banter on the street

On the street in the street on the the the the STREET! Bless you! Gezundheit!

No BANTER!! No banter?

Bloody tedious, as you were delirious or was it my Xmas tree?

Stole swollen & flying neath my skirt on the wing with a candle in each fist

Do you sing? Too much of a risk?

Cold War is it? Don’t spill anything on that rose scented shirt

Gutsy move wearing a boom crash pow

C'mon darlin

Show us a smile with those offal greasy plates

The world ain’t over don’t you know

That I’m your brother

Do you know any jokes?

Ave ya got a coupla smokes?

Ribkin Ribken Woof Woof

Let’s have a bitta BANTER!? please?!

It’s getting to be frankly tedious Hank

All bleak all week

Avin a good one eh? OH! 😘

Come & join in for Mary’s sake

Transform the norms & the mood like something small

But still no banter on the street

& the streets striped certain curtain but de facto got the blues

& my face is as green as my ripe red devil’s sued shoes, I’m confused.



Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2023.



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