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I raise the middle finger

  I raise the middle finger   Modern American comedies Often feature moments of the public shaming Of a character With a crowd usually united in laughing At the ‘butt of the joke’   Is that what an ultra superficial competitive capitalist culture Looks like? Coz we are also & much of the West & the techno East Have become so   Everyone spending fortunes on perfecting their mask Sticking to the rules Of behaviour & conversation   The Sociologist in me Knows that all societies need scapegoats To keep people in line   So perhaps it’s nothing new & witch-hunts occur across the globe     Since coming to a country town I never really understood Just how conformist it would be & how people are terrified Of revealing personal details Or anything of their inner lives In fact I’ve noticed how much the singers here mumble For fear their personal thoughts will be decipherabl...
Recent posts

I’m binning poem of the week

   I’m binning poem of the week Hello my dear, I’m binning ‘poem of the week’. It feels too demanding of the audience. “Received another bloody email/message from that guy I used to like”. I’ve thought of other options: Set up a blog at a service that allows for free subscriptions. But then the people who sign up will no doubt be hit with spam which I don’t want. & a lot of people are nervous about signing up for things what with cybercrime & so forth. The downside is I’ll be invisible soon on Google due to low traffic. So I’m suggesting to interested people to bookmark my blog website:  while you can still find it, in case you ever feel like checking it out. It’ll still be there & I’ll still be adding more writings. I guess the internet has created a ‘shituation’ where a whole lot of junk screams for attention. & it’s hard to sort the wheat from the chaff. So I guess the only dignity is in obscurity. Th...

Running for the pain

  Running for the pain (after Jen Cloher)   Since the separation & coming to settlement, I’ve been running for the pain Sending myself on the road to oblivion Unconsciously believing that if I killed myself with booze, I’d prove my faithfulness, my love When your lodestar Changes from something intimate To something formal Your reality is radically altered My love, my muse, my best friend, my partner, my twin Now vanished Of course my life griefs are many & I’ve taken a lot of blows But this is the biggest Coz when I had love, I could better deal with those other blows   Who knows how things will turn out for me? No one knows in fact But I’m trying at last Like Peter Tosh sings “To pick myself up, dust myself off & start all over again”     Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.

Machine Vs Man

  Machine Vs Man   I’m sucked onto A moving extending celestial pier But it ends abruptly Because the man with the buzzsaw next door Kills imagination Why do you think I write so boringly straight & to the point?     Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.

I wanna be…

  I wanna be…   I wanna be More oblique again People are immune To the explicit Or it just sends them into a panic A horse, a cow A peacock & rooster     Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.

Notes from the sick bed

  Notes from the sick bed I’ve been studying the room so long  I wanna close my eyes Everything looks human  Like I’m hallucinating  The curtains are the worst Though the door handle’s pretty menacing  I’m not sure what evil genie conjured those I’m not sure what evil genie conjured the whole scene  Published & Copyright Malachi Doyle 2024.