I n addition to this scribble, when I was better I completed the two songs commenced inside my flu: 'The Mystery Naked by Mel From Melbourne' (on Bandcamp.com - see link https://melfrommelbourne.bandcamp.com/album/the-mystery-naked ) Words to go with music. By way of explanation. For the path of preconceptions. By way of making off the path more like on the path. There were no paths in the making of this music-sound. Use your God-given ears. You are a miracle. Be miraculous! Vocals recorded on my phone. My Father-in-Law’s iPad for free download keys. Free audio software. Self Produced and Mastered. Inspired by an illness and watching a doco about Barry Dickens and his visual art. Most of my music comes that way. Is that enough to go on with? I need a coffee. ©Mel From Melbourne 2019. https://melfrommelbourne.bandcamp.com/album/the-mystery-naked