Why are there so few stories about Burkina Faso? Clearly something new is happening. Can we have it reported on? I want to be able to support Africans. But I get nervous about military governments. I’m a product of a wealthy liberal democracy, so you can infer my sensibility. I really hope it’s a positive change. The quotes sound impressive. I just want to know how minorities are treated. Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2025.
The mirror of love The worst thing About living alone Is that one Doesn’t live In another’s orbit So one doesn’t Have a mirror In which one is Reflected One doesn’t know How one’s travelling From another’s Reflections One is travelling Blind! One is forced to Resort to An internalised Invisible, abstract Scale: ‘how am I Feeling?’ But anyone knows How unreliable This reading is Coz it invariably Is based on mood & we know how Unreliable Moods are Of course one In another’s relationship Mirror Can be unreliable But I’d trust The judgement of One who’s chosen To invest in me Because I’m not Exactly a millionaire Nor have million Dollar looks So they must See something Valuable in me That I can’t see Unless they reflect It back at me Now she’s gone I have little Idea how I’m Going & how I can improve I trusted her Mirror Until it broke Pu...