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Showing posts from March, 2019

The Mystery Naked by Mel From Melbourne

I n addition to this scribble, when I was better I completed the two songs commenced inside my flu: 'The Mystery Naked by Mel From Melbourne' (on - see link  ) Words to go with music. By way of explanation. For the path of preconceptions. By way of making off the path more like on the path. There were no paths in the making of this music-sound. Use your God-given ears. You are a miracle. Be miraculous!  Vocals recorded on my phone. My Father-in-Law’s iPad for free download keys. Free audio software. Self Produced and Mastered. Inspired by an illness and watching a doco about Barry Dickens and his visual art. Most of my music comes that way. Is that enough to go on with? I need a coffee.  ©Mel From Melbourne 2019.

Harmony Day, Thursday 21st March 2019, Victoria, Australia

Dear Australia, kind of everything we are and use comes from somewhere else: Whether it’s the words we use, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, … Our laws if not Indigenous, come from Europe mainly, Our understandings of healthy living comes from Asia, Our music, from Africa Our medicine from South America Our philosophy and political system from Africa and from Greece Our moral code from the Middle East Our numbers come from the Arab world Our dreaming is Indigenous. Our economy survives only because we trade with the world, live with the world, love with the world. Many of us, when we grow up, will marry people from different places and cultures and make a family with an even better culture It is ONE WORLD Now more than ever Any other way is not only impossible but illogical Without the richness of the world None of us would exist So if we already live together Then shouldn’t we live harmoniously  Shouldn’t our lives be guide...

Radio On Berlin – on L & H Pop’s Berlin Debut.

To: Rinus Van Alebeek, Radio On Berlin  Dear Rinus, Thank you so much for transmitting our soundwaves. The thought of my two songs playing before passing the baton to your electronic manipulations is a very exciting one. Berlin is a true artistic hub; what a joy to visit even while I undertook my workday duties tens of thousands of kilometres away. Also, In addition to your artistic tides, you conduct yourself with grace and dignity. Yes,   we Australians, are generally-speaking, Country-singers to a child. Raised in a demotic ideology, rarely straying from song. Berliners of course challenge our hasty footholds at every turn and turn further than we dare. A wondrous thing then to participate in this international collaborative moment still time-travelling through our Multiverse. Apposite extensions of the original data’s binary Love and Hate into the POP! Implied by the work ‘L & H Pop’. Thank you T K U, Mel From Melbourne (Ma...