Ian Svenonius+
So maybe
The class divide?
Is it really a whole class?
True I don’t really get certain segments
I share my life with
Due to my upbringing perhaps?
But we're not talking POOR PEOPLE*
This is something else
He'll say
I'm splitting hairs
On what is a STRUCTURAL thing
Artists in the country
Often share my problem.
And those segments
We struggle with
Don’t really get us
Some might say that its ok to rev your engines at the
& make a lotta hullaballoo with your modified
engines and exhausts
All night
Really it’s just competing interests.
Some people like to break the law a lot
Speeding and driving dangerously high on something and
cruising for fights.
For some people it’s FRESH AIR.
The cops sure don’t seem to care.
The boys are out every night outside my window
Speeding past.
Ah, Dandenong Road!
They never seem to get caught.
So why stress?
Really, I just don’t like loud noises much.
Never have.
& I’m selfish about my sleep.
But it might be said
"You enjoyed the Powdermonkeys' gig that night?"
Look how that ended.
But do we judge things only by their endings.
Because of course,
Anyone can slip in the shower.
Is a later end preferable to an earlier one,
If the journey was good?
If they didn’t send me to f&*ing
Teach these kids
Who don’t want to learn
Maybe I wouldn’t stress so much,
Because they get to use weapons
While I must be gentle.
At 52,
I deserve a fucking medal
For the ‘tours of duty’
And just saying I also have PTSD
To show for it
& I need some peace and quiet.
Ok, then,
Go & live somewhere quiet.
The short answer:
I can’t afford those places.
And so here we are.
Me on my laptop
& the boys
Expressing themselves
Their way.
Class warfare
In short
And like all wars,
Everyone’s miserable.
Do we really have nothing in common?
Can we ever meet in good faith?
Will the powers-that-be ever support us
To make the best of our shared space?
That our ‘truce between gritted teeth’
Might actually become PEACE?
+ Ian Svenonius makes the neo-Marxist claim that the Class System is the dominant player in culture.
(see Super-Natural Strategies for making a Rock 'n' Roll Group (2012)).
*As we know Australia pays its male tradies more
than its professionals.
©Malachi Doyle 2023.
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