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Australia’s Suicide Disgrace

  Australia’s Suicide Disgrace   According to research published by the World Health Organisation in 2019, the global age-standardised suicide rate was 9.0 per 100,000. 1 This compares with the 2019 suicide rate in Australia of 13.2. – (Suicide Prevention Australia).   Yet another alert that someone, “who was such a lovely, kind guy” has died suddenly at a young age. Nowhere is it discussed, the cause of death.   It pisses me off. This fucking PC Anglo reserve society, where everyone is expected to keep their personal life & wellbeing issues quiet.   & we’re NOT getting better at it.   What the fuck Australia!?   An affluent society & so many people giving up.   A sad indictment.   Shame!!!   We each have a responsibility to one another to be open about our inner lives.   To generate REAL conversation.   Talk to anyone long enough, & I DO TALK OPENLY,   & people throw me dirty looks,   (But FUCK EM!   I’m doi
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