‘Race theory’ was a collection of writings, cartoons and forms of entertainment which gained popularity with the Political Right in Europe in the late 1700s and 1800s, which built its pseudo-science, adaptating amongst others, Charles Darwin’s theory of Human Evolution (1858). It painted a view of Humanity as divided up into more and less ‘advanced’ ‘races’, which was and is often used since to justify a particular group of people’s belief in ‘racial superiority’ and ‘racial inferiority’. Such a view still persists amongst certain Far Right Political Organisations today. Without such a view 6,000,000 Jews would not have been exterminated by Hitler’s Nazi Party during the Second World War (1939-1945). ‘Race theory’ was used to Justify the Atlantic Slave Trade (1500s – 1900s) in which European Countries and Companies stole people from Africa at gunpoint to work as unpaid and severely tortured labourers and domestic workers in the Americas and other parts of the world. Race Theory ...