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Why I've given up writing book 2


On Listening


I can only tell you tip of the iceberg

Because the First World
Wouldn’t get it
Living in illusion
And prep school codes of behaviour


Grow up folks!


I'll write my book


& Burn it

coz I don't trust you


Other than to gossip



This written page


Is driving me insane


& for who's benefit?


You just want me to betray my soulmates


You want me destitute & homeless


& alone



For you to play on your phone.





Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2023.

South East London

Turned in on itself

It turned bad


I ran

I didn’t even know I was running.



2008-2023 – 15 years: A Retrospective


48 hours of interrogation

& solitary confinement

With the lights on –


The passageway

Which took me

From the Singapore Police

Under psychosis

To my freedom

In Australia

My psych meds

My internal prison


A life of life trauma

& mental illness

Still I brush up pretty well

Get me half the time

& you’d never know the difference.





My notebook pens

Feel fresher

Less pressure

Over spelling


A cup of jasmine tea

Versus the jackhammer

Of the machine


Fluidity is good

More like the quiet beating of the heart

So key

You forget it.






The good thing about cops

Is they’re not easily scandalised

Or are they still First Worlders



They’re not my point

Public Servants like I’ve been these years

Dealing with crooks everyday

Must be depressing


Anyway, I’ve always been treated with respect

Not all have

Particularly if you’re black or Arab


Doth I “Protesteth too much methinks?”



All I was saying was

My interrogation

Was in someways liberating


And the two men

Saved my life.


The topic in this Treatise

Is that the Middle Class

Professional Class –


Are so easily scandalised

So lacking in Rhetorical ability.


Several times now

They’ve trumpeted relativism ad infinitum/absurdum

Or cynicism (nihilism?)

& have ceased engaging

Censuring me

For how my ANALOGY



Beneficiaries of 3rd World slavery & rape

Yet squeamish


Their whole way of life

Bankrolled by systematic abuses

Yet “offended” by analogies

Which defeat their flimsy rhetoric

As if logic means nothing


Brutalisations the world over

Protected by Middle Class sensibility –




Bad Faith!


Slavery is Slavery

There’s no ‘nice’ way to put it


& Post-Modernism

Is guilty

Of sidestepping

The big questions

& war crimes

Via NOT taking a stand


Selling out ethics

& the defence of victims

With certitude

& directness


On the flimsy premise

That they find mere language



Sophistry at its worst


These milksops (Bronte)

Would do well to learn

The parable of the Good Samaritan


& take a position on Universal siblinghood

(see Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)).


Written after 60 Million people were murdered

Due to spineless leadership.

By ‘frightened pacificist’ Chamberlain

You were a racist!

Charge him with Infamy.


I’m a drinker

I’m with my hero Churchill.



P.S. Title: ‘The Great Post Modern Avoidance’






Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2023.


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