Why write? People aren’t cut out for reading. They’re incapable of joining the dots, except for the few destined for the madhouse. It’s tedious. Everyone’s talking politics, they call it. Sounds more like gossip to me. It’s crowding out articulate voices with animal noises and photoshopped faces. You can’t teach about genocide via a movie. Movies are exterior. Suffering is interior. You can’t do justice to a genocide by focusing on the perpetrators and leaving the victims silent. Then you are perpetuating it. JoJo Rabbit is a tragically mistaken work. It provides little but a sympathetic Nazi and anti-Semitic ear worm taunts. I once wrote a poem using the n-word. Born from a life experience where it was embedded and recollected in the poem. I spent years editing and footnoting all trying to make it work, until finally I realized it was inherently flawed. I guess Hollywood rewards people who put entertainment and their artistic egos above morality. Most famous artists are unwise. E...